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originally posted in: The official striker poll. (No salt)
6/18/2016 6:58:50 PM
I dont get why bungie didnt just buff base agility for hunters if they are supposed to be fastest. I run max agility on my hunter usually and i am as fast as a skating titan. Being honest all classes should get a buff of their particular focus. Hunters should be the fastest. Should they chose to run max agility. Titans should be strongest. Should they chose to run max armour. And the same applies to warlocks. Rather than nerf something that is fine buff the things that arent doing enough. Shoulder charge is fine. I main a hunter and tried to use shoulder charge. Despite what people belive it takes timing and skill. Yes occasionally they will get lucky as with all things. Also easy to counter, fusion rifle or shotgun. All in all titans are fine. And i say this as a hunter. Yes i joined in year 2. My opinion should still be valid as i have taken the time to look into these things. I may have some amendments later.

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