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Edited by grin: 9/24/2016 5:49:43 PM

How To Beat The Raid (Step by step guide) *Updated Megathread

UPDATED. [i]Looking for people to help add so comment below and I'll give full credit! Let's make this the raid mega thread. [/i] [b]Lets talk about light level[/b] [spoiler][i]*Getting a lot of questions about light. MY fire-team was all 365. Lots of reports of people getting to the final boss around 350. The raid isn't as based on skill and your ability to kill ads and stay alive as some others (Cough cough VOG). Train res'ing, good use of supers and strong teamwork and team cohesion will get you to the final boss with ease. [/i][/spoiler] [b]Start of raid:[/b] This mechanic is very similar to start of Vault Of Glass. Throughout most of the raid you are going to have "Mini teams" of two - in classic destiny fashion (Left team/Middle Team/Right Team). Stand near your electric tower. One of you should guard it while your partner runs around through 4x shock boosters you will see on the floor until you reach max charge (four passes through'). [spoiler]Above is the fastest team but if you're lower light only one person needs to charge so you can have 5 defending the electric towers[/spoiler] Note however that large yellow bar shanks can drain your towers of their power and restart your progress. Once you have a large enough charge little orbs will pop out of your tower and you can begin to throw them at the boss to initiate the DPS phase. [spoiler]Rinse and repeat. Should take about 2 DPS phases. Boss retreats at about 10% health [/spoiler] [b]Mini Jump Maze:[/b] Exotic chest #1 Very straight forward. No surprises here aside from some of the metal braces falling when you walk over top them. [spoiler]Stick left when starting the puzzle, hang along the way and follow the path and you will reach it in about 45 seconds. It's pretty far in![/spoiler] [b]Boss Battle Two (Second Vosik Encounter):[/b] This can be very easy if you and your team communicate effectively. Divide into your mini teams (Left/Middle/Right) and start to kill ads. Once half the ads are down (starts with dregs) you then get your partner who has some serious jump shot skills to pick up the orb. Once you all have them try to sync your throws. [spoiler]There is some debate whether you need to time this. I believe you do. The first hit should allow his shield to be penetrated. The next two perform the damage. If you miss one don't fret, you will just need to do 4 rounds of this to take down his shield instead of the three. [/spoiler] After each round you then proceed to wait to "Destroy a monitor (TV Monitors behind the boss), this will prevent his aggro phase that will kill you. [spoiler]If you don't hit a monitor, make sure you and your team are in the middle and ready to go to a "clean room". These rooms are found as back left, front left, back right and front right. Once you have your team in the room shoot the control panel to close the room and wait out the aggro. Once the room is used it cannot be used again. [/spoiler] *AFTER EACH DPS PHASE YOU ARE FORCED TO USE A ROOM| Meaning you need to melt a min of 25% of his health each DPS round. Once you move to your third/60%? DPS round shanks will come out and I found this to be much harder.* [b]Mini Jump Puzzle/Exotic Chest 3 #2:[/b] Use the platforms and ledges from the walls to proceed forward. Kill adds along the way. Once you're at the end, turn around and jump up on the beam, walk to the end and you can grab the [b]Third chest![/b] [b]Bridge/ Death Zamboni!:[/b] Start this bad boy off by running towards the wall. Kill some ads on the way. Once at the wall, you can begin the boss fight by running out. Have 2-3 guardians on add duty as the giant death Zamboni approaches. The remaining 3-4 guardians will snip the death Zamboni's right and left turrets. Once these are destroyed a hole will pop open and the engine will be exposed in the middle of the DZ. Hop on it! Not underneath it or the electricity will shock you. [spoiler]Don't stand too close to the top once it smashes the wall or you can die. [/spoiler] [u]Death Zamboni Mechanic Two: [/u] At this point you are now on a timer. Run forward as soon as the wall is destroyed and proceed to the other side of the map. Once there be weary of a Siva drop ship that will drop off Siva and bombs that will one shot you. Kill all the adds and they will drop three components to take down the Zamboni. You then have to relay race these three components back to the death Zamboni. [spoiler]Designate one person to mine duty (Slowed mines like POE/COE) or else it makes it significantly more difficult. [/spoiler] You get 8 seconds of carrying followed by a tempered buff where you cannot pick up the relics. Take turns carrying the relics across and killing ads. I REALLY recommend swords and storm caller titans as well as blessing of light bubbles. They make a world of difference. [i]You made it across now what?[/i] Get one person to go to the top of the ship to kill a special captain. He is easy to kill and once he dies the stairs to the drop ship will open. Place the relics in the ship in their appropriate areas. [spoiler]Also note the parts are colour coded to theirs respected areas. Via (GT:AnthonyJoel) [/spoiler] Once this is done run forward and jump down and claim your loot! [b]Fourth exotic chest:[/b] After jumping down from the death Zamboni simply climb the rocks to the left before entering the drop cave. You'll see a pipe - enter it and the chest is right there! [b]Pre-Aksis fight:[/b] To start the encounter walk around and the little arena boss room you are in will light up. Think of it like a baseball field. Homebase is where the boss is, first is left side, second is middle and third is right side. Split up two people a side (back to mini teams!). Start to kill ads, eventually a captain will come out with a burn (Either shock, Null or Scortch). Once you kill him one player will grab his cannon. The other player will remain on their base and wait to throw one of the three orbs that drops. After the captain is dead a servator will come out of the gate with a different burn then he ONE you killed. It is the orb throwers job to call which base or side their burn of servator is on. The people with the cannons will run to their respected sides and and hold the shoot button on the servator and he will blow up and drop an orb. There will be three rounds. Note after each round shanks will spawn down middle. USE A TETHER here with light of the pack to generate orbs for the rest of your team. Also note if you have a cannon you cannot throw an orb. [u]Round one: [/u] [spoiler]as explained above. Only two orbs need to be thrown at the triangles you can locate just beside the boss to the left and right.[/spoiler] [u]Second round: [/u] [spoiler]rinse and repeat. This time all 3 orbs MUST be thrown. Same as before for left and right, and one must be thrown at the middle down below.[/spoiler] [u]Third round: [/u] [spoiler]This one is more tricky. You will do the same as usual but this time 3 servators will spawn. (9 total). Make sure you hit all the triangles as they appear and you will take down the boss. [/spoiler] Claim your loot and run to the pillars behind the stadium to locate the final boss encounter. [b]Aksis Final Form (Raid Boss):[/b] [spoiler]*This encounter is recommended 380 light [/spoiler] [u]Via Dexamection:[/u] Shoot in chest to start encounter 3 teams of 2, similar to previous encounter Fight adds til scorch captains show, kill em Kill them fast! Those who are not empowered grab the scorch cannons. The empowered throw orbs. Boss teleports in a crippled state. While crippled the 3 empowered jump on his back and hold X/square. This must be done very fast. Empower will transfer to boss. DPS phase, throw everything you got at him Utilize scorch cannons. Spamming seems to work better than charged shots (limited time to damage) he will teleports againRepeat the jump on back part. DPS again. Repeat til he goes back to middle. All 6 must now run back to the same lighted platform. This acts as a shield to his team wipe move. Then repeat. Make sure to take a quarter of his health each time. *Let me know what I missed, hopefully this helps you out! This game is the best and good on bungie for another fun raid. [spoiler] If this helped you out it would mean a lot if you would subscribe to my youtube! (Non destiny related but it's still got some cool content if you ask me!) [b]Youtube: Colossus Fitness[/b] [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Dexamection: 9/26/2016 3:40:47 PM
    UPDATE for final boss! (Revised) Pro tip for final boss. New mechanic added. while the boss is stunned, 1 man goes for empowered debuff for boss. 2 remaining empowered guys can run to the one of the red squares which will be glowing red. Use empowered slam on this and everyone will get their super. Helps a lot with DPS. The window for this is extremely small, because you must reach the siva spewing square before the boss gets slammed. The three squares are located in; Spawn, left, and right. Only one will light up with red above it and it's totally random. This can be done each DPS phase. Which means extra tethers and nova bombs. It is not easy to execute but I promise your damage will increase greatly if you can get it down

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