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Edited by Cortana Five: 9/16/2014 11:45:21 PM

THE NEW IP Bungie Formula:Durandal, Cortana, Joyeuse?

***Long friggin' post alert!*** [u]THIS IS A REVISED VERSION![/u] [quote][u]PLEASE FAVORITE THIS THREAD FOR FURTHER UPDATES![/u][/quote] The vast majority of my edits are due to [url=]Ender's post here[/url] among others. I will cite him as much as possible in here. [quote]"My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal."[/quote] [b]Reader's Digest Version-ish[/b] This quote is the focus of my theory for a "formula" for Bungie trilogies. The quote above speaks of three famous swords that had once come together in battle. The three swords seem to correspond with two of the AIs from Marathon (Durandal) and Halo (Cortana). The third sword, Joyeuse, is the mystery AI and holder. If the first two swords can be proven to purposely correspond with the game characters, then perhaps Joyeuse and its holder (Charlemagne) is what the new IP's characters will be like. This theory also ties into several other theories. But in order to connect them while making sense, I must explain how and why the AIs and their swords correspond. As you read, keep [url=]Pfhorpedia[/url] handy if you're not in tune with the Marathon universe. While we're at it, [url=]this[/url] and [url=]this[/url] may come in handy. IF YOU WANT TO PLAY THE MARATHON TRILOGY YOURSELF: Download the games through [url=]Aleph One[/url]. We'll be talking a lot of Marathon in here, my friends. So to set the mood: ***JUMP PAD ACTIVATION INITIATION START*** ***TRANSPORT WHEN READY*** Dear reader, This is going to be a huge post. A [i]good[/i] post, but a long one. I mean, this [i]will[/i] take several slots to cover. So, grab a nice cup of coffee and a pair of reading glasses or something that will keep you awake and in your chair. Until the coffee passes though. [b]I will also ask you to take this thing with a pinch of salt[/b]. I don't know if this is the truth in its entirety, and you probably don't either. Unless you're someone like Joe Staten or Jason Jones who's [i]really[/i] bored on a coffee break and stumbled upon this thing. Then, of course, you'd know if this is dumb speculation or not. Wishful thinking, right? [u]Please, please, please!!![/u] Give me feedback on this, tell me about anything you may dig up on this stuff, and if any of my facts/lore/spelling/[b]grammer[/b]/bad jokes/historical events are incorrect. ***JUMP PAD ACTIVATION INITIATION START*** ***TRANSPORT WHEN READY*** [quote]Durandal-Durendal (Endurance- True definition unknown)*[/quote] *The name probably comes from the French verb "durer", "to endure". [u]Sword Info:[/u] In The Song of Roland, the sword is said to contain within its golden hilt one tooth of Saint Peter, blood of Saint Basil, hair of Saint Denis, and a piece of the raiment of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the poem, *[i]Roland attempts to break Durendal by smiting it against a marble block ten times. This proves fruitless. The myth of him creating La Brèche is merely a folktale of the land. It is not stated as such in La Chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland).[/i] According to Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando Furioso it once belonged to Hector of Troy, and was given to Roland by Maugris. *[i]Orlando Furioso is a work created centuries after La Chanson do Roland. In La Chanson, it is made clear that Charlemagne was given instructions by the angel Gabriel to let Roland wield Durendal.[/i] By Ender. In [i]Marathon[/i], Durandal [u]told the player[/u] that he did not want to suffer the same fate as Leela, so he asked to be destroyed.* The player finds out that Durandal was not actually destroyed, just as Roland couldn't destroy the sword. (Note that the fate of Leela turned out to be completely different and that Durandal didn't actually want to be destroyed. He was loopy and rampant.) *[i]Please note that Durandal's request to be destroyed was part of a plot of his own, and not an honest request and that Leela was not actually destroyed either.[/i] [b]Holders:[/b] Hector of Troy and Count Roland Note: [i]MRN54 [url=]may or may not be you[/url].[/i] [u]Hector of Troy & Mjolnir Recon Number 54[/u] (Not the forum ninja) Hector was a Trojan prince and the greatest fighter of Troy in the Trojan War and the son of Priam and Hecuba, a descendant of Dardanus (son of Zeus and Electra). Because Hector was a descendant of several gods, he would in theory be a hybrid of sorts. The parallel here is that MRN54 [i]is[/i] a cyborg and a fighter. From Marathon.Bungie.Org: [quote] There are those references to your physical ability: [i]You slam your fist in frustration onto the control panel[/i](Manual page 2) Whether this is of significance or not depends largely on what material the control panel is made of. We have no information on this. [i]It's funny, but you've always been the colony's trouble shooter. You're bigger and stronger, and a better shot. In games, you always scored the most points and looked the hero. (Manual page 2)[/i] [/quote]. [quote] Alas! the gods have lured me on to my destruction. ... death is now indeed exceedingly near at hand and there is no way out of it- for so Zeus and his son Apollo the far-darter have willed it, though heretofore they have been ever ready to protect me.} My doom has come upon me; let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter." -Spoken by Hector facing Achilles, after a missed spear-throw, The Iliad Book XXII Lines 299-305.[/quote] This quote could represent the AIs in the trilogy toying and luring the player towards his destruction or towards their will. The AIs had protected the player for their plans, and in a sense, the player was doomed to what they had in store for him. [u]Count Roland & MRN54:[/u] The tale of Roland's death is retold in the eleventh century poem [i]The Song of Roland[/i], where he is equipped with an unbreakable sword, enchanted by various Christian relics, named Durendal. As said earlier, Roland couldn't break the sword, just as MRN54 couldn't break Durandal throughout the trilogy. Orlando Furiouso (among other works) includes Roland's battle with a Saracen giant named Ferracutus who is only vulnerable at his navel. The W'rkncacnter; a being(s) seemingly indestructible may have been a reference to Ferractus. The Sacren's navel may have been represented by activating a Jjaro station to trap the W'rkncacnter. [quote] [i]To stop the Pfhor from their folly and our demise, you must activate the ancient station that Yrro used eons ago to trap the W'rkncacnter. If we can activate it in time, it will crush the Pfhor fleet before we're all destroyed.[/i] *You Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time! (Terminal 1)*[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ender If we restrict our view to the first Marathon game, it is more likely that the Ferracutus analogy is to The Pfhor. They are larger in numbers, more technologically advanced, and ready to squash us. We, however, find that they rely heavily on the S'pht slaves they captured. Durandal instructs us to free them and we do so, allowing a rebellion to unfold, crushing the Pfhor attack.[/quote] At last, a confirmation (one of many) of the connection between Roland's sword and your well behaved AI (Yes, that was sarcasm): The first terminal on Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! relates the tale of Count Roland, who near death, attempts to break his sword to prevent it from being taken by the Saracens. [quote][i]Count Roland smites upon the marble stone; I cannot tell you how he hewed it and smote; Yet the blade breaks not nor splinters, though it groans; Upward to heaven it rebounds from the blow. When the count sees it never will be broke, Then to himself right softly he makes moan; 'Ah, Durandal, fair, hallowed, and devote, What store of relics lies in thy hilt of gold!' -From The Song of Roland (Translated by Dorothy Sayers, Viking Penguin, NY, NY, 1957)[/i] *Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! (Terminal 1)*[/quote] [u]Roland and Charlemagne references by Durandal:[/u] -[url=]Feel the noise[/url] -[url=]Roland[/url] By gathering this information, I can say with confidence that Durandal is [i]defiantly[/i] the spitting AI image of the sword Durendal, and that it's holders Roland and Hector are the inspiration for MRN54's situation involving the AIs in Marathon; specifically Durandal. ***JUMP PAD ACTIVATION INITIATION START*** ***TRANSPORT WHEN READY** [Edited on 02.12.2011 1:12 PM PST]

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  • Fantastic theory.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 Ayee! I wish I had known. Do you have a specific resource for me to find about more about Durandal's existance? (Google doesn't count) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reptilian Rob [i]Lots of quotes and text here.[/i][/quote][/quote] Looks like he forgot about this thread.

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  • Ayee! I wish I had known. Do you have a specific resource for me to find about more about Durandal's existance? (Google doesn't count) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reptilian Rob [i]Lots of quotes and text here.[/i][/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 [u]Some Housekeeping:[/u] I would highly appreciate some updating on Cortana and the Master Chief with Halo: Reach information. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pumpkin4Life we'll see cortana. maybe bungie will make this apparent or debunked in a future game. i actually think they should redo the entire marathon series for xbox 360 cuz i would love to play it. im planning on getting marathon durandal in arcade when i get some cash.[/quote]You don't need any cash to play! You can play all 3 games in all their glory through [url=]Aleph One[/url]. Totally worth it, and much more of an authentic feel. Besides, you can get fan-made expansions if you'd like. I think I'll update the OP with that. [/quote] i have windows 7 and i tried it on numerous occasions and it just wont work i dont know why. anyway thanks for the suggestion cortana. i too wish they would give us some more info on chief and cortana. i think everyone does. maybe they could make some sort of a campaign DLC that involves the chief.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reptilian Rob [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 I don't think that the Master Chief necessarily has to leave Cortana behind, as to my knowledge, Ogier the Dane didn't leave his sword behind. Roland, on the other hand, died and tried to destroy Durandal before he did. Durandal proved indestructible and lived on. So it's quite the contrary. This story lives in the original Marathon. I've yet to come to a conclusion as to what Infinity's ending means... a lot of people haven't.[/quote] As an English major, I find your lack of knowledge about 13th century French literature offensive. Durandal was an allegory for incorruptibility from the Catholic Church, the sword was never meant in it's purest form to "live on" but to provide faith for those seeking redemption from the maw of the Catholic Church. Durandal was destroyed, leaving it's fragments spread across antiquity to provide humanity with faith. Good day madam. [/quote]Had that been common knowledge, I would have found it in my research. Thanks for the information. My point was, Roland couldn't break Durandal, then was probably buried with him (or I think he died with it hidden under his body, I don't remember). I haven't read anything saying otherwise. I don't think we're on the same page here... Let alone the same book.[/quote] Same book, trust me. The sword may have been indestructible, but there are fragments (plot wise) inscribed in Curtana and Joyeues. "An inscription on Ogier the Dane's sword Curtana read My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal." Durendal is a fragmented sword inscribed within two other swords, in that nature Durendal is not just the physical manifestation of an actual swords, but a symbol for the one truth. [url=]In fact the sword itself may indeed be a tangible object, although highly unlikely. Durendal is not ONE sword, but many. Same as how Joyeuse and Curtana are forged to be a single weapon. [/url] Durendal = Joyeuse and Curtana Joyeuse and Curtana = Durendal

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reptilian Rob [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 I don't think that the Master Chief necessarily has to leave Cortana behind, as to my knowledge, Ogier the Dane didn't leave his sword behind. Roland, on the other hand, died and tried to destroy Durandal before he did. Durandal proved indestructible and lived on. So it's quite the contrary. This story lives in the original Marathon. I've yet to come to a conclusion as to what Infinity's ending means... a lot of people haven't.[/quote] As an English major, I find your lack of knowledge about 13th century French literature offensive. Durandal was an allegory for incorruptibility from the Catholic Church, the sword was never meant in it's purest form to "live on" but to provide faith for those seeking redemption from the maw of the Catholic Church. Durandal was destroyed, leaving it's fragments spread across antiquity to provide humanity with faith. Good day madam. [/quote]Had that been common knowledge, I would have found it in my research. Thanks for the information. My point was, Roland couldn't break Durandal, then was probably buried with him (or I think he died with it hidden under his body, I don't remember). I haven't read anything saying otherwise. I don't think we're on the same page here... Let alone the same book.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 I don't think that the Master Chief necessarily has to leave Cortana behind, as to my knowledge, Ogier the Dane didn't leave his sword behind. Roland, on the other hand, died and tried to destroy Durandal before he did. Durandal proved indestructible and lived on. So it's quite the contrary. This story lives in the original Marathon. I've yet to come to a conclusion as to what Infinity's ending means... a lot of people haven't.[/quote] As an English major, I find your lack of knowledge about 13th century French literature offensive. Durandal was an allegory for incorruptibility from the Catholic Church, the sword was never meant in it's purest form to "live on" but to provide faith for those seeking redemption from the maw of the Catholic Church. Durandal was destroyed, leaving it's fragments spread across antiquity to provide humanity with faith. Good day madam.

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  • It was made quite clear that Bungie is not going to make any games other than those of their own creation. The plan isn't to gut out Halo: Reach then port the tech, knowing Bungie's habits. Chances are they'll just make a new engine (as far as I know, the "secret project" has been in the works for quite some time) and tailor it to both platforms. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RaspyYeti Take2 now control the rights to the myth games so for Bungie that game world is looking like a dead end. It is possible that Bungie could work on a set of Call of Duty titles set in the future but the B.NET & Call of Duty fans may not like the idea. From looking at Bungie's job's board it looks like the plan is based around taking Halo:Reach stripping out the Halo IP then porting the Tech to the PS3 then adapting the tech to the new IP. How ever as Halo:Reach has just shipped then it could be E3 2012 before we see any previews.[/quote]

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  • Take2 now control the rights to the myth games so for Bungie that game world is looking like a dead end. It is possible that Bungie could work on a set of Call of Duty titles set in the future but the B.NET & Call of Duty fans may not like the idea. From looking at Bungie's job's board it looks like the plan is based around taking Halo:Reach stripping out the Halo IP then porting the Tech to the PS3 then adapting the tech to the new IP. How ever as Halo:Reach has just shipped then it could be E3 2012 before we see any previews.

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  • Wow,this topic is amazing

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] turokman2000 I think the new IP will be new - i.e.: unrelated to Halo, Oni, Marathon, or Myth. Also, I think Bungie will be going away from strict SCI-FI, or else 343's new Halos will be too hard to distinguish from their new IP. Yet, the new 'sword' will have to be an AI. What if the new IP was fantasy/sci-fi. Like magic and knights but still people have AI-like helpers and travel through the stars (not in ships, but magically) etc. That could work. I'm throwing out ideas here about the narrative direction of the new IP under the guise of this theory. Anyway, when I think of Charlemagne I think of Alric from Myth II who retook the crown of the Cath Bruig. Basically Cath Bruig was Byzantium, and fell. Like Rome. And Alric restored it and took the crown, hence the return of the Heron Guard. Anyway, that sounds a lot like Charlemagne to me. Maybe the cycle has been completed? Maybe Myth is the third IP? [/quote]I'm at a loss as to what genre or type of universe the new IP could even possibly be. Admittedly, I haven't played a lot of Myth, and I don't know much about it. Is there a Joyeuse-like character? I really need to read over the Myth plot.

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  • I think the new IP will be new - i.e.: unrelated to Halo, Oni, Marathon, or Myth. Also, I think Bungie will be going away from strict SCI-FI, or else 343's new Halos will be too hard to distinguish from their new IP. Yet, the new 'sword' will have to be an AI. What if the new IP was fantasy/sci-fi. Like magic and knights but still people have AI-like helpers and travel through the stars (not in ships, but magically) etc. That could work. I'm throwing out ideas here about the narrative direction of the new IP under the guise of this theory. Anyway, when I think of Charlemagne I think of Alric from Myth II who retook the crown of the Cath Bruig. Basically Cath Bruig was Byzantium, and fell. Like Rome. And Alric restored it and took the crown, hence the return of the Heron Guard. Anyway, that sounds a lot like Charlemagne to me. Maybe the cycle has been completed? Maybe Myth is the third IP?

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  • [u]Some Housekeeping:[/u] I would highly appreciate some updating on Cortana and the Master Chief with Halo: Reach information. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pumpkin4Life we'll see cortana. maybe bungie will make this apparent or debunked in a future game. i actually think they should redo the entire marathon series for xbox 360 cuz i would love to play it. im planning on getting marathon durandal in arcade when i get some cash.[/quote]You don't need any cash to play! You can play all 3 games in all their glory through [url=]Aleph One[/url]. Totally worth it, and much more of an authentic feel. Besides, you can get fan-made expansions if you'd like. I think I'll update the OP with that.

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  • we'll see cortana. maybe bungie will make this apparent or debunked in a future game. i actually think they should redo the entire marathon series for xbox 360 cuz i would love to play it. im planning on getting marathon durandal in arcade when i get some cash.

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  • Thank you for reading! Ogier the Dane was the one who was to sleep for 200 years until his country needed him again. Many people have considered the possibility of the chief being transported into the Marathon universe (note that the Halo Universe=\=Marathon Universe), seeing that the 2500's are entirely blank in the Marathon timeline. I don't know what to think of such theory. Is it entirely impossible? No. Is it confirmed? Nope. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pumpkin4Life holy frak.i loved this entire post and i read the whole thing and even went to a few links. about 1/2 way through i got chills all over, no joke! something for you to speculate upon: you mentioned charlemagne [i think] slept for 200 years and awoke in france's time of need. well maybe master chief is charlemagne in that he waits in cryosleep at the end of halo 3. perhaps he wakes up [i]300[/i] years later in the time of need on earth yet again and becomes the security agent of marathon. thats been my idea since i researched marathon. i believe it but you may do with it what you will. ***TRANSPORT WHEN READY*** sorry i had to. also this was longer but this is my 4th time writing this cuz of my internet.[/quote] [Edited on 09.23.2010 7:23 PM PDT]

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  • holy frak.i loved this entire post and i read the whole thing and even went to a few links. about 1/2 way through i got chills all over, no joke! something for you to speculate upon: you mentioned charlemagne [i think] slept for 200 years and awoke in france's time of need. well maybe master chief is charlemagne in that he waits in cryosleep at the end of halo 3. perhaps he wakes up [i]300[/i] years later in the time of need on earth yet again and becomes the security agent of marathon. thats been my idea since i researched marathon. i believe it but you may do with it what you will. ***TRANSPORT WHEN READY*** sorry i had to. also this was longer but this is my 4th time writing this cuz of my internet.

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  • I need you to elaborate here. 1. Where are you getting "sword of ____" and does Curtana have such a title? 2. What is the fourth sword? 3. "ONI" as in Office of Naval Intelligence, or Oni the game? Either way, Bungie couldn't do something with either Oni term, as Halo's Office of Naval Intelligence is owned by Microsoft and the game Oni is owned by Take 2 Interactive. As for two Cortanas: In essence, I would consider it one. She was split, but was supposed to combine into one once again... To my understanding. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RaspyYeti Curtana, Joyeuse(Sword of Earth), and Durendal(Sword of Air) are 3 names for a set of 4 legendary swords. Halo cannon has two Curtanas (main AI with John 117 & Sub AI with Noble 6). Could the next Bungie game be a reboot of their ONI game.[/quote] [Edited on 09.23.2010 3:16 PM PDT]

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  • Curtana(Sword of Mercy), Joyeuse(Sword of Earth), and Durendal(Sword of Air) are 3 names for a set of 4 legendary swords. Halo cannon has two Curtanas (main AI with John 117 & Sub AI with Noble 6). The "Sword of Mercy" or "Edward the Confessor's sword", is a symbolically broken sword that is part of the traditional English regalia. The town of Joyeuse in Ardèche, is supposedly named after the sword: Joyeuse was allegedly lost in a battle and retrieved by one of the knights of Charlemagne; to thank him, Charlemagne granted him an appanage named Joyeuse. Could the next Bungie game be a reboot of their ONI game. [Edited on 09.23.2010 7:13 PM PDT]

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  • What I meant was that the numbers aren't the centerpiece here, although they can be used as a means of proving a point. Unrelated probably isn't a very good way of putting it. My post wasn't about how 3, 7, or 10 appear in the games. This about connecting real history with a game that doesn't exist yet. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sir Tristan CA Oh I know all about the connections in Marathon and Pathways, and many of them are only strengthened by the various ARG's that Bungie has created to promote the Halo series. I'm fairly certain that there's a link between them hidden in Doctor Halsey's Journal which comes with the Limited and Legendary editions of Reach. As for the numbers not being related, I'm not so sure that's true. I believe that Bungie has made their universes (universe?) so that the repeating numbers do relate to the characters and the story, in some way that hasn't been determined yet. Why else would each main character have a 7 letter name? Arbiter, SPARTAN or MJOLNIR (for Marathon), John-117 (don't count the dash), Cortana... Or the fact that there are 3 AI units in Marathon (Durandel, Leela, and Tycho) and 3 in Halo (Cortana, Guilty-Spark, and Penitent-Tangent are the only ones with major roles). I have a feeling that everything is connected, and that numbers are a part of the key, along with the symbols (the symbols found in Doc Halsey's journal are probably a HUGE part of the secret).[/quote]

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  • Oh I know all about the connections in Marathon and Pathways, and many of them are only strengthened by the various ARG's that Bungie has created to promote the Halo series. I'm fairly certain that there's a link between them hidden in Doctor Halsey's Journal which comes with the Limited and Legendary editions of Reach. As for the numbers not being related, I'm not so sure that's true. I believe that Bungie has made their universes (universe?) so that the repeating numbers do relate to the characters and the story, in some way that hasn't been determined yet. Why else would each main character have a 7 letter name? Arbiter, SPARTAN or MJOLNIR (for Marathon), John-117 (don't count the dash), Cortana... Or the fact that there are 3 AI units in Marathon (Durandel, Leela, and Tycho) and 3 in Halo (Cortana, Guilty-Spark, and Penitent-Tangent are the only ones with major roles). I have a feeling that everything is connected, and that numbers are a part of the key, along with the symbols (the symbols found in Doc Halsey's journal are probably a HUGE part of the secret).

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  • Thank you! Although I will say that the thread isn't about the numbers; it's about the characters. If you think Halo has the number connection, you obviously have never gotten deep enough into Marathon or Pathways into Darkness. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sir Tristan CA Brilliant post, though I'm saddened by the fact that you didn't catch how often the numbers 3, 7, and 10 appear in Bungie games. ^go there for a decent sized list of the references to 7 that have been found so far, though many more exist if you're willing to look and think outside the box. Also, I should note that the time difference between Halo and Marathon is 343 years. Sort of like 343 Guilty-Spark, eh? Oh, and the fact that in the final sequence of Halo 3's Legendary Ending, the planet that the fractured ship MC and Cortana are on is drifting towards a planet which has the marathon logo on it's surface. ;)[/quote]

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  • Brilliant post, though I'm saddened by the fact that you didn't catch how often the numbers 3, 7, and 10 appear in Bungie games. ^go there for a decent sized list of the references to 7 that have been found so far, though many more exist if you're willing to look and think outside the box. Also, I should note that the time difference between Halo and Marathon is 343 years. Sort of like 343 Guilty-Spark, eh? Oh, and the fact that in the final sequence of Halo 3's Legendary Ending, the planet that the fractured ship MC and Cortana are on is drifting towards a planet which has the marathon logo on it's surface. ;)

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  • I don't think that the Master Chief necessarily has to leave Cortana behind, as to my knowledge, Ogier the Dane didn't leave his sword behind. Roland, on the other hand, died and tried to destroy Durandal before he did. Durandal proved indestructible and lived on. So it's quite the contrary. This story lives in the original Marathon. I've yet to come to a conclusion as to what Infinity's ending means... a lot of people haven't. Not all the swords and their holders go through the same story. If you read Ogier's story that I posted, you'd see that his story is done (on the Bungie side of things). Of course they are connected, I'm sure of that. But I don't think they're going to follow a same story outline. The relationship between the wielders and the swords will vary from game to game, but they will follow [i]something[/i]. That something is the story of Roland, Ogier the Dane, and Charlemagne. All three men have rich histories. The possibilities are endless. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Agustus As I see it, the different Bungie games are their own completely independent story lines. Though they have the same theme, and in a sense are connected in a way. My MRT thread backs this theory up. EDIT: A note on how the swords are connected. In Marathon, Durandal uses you, the player, as a tool to complete his mad ambitions of godhood. Though by the end of Infinity, you the player seem to be the one that escapes the universe, not Durandal. He states that after all that time, he didn't really give you much though. But at the end of things, he realizes you are in fact the only thing unaccounted for etc. (See end screen). As it turns out, knowingly or not, Durandal was your pawn, not the other way around. He was unknowingly your weapon to help you escape the closure. Now in Halo,the sword and holder role is much clearer. MC wields Cortana, who hacks Covenant tech, supplies Battlefield info etc. From what little info we have, I came up with the idea (based of my MRT thread) that: The sword and holder are born into a specific time and universe. They eventually meet, the sword taking the form of perhaps several entities (We only know of a literal sword or AI at this point). The holder uses the sword to complete some epic journey (Master Chiefs does not seem to be over yet), and eventually they are separated. Seeing as how Marathon is the only game thus far to complete the cycle, the sword "dies" while the holder move on to something else... Then they are reborn and it happens all over again. So, not only is this a formula for the next game, but perhaps how Halo will end as well. Once we have Halos ending, we may be able to figure out the next Bungie IP with a good amount of accuracy. [/quote]

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  • How have I missed this thread for almost an entire year!? I'm pretty sure C5 is correct about the Roland Saga as I'm going to call it. I really hope that after three games of this next IP, they can combine the three somehow. Wrap up all the loose ends...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ExquisiteDragon My much awesome info.....Epic post Cortana. =)[/quote] I'm glad to be a blessed fast reader. Thanks for that. I loved it.

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  • As I see it, the different Bungie games are their own completely independent story lines. Though they have the same theme, and in a sense are connected in a way. My MRT thread backs this theory up. EDIT: A note on how the swords are connected. In Marathon, Durandal uses you, the player, as a tool to complete his mad ambitions of godhood. Though by the end of Infinity, you the player seem to be the one that escapes the universe, not Durandal. He states that after all that time, he didn't really give you much though. But at the end of things, he realizes you are in fact the only thing unaccounted for etc. (See end screen). As it turns out, knowingly or not, Durandal was your pawn, not the other way around. He was unknowingly your weapon to help you escape the closure. Now in Halo,the sword and holder role is much clearer. MC wields Cortana, who hacks Covenant tech, supplies Battlefield info etc. From what little info we have, I came up with the idea (based of my MRT thread) that: The sword and holder are born into a specific time and universe. They eventually meet, the sword taking the form of perhaps several entities (We only know of a literal sword or AI at this point). The holder uses the sword to complete some epic journey (Master Chiefs does not seem to be over yet), and eventually they are separated. Seeing as how Marathon is the only game thus far to complete the cycle, the sword "dies" while the holder move on to something else... Then they are reborn and it happens all over again. So, not only is this a formula for the next game, but perhaps how Halo will end as well. Once we have Halos ending, we may be able to figure out the next Bungie IP with a good amount of accuracy. [Edited on 09.05.2010 8:30 PM PDT]

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