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Edited by Spawn: 3/25/2016 8:04:43 PM

Destiny vs The Division

So I've been playing The Division for the past couple of weeks and feel as if I now have a solid opinion on the game. While fun, The Division really lacks in the end game. Within the first week I already hit level 30. I dabbled in the dark zone and had fun, but that quickly wore off. The Division offers daily missions on hard and challenging (aka nearly impossible) difficulty settings. These missions grant currency that you can use to buy end game loot. Within the second week, I have obtained all I've wanted and now have ZERO desire to play the game anymore. The paradoxical thing about The Division is that while there's tons of little things to do, lore items to find, and an expansive post apocalyptic New York to explore, the game world feels lifeless. Idk why, but something about Destiny keeps me coming back and having fun. I gave The Division an honest shot, but I'm already burnt out on it in two weeks. I'm curious to hear other people's opinions. [quote][b]Ninja edit:[/b] [spoiler]This thread has been moved to the #Gaming forum. [url=]See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Gaming tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, [url=]Spawn,[/url] for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler][/quote]

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  • Ninjas…

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  • Should be poll

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  • I love how all the Bungie fanboys' harp on The Division's endgame. [b]NEWS FLASH[/b]: THE DIVISION'S ENDGAME IS INCURSIONS, NOT THE DARKZONE, AND THEY AREN'T OUT YET.

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    29 Replies
    • Same here. Bored with it. Plus the dz is shity when you're alone. Had two yellows drop lastnight. One was Midas the other a mod. Went to extract gear and had two teams of rogues bust in and wax me then grabbed my gear. Turned of my ps4 and put the division back in it's case. I get that it's part of the pvp aspect of the game but god damn it's frustrating. Doubt the raid /incursion will save it from getting traded in.

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      • Edited by Retro_Spective: 3/28/2016 1:10:18 PM
        Saying challenge missions are nearly impossible, means you never had an endgame build. I imagine a lot of people were like you, hit 30 thought it was over until raids. All my equipment is level 31, challenge mode is handy. I haven't stopped playing the division since launch, my characters build continues to grow stronger. A lot of people don't understand the deep RPG mechanics. In a game like destiny you hit the level cap, there is no build variety. Everyone has a similar character. I prefer the Division, always experimenting with different builds. The drop rates are a lot better too, you see gold drops regularly.

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        9 Replies
        • Tom Clancy's chips the Devision

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          • Imagine if Division was made with its size scale and mission types but with Siege fps style gunplay and graphics

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            • Can we stop comparing a game that's been out for almost 2 years with a game that's been out for 3 weeks. Just my opinion here, but I prefer vanilla division to vanilla Destiny. Right now Destiny is a better game, can't really argue with that. But I'll say it again, Destiny has been out for almost 2 years and had several dlc and an expansion. The division is 3 weeks old and with what Ubisoft has planned, we've barely even scratched the surface with this game.

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              • Same here. Bored with it. Plus the dz is shity when you're alone. Had two yellows drop lastnight. One was Midas the other a mod. Went to extract gear and had two teams of rogues bust in and wax me then grabbed my gear. Turned of my ps4 and put the division back in it's case. I get that it's part of the pvp aspect of the game but god damn it's frustrating. Doubt the raid /incursion will save it from getting traded in.

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              • In the first couple of weeks destiny didn't have an endgame either the raid wasn't available from the get go are you comparing the division as it is now to destiny 2 years in? That's a bit unfair don't you think?

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              • Divisions RPG elements are better Destiny End Game is currently better I doubt the Operation will be as good as a Destiny Raid. I doubt Ubisoft knows what proper boss fights are.

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                22 Replies
                • Edited by ABeardedViking: 3/28/2016 4:58:50 PM
                  I wonder where this concept of end game content comes from with gamers. What happen to the days when you played a single player game and you either played it again on harder difficulties or if it had multiplayer you played multiplayer to your face is blue . Never once crying that their was no end game or that we are bored .Plus loot based games like Diablo, TooHuman, Champions of Noorath, Borderlands , Destiny and The Division. That's a huge component of the game. Is grinding through the same areas for better loot to make my character build better to complete the content on harder difficulty. To me that's the fun part of the game

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                  • Enough of this, it's getting annoying.

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                  • I'm not going to try to sway your opinion but you say challenge mode is impossible? Not even close, with a half decent team you can complete it in 30 min. You say you have everything you wanted? So would you have liked the drop rates to be lower for more of a grind? That sounds awful really. The city is actually full of npc's, scavenging NYC for food and supplies, people yell from the windows, fight over food, loot cars. Saying one of the reasons you dislike the division is the lifeless world and then going on to say you prefer destiny's world is ironic.

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                    • You're thinking like a shooter that end-game is "content". In action-RPG games, "end-game" is a PROCESS. Plus, Ubisoft is giving us time to get ready for what is probably much harder content they are going to roll out. Time to learn what builds work. How to work together as a team to chain the use of skill. To find and equip the gear that we need/want. Either from drops or from crafting. If you find this're probably already an RPG gamer...and I didnt' need to tell you this. If your're not having fun you're proably primarily a shooter gamer...and all of this is either new, or you simply dont' find it fun. Also the world isn't lifeless. Its appropriate to the situation. Where 90% of people are dead from disease, and everyone else is fighting to survive. The world evolves in very subtle ways as you progress. You see more civilians on the streets. YOu see JTF patrols ranging farther out from your base and safe houses without getting attacked. Unlike Destiny, you don't feel "like a failing pest control company". You see the fruits of your efforts, in that the game world becomes a safer, more orderly place.

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                    • I have friends to play with so it's still fun for me. I am worried that the game won't have any legs and will die out, but we will see. Vanilla destiny didn't have much till vault of glass. Most MMO type games are like that though. You hit cap, get good gear, then you have to wait for more content. When WoW was at its most popular it still had that problem (granted there was more to do).

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                    • Try making another agent with a different skill set, it's just like making another guardian

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                      • I haven't hit end game yet in The Division but I'm having lots of fun playing with friends. I still enjoy Destiny but the PvE content is so stale right now and the crucible has just been way to sweaty lately with the player base slowly dwindling. I'll always enjoy Destiny as its given me close to 1000 hours of gameplay but I don't get excited anymore for reset like I used to. I really hope the new April update is enough to change that. I'm disappointed in Destiny for not adding matchmaking. You would think that making it easier to play the game would make more people play. I think that's one thing The Division could teach Destiny.

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                      • It's hard to have a solid opinion on the end game when it doesn't come out until next month.

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                      • Edited by sergantsnipes05: 3/25/2016 2:11:00 PM
                        The gunplay, mechanics, and way more interesting world make destiny better IMO although they are very different games honestly. I agree with angry joes opinion that the tom Clancy name actually hurt the division as it honesty, in terms of lore and stuff, feels like it's peaked while Destiny has still yet to tap into any of its potential with the amazing universe it could have if they would just develop it. I'm gonna save my final opinion for the incursions and if they have some actual interesting mechanics but if they don't the division is pretty lackluster IMO. I still enjoy it though

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                        3 Replies
                        • I have the division and to be honest I hit a level and did higher levels than I already am and I still have fun in but destiny just doesn't really have the aspect of reality

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                        • Edited by LankyLost: 3/25/2016 9:50:49 PM
                          Heres what ive been preaching; Compare Week 2 Division to Week 2 Destiny. Their endgame is pretty much the same, the only difference being Massive (Division Dev) has already dropped 2 or 3 patches. Cant say Bungie's record is the same. Edit: Destiny did have VoG, but the loot system was so broken barely anyone saw it at that point.

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                          16 Replies
                          • Destiny's endgame at this point in its life cycle consisted of one single, solitary nightfall. With a weekly lockout. Division is pounding destiny so, so hard right now. They actually update their game.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Edited by killerkouki: 3/25/2016 9:38:37 PM
                              When did you start playing Destiny? Because when it first came out, there was absolutely nothing to do except plow through its anemic story, strikes and crucible. Then the vault came out several weeks later, and everything was amazing. I don't think the Division is a Destiny killer, but it's a good compliment to it. I can't say that for all the other games that have come out in the past couple of years, IMO.

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                              4 Replies
                              • If the division was going to be stagnant like Destiny for 6 months id shelve it now. But it's not so I keep playing.

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                              • They're both average, lets just leave it at that.

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