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originally posted in: Nice tweet from the PvP lead.
10/26/2016 2:50:12 AM
Ok, I feel this is an apt comparison, hear me out: Imagine that you have entered into a video game tournament with your squad and paid $100 for entry with an awesome trip as a grand prize, as well as various other runner up prizes if you do well enough. (Hoodies, shoes, banners, and other collectibles.) Next, imagine that you are playing against nine other squads in single elimination. This means that if you lose one game, you are out of luck for the grand prize, but may still collect a consolation prize. You play, but did not win. You felt that you played pretty decent, but other teams were better. As a consolation prize, you did manage to win a cool hoodie from the tournament. Oh well, there's always next tournament, at least you got some loot! That's my take on ToO in another light. Everyone cannot be winners. It's the nature of competition. [spoiler]Trials of Osiris is basically a highly competitive tournament, with free entry, and in-game rewards for those who do well. It even has consolation prizes in the form of bounties and loot drops. Do you complain about losing in real life as much as you do online? Guess what, real life is much more difficult. Deal with it and work to make yourself a better player. If you have connection issues, I feel for ya. I don't have a great option, but I've still gone once because we buckled down and worked together as an efficient team.[/spoiler]

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