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originally posted in: Fix Rift spawns or never do it again
12/8/2016 12:06:00 PM
The mode is any point in time including Iron Banner. Try not getting killed so often if you don't like spawn locales. One post on this board with 26 up-votes among the VAST player base = loud & small insignificant complaint. To all of those complaining - do us a favor and leave forever. Thanks.

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  • Edited by Kone19ps: 12/8/2016 1:18:42 PM
    Rift is fun the spawns are broken. That's why I say fix it. I want to play it. I don't want to spawn with stormcallers and shotguns already close enough to stop and wait for my animation to get free super energy from my corpse. But this is my feedback. I don't care how popular it is

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  • I couldn't care less about popularity. Solution for you there capt'n..........try getting killed less. Have a mediocre day

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  • Edited by Kone19ps: 12/8/2016 7:43:32 PM
    Then why did you bother bringing up the like count? And win lose that doesn't matter. Rift is decided by spawn camping not playing the objective because they are so exploitable. I'm on both ends. Always a blow out and never a close match except maybe 1/5

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  • Only 2nd time its been iron banner. Theres a reason for that. IT SUCKS

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  • Edited by Willakkuma: 12/8/2016 12:15:46 PM
    See *your own name tag* - I couldn't agree more. I hope they drop Rift as IB every 3rd go around. Cheers p.s. I've been here since beginning of yr 1 so you're not going to teach me a damn thing.

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  • [quote]I've been here since beginning of yr 1 so you're not going to teach me a damn thing.[/quote] Sure he is because you are being a jackass. These boards are for discussion, to which you added nothing. The spawn placement in rift is atrocious as is the lack of a freelance playlist. The last thing this game is another activity locked behind the ability to find 5 other people you want to play with at any given time(hint, most normal people don't have time to schedule video gaming). Control, Supremacy, Clash. The work well because they are not solely dependent on team play. It absolutely helps, but teamwork is not specifically required to do well. Rift? If your "team" does not push the rift, you will lose. It's that simple. Some of the spawn points make this objective harder. That is not debatable. As stated, some of the maps do not have good symmetry(which is kind of important) People like you always think way too highly of your own myopic opinions. How about YOU do us all a favor and keep your trap shut. Go off an make your couch great again...

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  • No. The minority bitch-fest folks are the problem, with their loud and trivial complaints representing a fractional portion of the player base. Wish I could get a refund on the 90 seconds it took me to type this. I won't waste any more time on you. Just quit the f'ing game/mode if you don't like it. Of won't do that though, you'll come here and bark your loud and small complaints from the Bungie site mountain top. I hope they drop Rift as the IB mode every 2nd or 3rd month, ass-wipe. Vaya con dios

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  • Notice how you didn't actually address the critiques. That would likely be due to the fact that you don't know what you are talking about. You actually came back to bitch about people bitching, great job...

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  • Ive been here since beta too. Rift sucks as ib. Supremacy was worse.

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  • Edited by Willakkuma: 12/9/2016 1:47:20 AM
    Honestly, when Supremacy first broke as an IB event I hated it. But........before I hit rank 5 that first time around I was lovin' Supremacy as a new game mode. That IB is what turned me on to it. There are different ways to skin the cat. My load-out including armor is different when I play Supremacy. It helps. For me, with Supremacy, it's the only mode I play where I run pretty much the same weapons/armor load-out regardless of map. Every other mode I play, I change weapons according to map and also use different armor. Also, apologies for earlier insult.

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  • No worries

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  • rift is broken ..... it needs removing from the game, if you like rift you are also broken ... in the head

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  • No, mindless one. I can see the shiiitepost is strong with you, but simply because you can't play this mode and evolve with the times does not mean it's broken. The rest of the VAST player base disagrees. You do realize that this minute minority opinion of yours equates to approximately . 0000256 % of Destiny players, yes? Have a mediocre day

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  • Are you slow? No one here is having trouble playing anything. The OP was a critique of the mechanics on SOME maps, not the game mode itself. Never mind, it is beyond you.

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  • No. The O.P. was three words long - [i]"This is bullshit." [/i] What you don't understand is that the mode (any mode) is the mode. Play it or don't play it. Game play within each mode evolves. What part of that is so hard for you to grasp? It's most likely impossible to connect the dots for you. Look at Salvage. Completely flipped from what most viewed how the objective "should be" played. The mode evolved. All of the modes have evolved. Despite bitching and protests, you either play how you have to play to win ..........or you lose. That goes for every mode. In Rift, lifespan carries more weight than other modes because the margin between death/re-spawn multiplied by _______ (fill in the blank fire team members being killed in close proximity to one another time-wise) = disadvantage. There's a linear element to this mode, like a game of tug-of-war. That's a big part of winning (trying to connect the dots for ya bud) = minimizing and mitigating what some perceive as a spawn kill issue. This applies to controlling the spark spawn as well. With you, it's pointless to go into more detail than this so I won't waste my time. Behind every complaint there is common thread. Those folks want the game tailored to their personal needs which always equates to making it easier for them. End of file. No amount of candy coating can cloak or change that. Yes, you're absolutely correct, part of the reason I came back was to tell the bitches to shut up.....most particularly YOU. Tough shit if you don't like it.

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  • Now was that so hard? The OP clarified, now you did the same. See how easy that was. Now you are one step closer to having a nice civil conversation. As stated the mode is not the problem, but the spawn placement ON SOME MAPS gives an unfair advantage to one team or another. This was mentioned in subsequent posts. Note my first response, was it to your initial post? Or the asshole post you made later? Just because YOU don't think spawn placement is a problem, does not mean that it is not a valid complaint. It very well might not be a problem, but that has nothing to do with the purpose of these boards, which your response ignored from the get go. But hey, you actually said something coherent in this last post, so yeah, progress...

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  • I don't give a f uck. Since Christmas is right around the corner and I'm feeling generous I'll let this go and consider the conversation over......instead of pulling your drawers down in front of everyone, small fish. You're welcome. I know you're a get the last word type person. Have fun with that.

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  • I think the irony of you posting what you did is all the response I need, lol.

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