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Edited by Kyle: 7/5/2016 10:07:59 PM

Trials Issues

Just to let you know if you want to release your hate here, this is my opinion, and It may match with others. So please Don't hate, its just my suggestion. And in advanced I typed this pretty fast so It maynot be the neatest. Trails, its the one thing that hold me back in Destiny. The light house so glorified that it kills me just thinking about it. My KD (about .95 to 1) may not be high but still I give it a go. I always enter with a positive attitude but end up yelling things like: SHOTGUN WHORE, SHOULDERCHARGE PUSSIES, DAMN COMBOS, and other stuff like that. You see, The light house is all I want to go to and Im sure other people too.. Trails is to hard, and it seems to be leaving people out from having fun. Light house is all I want to go and I usually get to 8 wins and lose on the last game because of sweaties/tryhards, well usally all games that all that I face. And winning 9 games is to much for me, and maybe other people too. It would be reasonable to have less than 9. I mean Trails has been creating so much hate. Light house runs have been difficult for some people in year two. I can make examples. Like lag, hackers, and bullshit shotgun slides. I haven't been seeing my pvp friends going to the light house because they say things like "to many tryhards" or "To hard, theres no fun in it anymore." See Trails is getting ruined by every little shouldercharge, hunters smoke and grenade. It becomes to a point were I can never go/ I have never gone but Ive been close. All my hard work til the last game, facing some people that are always better than my fire team. Or that they hit/melee me somehow though a wall, A -blam!-ING WALL. Its become so bad that at least three times Ive asked twitch streamer to HELP ME THERE. Its so dumb how the match making or the players turn out. All I ever want is ONE damn lighthouse run. I just hope one day that all this Trails bs can be fixed and once returns to balanced games and fun lighthouse runs or anything for everyone. Thanks for reading! -Kyle

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  • Edited by zeroknight101: 8/16/2016 8:37:22 PM
    I know this post is old, but I feel you man. For most people trails is often a pain and really has no real purpose being in Destiny. Originally it was created to shut the PvP nuts up, but now I feel it's just made things worse. I remember when it was announced and all I wanted to do was play it and have fun, but that dream was busted up when I realized it wasn't the skill based playlist it was promised to be. When it came out it showed how annoying Thorn and last round snipers were and they really took a foot hold in matches not to mention the game mode mechanics were kind of a joke. Obviously that's not an issue right now most guns are now pretty balanced. Now I'm a decent PvP player. I'll range from 1.25 to 2.0 depending on my mood and when playing with friends, but one of the things that made Destiny great was the fun competitive game mode no matter what you played. Some will say that's great play that instead, but that doesn't fix the issue. Trails is a good list, but needs a serious rework and it has to be done by someone who understands balance. Oh no he said balance quick insult him lol. Anyway that's my opinion on the subject and despite what the haters say it's pretty much true.

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