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originally posted in: You wake up in the year 2698...
Edited by JG WENTWORTH 877 CASH NOW: 3/30/2016 3:13:41 AM
>be me >2000 + 2^4 >Trump is elected president >he reveals that he is a god and cannot die >he uses his high energy to amend the constitution for him to become the supreme leader of America >upon hearing this, every single liberal on the planet killed themselves >in 2020, he invaded china and won >in 2024, he invaded the middle east >by 2050, he controlled the entire world except for mexico >the only religion now was Christianity >by 2078, Trump funded a super advanced space program with some of his $60 billion gorillion >using the legal workers in the American empire, spaceship production was done near instantly >each spaceship had been branded with the Trump name >by 2100, the entire solar system had been colonized >2126, first contact with aliens >the aliens had such low energy that they caused a threat to the interplanetary Trump empire >2127, war against the aliens >we almost wiped them out >Trump the graceful struck a deal with them(no surprise there) >in addition to peace, the aliens must pay a small amount of 1 million space rock, and must take all illegal mexicans from the empire >since that is such a good deal, they accept >with no illegal immigrants, the empire enters an everlasting golden age >by 2492, live expectancy has increased to 500 >by 2600, the American empire now spans across a couple galaxies >the workforce of the intergalactic American empire is the greatest in the entire universe >an economic boom ensues >the year is 2698 >minimum wage is still $9.00 >mfw

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