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Edited by Cremation: 10/28/2016 11:39:18 AM

Bungie, Your "Automatic" DDoS Detection must be BROKEN - People ranked top ten in the world show obvious wins by disconnecting opponents, several weeks in a row now.

Repost from r/dtg since they claim my wording here encourages witch hunting. So a couple weeks ago I got legitimately DDoS'd out of a match on floating gardens. They kicked me and one other teammate out leaving it a 1v3. Of course the last man in game reported them, and I sent a permalink through their system since I couldn't do it in game. Today I go to check them out and what a surprise, they are STILL at it based off their previous matches. The worst part is, THEY ARE LITERALLY RANKED IN THE TOP 10 FOR ELO. They have been kicking SO many teams out for THREE WEEKS STRAIGHT that they are actually ranked in the top 10. This just makes me wonder how effective their report system is, their automatic detection is or a combination of both. A case like this should have swift action with the banhammer yet [b]this guy has kicked out HUNDREDS of players[/b]. The sad part is this is probably the type of guy that will simply make another account. I know Microsoft can block a console from access to Xbox live. Quote from TWAB: We have several team members whose full-time jobs are to ensure the security of your Destiny experience. They tell us that in-game reports are the best way to send us data on malicious activity. [b]All in-game reports of cheating are monitored, and our security team closely examines all of the top reported offenders.[/b] Well let's see here. [b]I just looked at this guys past 35 games, and he won them with over 100 players marked as "Deserters"[/b] Is this not a top reported offender? Is this not fitting the criteria for your automated systems? Those were just from the past 10 days. This guy's been at it for over a month. I understand the elo system is not endorsed or used by Bungie, but you have team members whose full-time job is to handle these ingame reports, you would think they would have noticed this guy having polar opposite stats. Perhaps it is time to look into more of the data that is being logged. The automated system isn't efficient. If you hit a threshold of wins with "deserters" it should be an automatic redflag for your full-time team to review that player. I'm sorry if this is breaking a rule for witch hunting, but maybe a witch hunt is needed at this point. Just needed to get this rant out there.

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  • Bump for justice

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  • Yall take this crap wayyyy to seriously

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  • In for bumping

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  • Thought I heard somewhere yesterday that another round of bans for this crap is on the way.

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  • Just block them man.

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  • Seriously, bungie needs to take action. I mean when something went wrong with the silver incident the other time, they patched that in a manner of hours.

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  • Bungie should just do silver for trials wins already..... I guarantee if pvp was linked to silver everything would be fixed asap.

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    3 Replies
    • [quote]Repost from r/dtg since they claim my wording here encourages witch hunting. So a couple weeks ago I got legitimately DDoS'd out of a match on floating gardens. They kicked me and one other teammate out leaving it a 1v3. Of course the last man in game reported them, and I sent a permalink through their system since I couldn't do it in game. Today I go to check them out and what a surprise, they are STILL at it based off their previous matches. The worst part is, THEY ARE LITERALLY RANKED IN THE TOP 10 FOR ELO. They have been kicking SO many teams out for THREE WEEKS STRAIGHT that they are actually ranked in the top 10. This just makes me wonder how effective their report system is, their automatic detection is or a combination of both. A case like this should have swift action with the banhammer yet [b]this guy has kicked out HUNDREDS of players[/b]. The sad part is this is probably the type of guy that will simply make another account. I know Microsoft can block a console from access to Xbox live. Quote from TWAB: We have several team members whose full-time jobs are to ensure the security of your Destiny experience. They tell us that in-game reports are the best way to send us data on malicious activity. [b]All in-game reports of cheating are monitored, and our security team closely examines all of the top reported offenders.[/b] Well let's see here. [b]I just looked at this guys past 35 games, and he won them with over 100 players marked as "Deserters"[/b] Is this not a top reported offender? Is this not fitting the criteria for your automated systems? Those were just from the past 10 days. This guy's been at it for over a month. I understand the elo system is not endorsed or used by Bungie, but you have team members whose full-time job is to handle these ingame reports, you would think they would have noticed this guy having polar opposite stats. Perhaps it is time to look into more of the data that is being logged. The automated system isn't efficient. If you hit a threshold of wins with "deserters" it should be an automatic redflag for your full-time team to review that player. I'm sorry if this is breaking a rule for witch hunting, but maybe a witch hunt is needed at this point. Just needed to get this rant out there.[/quote] Though I haven't had as many run in with cheaters as most of this forum I find this absolutely ridiculous that this amount of evidence exists toward someone cheating and [u]nothing[/u] is being done about it.

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    • Problem is, a ddos is extremely hard to detect. That's why they have a report system to further investigate. Problem with that is, it takes time and man power. But still the best way is to report a player on both Xbox live/ playstation network and on destiny, as well as record footage. The point of the article was that posting in forums won't get anyone banned.

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      10 Replies
      • Ah yeah, another circle jerk thread!

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        • Isn't it obvious? They bought silver, so they are untouchable.

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        • Edited by Kornby: 10/28/2016 2:43:59 PM
          I got kicked 2 weeks ago. Guy was a 0.7k/d with a 1860 elo. It will be interesting to watch that Xbox player and see if he is still playing this week.

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          2 Replies
          • This guy deserves action from Microsoft not just a ban from Bungie. [b]HUNDREDS [/b]of players getting kicked offline when they join his lobby. Each one of those is technically a [b]FELONY. [/b]

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          • Bump

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          • What were their names? Happened to me a couple weekends ago. PM me so you don't get ninja'd.

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          • Baby steps man. We have bungie openly admitting that cheaters are booting people.

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            7 Replies
            • Agree with you. If they dont want people to be exposed in the forums, then they should be more efficient.

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            • Bump. Got ddoss'ed nearly 2 weeks ago now and they still haven't been banned! Bungie would rather ban people that name these idiots then the actual cheaters!

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              3 Replies
              • Bungie does not give a damn... why haven't you all figured that out yet? They just want you to buy silver and that's about it....

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                • I also love how the BWU stated that their team is on top of the reports. Yeah, is that why we have atleast one AFK'er in basically every matchmade strike or people consistently running around on red bars in the Crucible?

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                • I think Bungie just posts publicly to satisfy all the people that will assume the banhammer is real. But in reality Bungie isnt going to ban someone thats giving them money. Like you said people have cheated.. continue to cheat.. and nothing is done about it. [spoiler]The banhammer in Halo 3? Now that was some real shit. You leave 20 games in a row you're suspended from matchmaking for 2 weeks lol.[/spoiler]

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                • The report system? It's literally just a counter on the account that the full-time team can look at if they are needing to make or break a decision on an account. unless you are getting a full team of 6's reporting you every game for hours, it's not going to trigger anything. DDOS is hard to detect in some respects, especially if one would be to do it by more than simple methods. Let me be clear; you could easily detect it, but the source would be tough to point back at the offenders (and I'm not going to say more, it's already too easy to set up). The IT guys and I were literally just discussing this yesterday. Bungie has a real issue being peer to peer; they don't get to monitor and control all the involved network traffic. Most people don't have any idea how to set up countermeasures for things like this on a home network, and a lot of home routers just don't have the capabilities. Honestly, your options are to invest in better network hardware and learn the protective measures that you are able to implement on them, or understand that this is an issue, and a fix isn't coming soon. And that's a crappy thing to have to say, because it shouldn't be this way. I feel for you, and I think you're best to take your protection into your own hands, rather than wait on Bungie to do anything about it.

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                • I havent looked to verify but if this is true wow.. shows how broken this company is with their technology. its a joke IMO. Its so easy to create one honestly but if people need to they are just sad individuals.

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                • bump; shame on you Bungo

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                • I'll have to see what all the hype is about. I played my first trials last weekend and really enjoyed it, but my teammates were constantly getting lag I guess.

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                • Bump

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