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9/28/2016 9:06:57 AM

Sniping in Crucible is a Joke Fellas.

Basically, the sniping is stupid in crucible and you're either good at it, or you aren't. Everyone headglitches, your sights bounce when being hit ADS, and other player's heads are the size of a couple pixels if you decide to 1-hit kill. I can out-snipe really anyone average at 1st-person shooters at any other game but this one. Which leads me to believe that Destiny's sniping in PVP is too different for anyone else to adapt to if they've played anything else. If you think otherwise, please comment. But seriously I am not alone and this could be because I am used to 60fps 1st-person shooters.

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  • I mean, I'm not the best sniper, but the sniping on here is honestly quite a bit easier than a few other FPS games I've played. Learn to adjust and read what SebVe said.

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    1 Reply
    • I personally fine sniper so easy and boring I think they still need to nerf scope time and movement speed and nerf centre aim when moving cuase if your moving you can't keep the scope centre it's all over the place even more so if going up and down stairs.

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    • Sniping just fine bro.

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    • [quote]Everyone headglitches,[/quote] They were already headglitching before The Big Sniper Patch. [quote]your sights bounce when hit ADS,[/quote] It's called flinch. If you're that good at other games, you should know that those games have flinch too. It is supposed to be there. [quote]other player's heads are the size of a couple pixels[/quote] Let me guess. Are you using the Ambush, Shortgaze or Longview scope? Because those are called the 'low zoom scopes', they are supposed to not zoom in as much. If it's that hard for you hitting crits, then try using a scope with a little more zoom, something like TacSys. [quote]Destiny's sniping in PVP is too different for anyone else to adapt to if they've played anything else.[/quote] I'd like to remind you that other games often have 'even harder' sniping mechanics, like holding your breath, bullet drop... [spoiler]Thank you kindly.[/spoiler]

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      2 Replies
      • [quote]Basically, the sniping is stupid in crucible and you're either good at it, or you aren't. Everyone headglitches, your sights bounce when being hit ADS, and other player's heads are the size of a couple pixels if you decide to 1-hit kill. I can out-snipe really anyone average at 1st-person shooters at any other game but this one. Which leads me to believe that Destiny's sniping in PVP is too different for anyone else to adapt to if they've played anything else. If you think otherwise, please comment. But seriously I am not alone and this could be because I am used to 60fps 1st-person shooters.[/quote] Nothing has changed about sniping for me. it just as easy as it's always been in destiny an when I briefly played battlefield.

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      • Bungle needs to fix the hot box or the bloom from far away with a rapidly moving target, I have hot some shot that belong on a doh too ten video, but then the bullets turn to ghosts, please fix bungie

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