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Edited by breyn07ps: 9/3/2016 1:48:10 AM


So I know there's obviously already a ton of posts about sbmm. But I just wanted to go over my experience playing destiny pvp since day 1 till now and why I and many people think sbmm should be removed or at the very least we get given ranked playlists. With the upcoming update, Hopefully Bungie can see this and constructively put something together to fix these problems down below. Year 1 pvp was a blast, matchmaking in orbit was quick, the connections were ok (still way better than currently), the game was a lot more fast paced but that's another discussion. You also had a mix of decent, avg and poor players which was good because you had variety. I didn't care if 1or2 people dominated because I knew someone on our team was going to be just as good or better, in most cases. The best thing about yr1 was I knew whenever I decided to play pvp it would match me up quickly with good connections and I could try out different weapons if I wanted to. I didn't care about KD or stats I just wanted a pleasant experience. Now since TTK dropped introducing sbmm my experience is extremely frustrating and overall a terrible experience. After the latest update where Bungie claim it is now more connection based but still partially skill based, this only feels like they very slightly decreased the skill gap between players, meaning matchmaking times should be quicker. In my experiecne rarely is the matchmaking quicker and I'm still getting put up against redbar sweaties. Here are a few reasons why I think sbmm is a bad idea in regular crucible. - Matched up with sweaty people from different countries or in my area so I have to try like all f**k just to get a kill, not to mention winning and I'm forced to use decent pvp weapons such as tlw or hacksaw for eg. - If the people I get on the same skill level are from different countries the connections will be absolutely atrocious (we've all seen the lag gods on YT) - If the game can't find me sweaty people than I'll be stuck in orbit for >5mins just waiting only to eventually get mongoosed or put into a match half way through or just finishing - Getting matched in a 6v6 or 3v3 playlist will most of time put noobs on my team so I'm expected to rack up 50 kills, 10caps with a 5kd just to scrap in a win (ok I over exaggerated here but you know what I mean) - I can't play with my friends who are new to the game or not as skilled in pvp. As they will have a terrible experience by getting destroyed 24/7 from sweaty players. - I'll run into a 6man fireteam while I'm playing solo :( - People like myself that work (that are in the top end of skilled matchmaking) >38hrs per week that are tired at the end of the day and want to enjoy a regular game of crucible is impossible. Overall I don't enjoy pvp anymore anywhere near what I use to for these reasons above. I'm not against sweating or competitive game play at all, I like sweating from time to time against other decent players in classic 3v3. But I can't stand to go all out and try my hardiest 24/7 in every playlist. So Please Bungie give us ranked playlists in ROI or remove sbmm all together! EDIT 1: Thank you for everyone's input whether for or against. I've read a few comments with some saying that's this is just another top1% player who only cares about himself and just wants to destroy scrubs and screw everyone else. What I was trying to say above is I don't mind playing other decent players or doing sweats. Whether it's organized sweats or playing decent players in crucible playlists. But what I don't enjoy and I'm sure there's a lot of other ppl out there that would agree is that who can stand sweating every single match. Just try and imagine that if you were/are a good player. It's not enjoying and this is even before we begin the discussion on lag The reason I get mongoosed and long waiting times for matchmaking is because I live in Australia and I guess we don't have as big of a player pool as the US. Edit 2: Here's a couple of examples of what I'm talking about in regards to lag Edit 3: Last night I thought I'd try out 2or3games of Control because I haven't done pvp in a week or so. I don't know if the servers were f**ked during this period but me and my teammate experienced an insane amount of lag (people walking into walls, not taking any damage, people constantly dropping out and rejoining, spawning into a 2v4 in control, a whole lobby with redbars, players teleporting etc). This is extremely frustrating to say the very least, as we all love this game but it just does not work. The matchmaking we have right now is garbage. Something has to be done Bungie. DPJ experienced the same thing and from what I'm guessing around the same time also. So maybe it was possiblely something on Bungies end -

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  • This nonsense encouraged me to stop playing months ago.. I don't even bother with Iron Banner anymore. Battlefield 1 is coming out. I expect to get my multiplayer in there unless by some miracle Destiny goes back to year 1 matchmaking, which was actually fun.

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