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7/29/2016 10:10:51 PM
No no my fellow destiny player let me tell you what Ninja are really here for vs what we think. [b][u]Ninjas[/u][/b] -Protecting Hackers/Ceaters by removing proof an editing posts that are aimed to get bungies attention [i]because they just dont notice the in game reporting tool being used.[/i] -Protecting bullies and bull shitting light humor and puns made off the weapons and names of the guardians or their class. Ever notice when someone tells another their all kinds of sexual slurs, to go kill them self or even far as to say "your mom should have swallowed you". These comments in the form are damn near over looked cause they dont seem worthy of ninja justice. like being that offensive is the new hello. I mean I've made posts with 75% disagreement with Bungie lack of cheating control in pvp an I get fellow players calling me a sexual slur an telling me to kill my self mostly the pvp jockeys. How ever if you say something harmless to another's post you find silly or something that makes no sense say you go off like "Sir are have you gone fully **** retarded?" then that is a big no no an the ninjas come to the aid of that person. [u][b]What we think[/b][/u] -Ninjas are here to serve the community, keep all the posts in their respective places and not permit people to be bullies just because someone's having an asshat day. -Maybe pass things along that should be looked into once in a while, you know work with the community on some stuff, because mentors an guys like cozmo/Lulluby just blow smoke up your ass with "Bungie takes blah blah blah seriously [b]Note[/b] if they did then every week there wouldnt be players till booting others out of ToO matches just to go to the light house an yet that is still a thing! Bud you know Ninjas should have a report option ant should be "[i]Not doing their job correctly[/i]","[i]Half assing the service"[/i]

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