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12/8/2016 4:20:44 AM

Bungie PvP spawns suck... I dare you to respond to me.

spawns (or lack there-of) are just shitty right now. we need a fix wee need more spawns 6 spawns are not -blam!-ing enough, then there's games like rift were we need spawn protection allowing a handful of the other team to just sit in the back of our spawn and shoot us in the back is not fair. Bungie, simply put PvP needs work that you absolutely refuse to do, people keep asking for good fixes, but you people at bungie are like "but your not a streamer so -blam!- you" or "your post isn't the most liked so -blam!- you too".It's insulting to say the least. You need to figure out how to make your patches do more for the money we're paying you. I guess you probably don't know this, but PvP is supposed to be the player retainer between content drops simply ignoring it is not the right thing to do. It's time you become more aggressive in your PvP updates.

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  • Gears of war, enough said

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  • Bungie: "Counter dare: I dare you to .....kiss a turtle....with your butt!" [spoiler]I know that doesn't make sense- just what popped into my head[/spoiler]

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  • They only respond to the triple dare. Step it up.

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  • Maybe I'm just lucky in this but I have never experienced this spawn trap. I play clash, control and rift mostly. And not once have I been killed once I spawn. Now yes I will spawn run to some part of the map and blam I'm hit by a super. That's just wrong place wrong time. Then there were a few I spawn in and totally freak out someone who wasn't expecting me. Then a few times I have spawned behind the enemy lines and I get a few kills before I'm demolished. But I have never had the problem of people camping a spawn place. My only issue is with spawns is the times you get killed right when heavy ammo is coming in. Then you get that " waiting for a location". How about the location where my -blam!-ing team is sitting at the heavy ammo drop and not clear across the opposite way!

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  • not only rift try clash it's horrible

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  • Nerf fusion rifles?????

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    6 Replies
    • You should've gone straight to the triple dog dare.......

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      • 1
        I agree, the spawn system really needs to be reevaluated. Just earlier today in the Iron Banner, I saw a teammate spawn right behind an enemy carrying the Spark thing for the Rift. Not to mention the countless times I've spawned in front of an enemy mid-super.

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      • It did happen in my first game of the IB, and it was hard to counter because my team didn't do anything about it. It's a team mode, so if you play solo like me, it's hit or miss. However, I've been matched a lot lately with experienced players. Camping teams in the rift have been far less of a problem.

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        • I don't get all the hate towards rift. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE GAME MODE. If you're getting spawn trapped or owned in general, I hate to break it to you but it's a 'you' thing.

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          2 Replies
          • Yeah. We really need an outsider, a non-programmer, a guy who knows nothing about video games at all. We need someone like this to come in and make the spawns great again!

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            • this guy it right. pvp spawns are total ass, especially on maps like sector 618, cauldron, pantheon, and frontier.

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              • I thought rift did have spawn protection? Every time I spawn it gives me a bonus called resist. Either way they need to just make you invincible for a few seconds when you spawn in rift, if someone is close enough to you to where you still have spawn protection they deserve to die. If you put together a fireteam of 6, you can spawn trap almost every team. Rift is not fun for solo players.

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              • Dear Destiny player, We don't give a shit! Best regards, Bungie

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              • Spawn positions are bad also, half the time you are spawned in sniping lanes not that it's a big deal currently since nobody snipes anymore. Some of the stupid shit they do is baffling I swear.

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              • I think that a lot of times their algorithm defines you as part of the enemy team and you spawn surrounded by them! And don't you love to die from a hammer, stormcaller or arc blade and re-spawn a few meters from them and get killed by their super again! XD

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              • Much better than alot of other games. I only ever encounter spawn issues in rift. Or the very very rare spawn kill in control, rumble

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                • Pvp in general sucks atm. Been bad since their last rebalancing, and the arrival of palladroum

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                • Y'all are now just figuring this out. I guess Pikachu don't know everything do they.

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                • Rift spawns are the worst.

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                • Agreed. While we're at it buff auto rifles

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                  • Bump

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                  • Edited by Aesc3728: 12/8/2016 4:29:24 AM
                    Dont die so much and it wont be a problem But seriously [spoiler]the spawns are a little ridiculous though its not such an apperent or glaring problem. Bungie does listen to rational and passionate posts, they filter any post with profanity, name calling, ect. Because its not worth their time and honestly, its not worth ours. There is only about 10% of posts made that are worth reading, the rest are people whining wothout offering solutions, people unwilling to comprimise or listen to other opinions, or just senseless venting over issues that are practically none exsistant. [/spoiler]

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