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6/18/2016 2:22:40 AM

2.3 The straw that broke the camel's back

Honestly this update has been so terribly received by the community it's not even funny. All these frustrations with your game and this is the last straw. You do not communicate with your community and say that it's out fault that we have reached this point. NO IT IS NOT. It is your job to reach out to us not the other way around. And the great thing is, on Reddit, Twitter and YOUR OWN FORUMS we reach out to you every day only to feel like we are being ignored. This patch has been the last straw for me and it seems many many other players. Constant nerfs, become legend? More like become mediocrity. I encourage all players to give a big middle finger to bungie by; 1. Discussing and listing issues and grievances that you have with this game below. 2. Upvote this post so bungie can see it (shameless plug bois and girls) 3. Don't pre order or cancel your pre orders for Rise of Iron to send them the message we are sick of your shit. (I have) BUNGIE WE ARE HERE. WAKE UP AND F.U.C.K.I.N.G LISTEN

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  • Game has been going downhill since 2.0

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  • I AGREE! THIS UPDATE IS BULL. I've already left the dam game but continue to still hear news hoping something will happen for me to come back. That update ruined everything. Things were fine the way they were before, why nerf more? Your buffs you give us are shitty. Ever update is slowly destroying the community and everyone is pissed. Its like they created these forums to not even read what we have to say, but for us to come on here and vent out anger. They just don't care! BRING THINGS BACK TO HOW THEY WERE AND LISTEN TO US!

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    6 Replies
    • It's broken, I'm done hoping they'll wake up. I'm gone.

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      • I dont like it but I am still preordering

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      • Yeah I loved the april update it brought me back but this one just pushes me away

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      • Edited by Bajka: 6/19/2016 3:31:11 AM
        I just don't get it. The forums are full of rage. Majority of people DO NOT Like the patch. Then why they keep it ? Why are they quiet. Why aren't they doing anything. It's utter Bullshits I feel ignore. I feel insulted.

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        2 Replies
        • agree...every day player who does not want to play anymore...hopefully the next Iron Banner will kick me out of this slump but this last round of changes kinda took out the fun...can't pinpoint it but something has changed...still have a friends on list but 85% are playing other games...ability kill bounties I delete or don't even pick up now...grenades and horseshoes same (especially hunters)...don't want to farm for weapons that may be nerfed in the next update...nightfall modifiers are nice (makes me miss elemental primaries even more however) like to see more in the future along with Word of Crota, VOC and Fatebringer.

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          8 Replies
          • Funny that all the people kept posing x game will kill Destiny when Destiny just killed itself.

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          • Down-voted. The April update has been good for PvE. The only issue I have is Tripmines. Everything else seems pretty solid.

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            8 Replies
            • I hate how they nerfed Viking Funeral and firebolts, even though they said 2 months ago they weren't OP. Hell they even now said that sunsingers weren't out performing anyone! Also they still haven't addressed the low ammo in pve.

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              • Do you even know how often that has been requested? Did it ever have the desired effect?

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              • Yeah! Everyone hates this patch! I mean, SUPER BUFFS! Did we ask for that? God Bungie, I didn't want you to buff golden gun by 50% damage! I didn't want you to buff the supers! Then the strike modifiers! It made heroic strikes harder! HARDER! Nobody WANTS that! Everything should be casual! Speaking of casual, CoE made HARDER? Does Bungie actually think they should make CoE hard just because it's "CHALLENGE of the Elders?" They're so stupid. I should be allowed to spend HOURS without much consequence on the rounds. And the worst part? These nerfs. The Nightstalker nerf. Bungie nerfed smoke! NERFED! Does Bungie want me to rely on other things, like my guns? NO. I should be allowed to just wombo combo everything I want. No one should be allowed to escape my smoke bomb. And shadestep. They actually expect Nightstalkers to THINK for it. Why should I have to plan how and when to use it? I should just be able to spam it when I get into trouble! It works everytime. Do you want me to list other reason why Bungie is so stupid? [spoiler]I hope you know I'm joking. A lot of things about this patch were quite nice. New chromas, super buffs, easier access to the daily heroic alternate endings, etc. [/spoiler]

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              • Viking Funeral was worth the switch from extended radiance. But not now no way. You pvp babies and your stupid egos screw so many things up. Dont even bring the supers up. That's the pve world and had nothing to do with your stupid kd ratio.

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              • [quote]Honestly this update has been so terribly received by the community it's not even funny. All these frustrations with your game and this is the last straw. You do not communicate with your community and say that it's out fault that we have reached this point. NO IT IS NOT. It is your job to reach out to us not the other way around. And the great thing is, on Reddit, Twitter and YOUR OWN FORUMS we reach out to you every day only to feel like we are being ignored. This patch has been the last straw for me and it seems many many other players. Constant nerfs, become legend? More like become mediocrity. I encourage all players to give a big middle finger to bungie by; 1. Discussing and listing issues and grievances that you have with this game below. 2. Upvote this post so bungie can see it (shameless plug bois and girls) 3. Don't pre order or cancel your pre orders for Rise of Iron to send them the message we are sick of your shit. (I have) BUNGIE WE ARE HERE. WAKE UP AND F.U.C.K.I.N.G LISTEN[/quote] Who would pre order any bungie game anymore? After the ass -blam!- on buying the taken king, I dont think I will continue playing destiny if it cost anymore money. If you cant tell I'm still so -blam!-ing pissed about them taking away all the weapons and making you re earn them. So -blam!- bungie.

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                1 Reply
                • [quote]The straw that broke the camel's back[/quote] is that how that saying goes? I always get confused between that and "the straw that broke the hey stack" [quote]Don't pre order or cancel your pre orders for Rise of Iron to send them the message we are sick of your shit. (I have)[/quote] I would just say dont buy it period until Bungie at least recognizes the current problems after all in a capitalist society we vote with our money but sadly too many gamers who either dont care, want, or can see the bigger picture to carry out that plan

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                • Well, at least it didn't break the camel's toe.

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                • Agree that the constant nerfss are killing the game. I worked my butt off to get my first Thorn in Year 1. I then got one for all three characters. It was a BEAST and I EARNED it. My only void weapon was a shotgun and I got through all those Crucible matches with just a shotgun. Then they nerfed the Thorn. Seems like every time I finally learn a weapon or ability, Bungle needs it. I'll keep playing this year since I've paid my money, but that's it.

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                • Um no. Supers feel super in pve now. Warlocks have a actual support class for pve now. Crucible feels exactly the same. Oh wait thats because i main voidwalker. I have tried all classes since the update. Nightstalker is still a beast. Blink nerf had zero effect on my game play. Hammers still suck. Hunters are easily the master race again. Ill say it again. Hunters are by far the master race again. Storm trance will be beat easily by any hunter super. Sunsinger is now a worse class than defender in pvp. The top 4 classes for crucible in no particular order Blade dancer Night stalker Void walker Striker Some will say Gunslinger or storm caller. Yes they are the 2 best supers in pvp. But stormcallers jump and grenades are the worst in the game. Gunlinger has week grenades and melle. If your only play hunter and are sooking like an absolute child. Please tell me what the hell classes has an edge on you. But shoulder charge. No just stop if you get killed by it twice in 1 game. You suck you really just suck.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Lol I left the game when they sneaked in sbmm and lied to our faces about it. The game was almost unplayable then I can only imagine how bad it is now. But it's Bungie's job to be the fun police and nerf everything that is used by a certain ammount of people just because it was just popular. Btw congrats on the throwing knives nerf it is probably the most stupid thing you've done so far the knives were clearly OP. I won't be preordering any game Bungie makes any time soon or bying it until I am convinced they know how to try and balance things and not syphon the fun out of their games with the constant nerfs and lies to our faces. And these guys are supposed to be the creators of Halo? What a -blam!-ing joke... Telltale games know how to balance things better than them... I'm expecting really nice comments from the people that will defend the game and them with their lives (go preorder the dlc for your precious nerfed exotic and plz come back here crying when you realise it's a shadow of it's former self). Till then have fun having them leech you off for money with stupidly smalls ammounts of reused and recollored content.... Maybe one day you'll wake up and realise that your precious company will nerf the shit out of your god roll you have or it's perks if they don't make it obsolete in a few months that is..

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                  • Why are PVP players so salty about this? They ask for nerfs constantly. PVE is better now thanks to the supers.

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                    2 Replies
                    • [spoiler]Hidden Bump[/spoiler]

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                    • My favorite pvp subclass is dead now(bdancer). I now use golden gun.

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                    • So basically the destiny forums are full of people who "don't play the game anymore" lol

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                    • I think this is one of the better updates bungie has done. It addressed and fixed the burning for eternity sunsingers. It addressed shade step allowing hunters to get into completely shitty situations and only being able to escape because of shade step. These were huge to pvp. You cant tell me you have never been hit by a firebolt and burned to death after you have escaped and then said fuçk sunsingers. You can't tell me you've never been chasing a nightstalker using shade step near death and they get away and then said fuçk shade step

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                    • Edited by ZMEGA: 6/19/2016 3:41:50 AM
                      I just preordered. Cya there

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                    • Yep. It's seems like the only communication they really listen too is what weapons or abilities to nerf next. They do this in an attempt to keep it fresh until new content comes out again. They love the nerf babies crying cause its an excuse to move the game around. It wrecks pve but the pvp players are quiet for a few seconds until the next nerf post. Rinse and repeat. I do approve of the modifiers on strikes though. That one is good.

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