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12/5/2015 9:26:44 PM

Sparrow Racing Myths (And Stupid Arguments)

Hello, If you are reading this then most likely you have seen the use of moronic arguments and whining that some people on the forums always use. Here, I will tear down every argument about sparrow racing in this post. Before we begin: - Destiny has a lot of problems - I did challenge mode and was disappointed - End game loot system is horrid, but is a little better - I will only defend Bungie if the arguments are moronic enough 1) Eververse will sell gear and sparrows! That's pay to win! First off, the sparrows being sold are at raid level, and the racing/high end sparrows will be much better. Also, DeeJ said that the racing gear will be vanity gear, and the high end gear is only from the racing mode. And, even if the gear and sparrows are at the same level, do you know another game that does this same exact pay-to-win feature (everyone denies it because it's "easy to get legit" but it's still, by the definition, pay-to-win) that Bungie may or may have not worked on previous installments? And that both games with pay-to-win are getting free content because of it? I'll let you think about that one. 2) I wanted DLC! Bungie is too lazy to make DLC so they'd rather drip feed us content! Have you ever thought that the reason DLC isn't coming is that so all of the development team can work on Destiny 2? It takes a lot to make DLC, even as horrid as the Dark Below. So, to make another full game, Bungie needs all of their team working on it. (This is pure speculation but I'm pretty sure this is the reason of the absence of DLC.) Also, let me mention some of the forums lovely logic before I move on. Forum: We want our year one exotics for year 2! Bungie: Okay, we'll bring up some weapons and armor from year 1! Forum: Wow, Bungie is SOOOO lazy that they bring up old weapons. Real funny! Forum: We want more content! Bungie: Here's sparrow racing. Forum: No, I wanted DLC! What is this? Bungie is so lazy! Forum: I want sparrow racing! Bungie: Here's sparrow racing. Forum: Wow Bungie! Way to waste our time with crappy content! 3) Bungie doesn't listen! This is more of a general gripe within the bowels that is the Bungie Forums but it can be finally put to rest. Since day one people have been asking for sparrow races, and it was a pretty popular demand. It seemed so out of place, but people wanted it anyway. And look what happened. Bungie not only made sparrow racing, but also confirmed that it was only made because the community wanted it so bad. This is one of many times Bungie has silently listened and executed the wants of many here in the forums. Now there is still the problem of raid sparrow inaccessibility (in the sense that no one wants to do the old raids) and play station exclusivity which is and will always will be inevitable. Maybe the forums will one day be cleansed of the filth of total fanboys and total "critics" of the game. I'm sure I will be hearing from both.

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  • I agree with the first point, but the other two don't hold water. 2) They're very clearly being lazy with the DLCs, at least relative to the prices they're charging. There hasn't been a new enemy added to the game since its release, and most of the locations are either just old areas reused or unused areas that were already in the game at launch. As for weapons, it's not about the fact that they're bringing them forward. It's about the fact that we wanted ALL of our gear to be brought forward, and they decided not to for some reason. Then, more than an entire year later, they decided to bring back a few of the more popular weapons for some reason and are acting like they actually did something praiseworthy rather than doing less than they should've done from the start 3) They don't listen. They very clearly don't listen. There are so many things that could make the game more enjoyable that they simply don't do, the most obvious of which is to bring all raids up to year 2/3 levels and allow us to infuse any gear piece. They'd INSTANTLY increase the number of usable weapons and armor sets by HUGE amount, and yet they refuse to do it for no good reason. You simply can't make the argument that they're listening when this is the kind of dumb shit that they're doing.

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