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originally posted in: Nerf questing beast please!
2/14/2016 11:05:20 PM
[quote]That gun is bullshit, and so is anyone that uses it. I'm playing a control, about to single handedly take B, when I round the corner and what do I see but a warlock wearing alchemists raiment (of course he is, glimmer hogging asshat, glimmer is OP) hard scoping my direction with his stupid questing beast. How did he know I was coming? You guessed it. He was watching his radar (of course he was, screen cheating asshat, radar is OP). Did I screen cheat my radar to see if the coast was clear? Ooooh no. No sir EEE bob! I don't need crutches the way you knit hard sweaters do. So, I flew out in the open and hit him with five headshot bursts from my gnarly totally spec'd out 290 hawksaw! Right to his dome! Actually, technically, I SHOT 5 times. I don't think all of those bullets hit him. A few hit his teammate on his left. A few others hit his teammate on his right. That's right folks, he was point camping with TWO TEAMMATES (of course he was, focus firing asshat, teammates are OP). So, like I was saying, I flew out in the middle of the point, hawksaw blazing, tearing all three of them up, and I INSTA-DIED! Like, less than a half a second later I was dead. What killed me? The last word his right hand teammate was using? The clasp of matlock his left hand teammate was using? Nope. The OP questing beast. Said so right there on the screen. Killed by questing beast. That's bullshit he killed me so fast! I was supposed to go all CoD on their asses, rage on all three of them and secure the point! By myself! Like a ninja! But because of his crutchy ass QB, I died. Bungie, please nerf before QB ruins your game! While we're at it, could you take all hunter supers out of the game? Every time I go all sith lord and get me a double kill using my totally awesome lightning PvP skills, some stupid noob hunter pops out to kill me with a golden BAZOOKA or arrows of UNOBTANIUM or knives made out of CHUCK NORRIS' BEARD!![/quote]

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