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2/17/2016 8:51:43 AM

Destiny Needs Player to Player Trading

Yes, Bungie should implement PtP Trading.


No, players don't need it.


Maybe, I'm not seeing the obvious answer.


Let's explore what real Player to Player Trading would be like, shall we? From the start, we can access and look at other players' inventory and vault with the option to Trade with the player. They have something(s) that you desire, and you have something(s) of equal value you wish to trade with. You have never played with a 310 Red Death Pulse Rifle, so you wish to trade Two 305 exotic items as well for one of their 8+ Red Deaths that's doing nothing but collecting digital dust in the vault. But wait, they need Legendary Marks more than a Boolean Gemini and a Bad Juju. Instead, they ask for 190 Legendary Marks. Seems fair, and the trade is confirmed. Shake hands, walk away, done deal. Now you’re free to play with the gear you've drooled over and spent countless hours trying to achieve by complete chance. The reason this should exist within Destiny is to allow players who have farmed and farmed and farmed and farmed and farmed and farmed and farmed to no avail for the one piece of equipment we’ve never had of our own. Almost all of us, me included, need certain gear to up our game against the players in Crucible who abusively use Year One equipment, or seemingly overpowered gear, OR for an entirely different reason most likely involving PvE. In order to get premium gear the fastest way, we have to take our chances hoping for hours on end that we get the right engram from dozens upon dozens of Three of Coins, or completing an Exotic Weapon questline. If I had an Exotic Engram for each player I've come across that has told me they had 5+ of a really powerful item sitting in their vault doing nothing, mine would be flooding with them!! It's ridiculous how the game would give us gear we already have, yet don't need at all. We're sick and tired of seeing it pop up so we'd usually disassemble it and get the extra support items, whereas many others would spend days, if not, weeks to get just one of that item. So, why not allow Level 40 players to trade amongst each other? Here is a FAIR way to trade that I've concocted... [b]Basic Rulings[/b] 1. [u]Look, But Don't Touch[/u] Players can examine other players' Inventory and Vault freely with an option to Trade. If you choose to Trade, you become a [b]Buyer[/b], they the [b]Seller[/b] after confirming to negotiation. As a Buyer, you can offer anything you think would be worth the same as the gear you desire, but the Seller can look at your inventory if they don’t like what you’re offering for other possible options. 2. [u]Quality for Quality[/u] Exotic Gear can only be traded for Exotic Gear; Legendary for Legendary, adding up to the value of the Light Level of the wanted gear. [b]Raid Gear cannot be traded,[/b] players must still fight through Vault of Glass, Crota's End, and The King's Fall raids to obtain the gear that's exclusive to succeeding in them. 3. [u]Light Levels Matter[/u] Individual Gear must be sold as the same Light Level, or higher, of the Gear you want. If more than one piece is needed to be traded, levels can add up by the second and third numbers, so 302+311=313, and anything less than the total Light Level of what’s offered can be traded. If the gear you're trading adds farther than 320, it's automatically 320. The Rule of Negatives will be applied based on the Hundred as the "Zero" of the LL. Ex. 293+310=303 (-7+10=3). 4. [u]Seller's Choice[/u] [b]The Seller can cancel the trade at any time,[/b] and can deny/ignore the choice to trade when you choose to do so. As a Buyer, you must stay professional or appealing if you don't want to piss the person off who has the gear you really want. 5. [u]Nothing Is Free[/u] [b]No giveaways, period.[/b] The Trading System will require you to offer something, or the trade will be canceled after a [b]30 second timer.[/b] If you take away gear that was offered, the timer will restart until gear/marks/glimmer is shown for the trade again. 6. [u]Marks Before Glimmer[/u] If the Buyer doesn't have gear they wish to offer, all Legendary Marks must be used before resorting to Glimmer. If all Marks were already used before making an offer, the trade will be canceled. Only [b]Marks and Glimmer[/b] may be used together if Glimmer is to be used. Glimmer cannot be used alone (Except for Materials), but Marks can. This is due to easily abusive loopholes players can exploit involving obtaining Glimmer very quickly. 7. [u]Up To Date[/u] [b]Only Year 2 Equipment may be traded.[/b] Don’t like it? Sorry, I guess you’ll have to leave behind your Thorns and Icebreakers, learn to get with the times, and play fair. [b]Advanced Rulings[/b] [u]Exotic Gear[/u] Can be traded for other Exotic(s) and/or Legendary Marks. Max. 40 LMs only WITH Exotic Gear. If only Legendary Marks can be traded, Min. 160, one additional LM for however many levels above 280. Ex. LL 296=176 LMs, or LL 320=200 LMs. If the trade is for an Exotic Shard(s), 25 LMs per one Shard. [u]Legendary Gear[/u] Can be traded for other Legendary Gear(s) and/or Legendary Marks/Glimmer. If only Legendary Marks/Glimmer can be traded, Glimmer can be used as compensation only WITH the trade of LMs, each 100 Glim = 1 LM, Max 15K Glim. Ex. 80 LMs+10K Glim=LL 280, OR 40 LM+15K Glim=LL 320 [u]Materials[/u] Materials such as Spirit Bloom, Weapon Parts, or Motes of Light may be bought for Marks or Glimmer, or other Materials of the same rarity. This is of the [b]Seller's Discretion[/b] however. [b] All of these rules can be returned to and have been thoroughly examined to ensure minimal exploits, if at all. Please feel free to send any feedback, suggestions, constructive criticisms, or improvements. Don't be one of those who only insult, what good would that do, honestly?[/b]

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  • Never happen, because everyone would have everything and then people would have nowt to play for and stop playing. Bungie want numbers online hense the never ending grind. It's no coincidence that 320 ghosts and helms are not dropping often.

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