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Edited by BoogerLover: 2/11/2016 7:25:04 AM
Mystin, First, I'm sorry you've been having a rough time in PVP with regards to SBMM.... It is so hard for me to read your post and not feel a wee bit contemptuous towards your plight. Stay with me though, because I'm going to stay on the high road with you while I attempt to offer a different view by way of a counter-point to your situation. I've attempted to see your situation not through my eyes but rather truly understand through your perspective. However, let us consider all those potential players that you would be matched against if SBMM was turned off. I'll use myself for example... I'm speaking as someone who is in the top 53% in terms of K/D with an overall score of 0.97. So mathematically, my PVP skill is representative to roughly half of the total community (as opposed to your being within the super minority of 1%). 1. Regarding your situation w/SBMM and attempting to casually PVP with your girlfriend. It appears that you are failing to have fun due to your OP competitive nature. For example, I recently did the "Refer-a-Friend" thing and brought my very young nephew into Destiny. As we were leveling up his shiny new Titan, we went into the Crucible to knock out a few bounties... At first we got killed.... a lot..... But thank goodness for SBMM because eventually (after Shaxx breaking up a lot of teams) we were able to get enough kills to satisfy the bounties we were after. I had a great time because the whole point was to play with my nephew and eventually we could win a few. As a side note, SBMM prevented me from effectively "carrying" which many of us find annoying (when 1 or 2 players can carry an entire fire team and almost single-handedly wipe out the opposing team). 2. The fact that you felt the need to "create" a new account just to test out the "new changes," indicates to me that you don't want that precious K/D of yours to suffer while you "casual" it up and "have fun." Or, you miss a good ole Pub Stomp that SBMM has been denying you... Either way, looking at this in the most favorable light, I'm still coming up with the perspective that you just can't help yourself and continue to fail at the "fun" part. In other words, nobody but an uber OP competitive try hard would even consider what you did;"create a new account just to test out the new changes." Listen Bro, if you want to have fun, just let it go man.... Just take an "I don't care about my K/D (winning)" attitude and go uber casual mode. If you're not truly afflicted and can shake this OP competitive condition, you'll actually have fun.... :D 3. By the way you started this conversation, I infer that your K/D is important to you and in fact, a point of pride. Further, as you roll out your "competitive" resume (12 years worth apparently) in your appeal for SBMM to "be an optional experience," I couldn't help but get the notion that you simply don't know how to be non-competitive. I think a more honest way to define your position is that you want to win without having to try "sooooo hard." Truthfully, if you spend the better part of a weekend nerfing your K/D into oblivion than you'll start being matched against lesser skilled opponents like me. But the jeopardy there is that as soon as you start casually stomping us into the ground you'll be back to square one. 4. SBMM is a great concept for the majority of players out there. Is it flawed, yes. The lag is a big problem. However, with the potential of the new "damage referee" coupled with SBMM has potential to move us closer to that sweet spot that benefits the community (writ large vice you 1 percenters). I know this isn't what you probably wanted to hear but if you could afford to look beyond your 1% and consider Bungie's attempt to accommodate the greater majority you could be more understanding of their intentions with SBMM. If you really care about creating a fun PVP experience with your girlfriend and value that over your K/D, you'll find the solution was in front of you this whole time. :D Just have fun like I did playing with my nephew! After all, isn't that the whole point?

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  • Edited by CurlyMuch: 2/12/2016 11:52:38 AM
    You're missing the point about the [b]ranked[/b] SBMM playlist. No one including me gives a shit about casual Elo. If they split the playlist you wouldn't see streamers pubstomp. No pro league streamer streams in the casual playlist, and no pro hearthstone player streams in the casual playlist. For example I was watching someone in hearthstone stream and hew was trying to get from rank 200 to rank 1 which means he's only playing against the top .01% of players. If his stream said "pub stomping with the best deck in the game" no one would watch him. The reason you see this happen in destiny is because there is no ranked playlist so the only way to rank yourself is to pub stomp in the [b]casual[/b] playlist. The only place you can stream from is the casual playlist. If a guy gets 30 kills 0 deaths in a casual playlist and tried to brag about it the first thing someone would say is "It wasn't ranked". This completely defeats the self fulfillment of being good at something, without the gratification there isn't any point.

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  • You're talking to a brick wall there, it seems.

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  • And I will continue to bump this until you k/d loving try-hards figure out what ur doing wrong.

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  • Bump this all day. If you don't care about your k/d, the just let go. Play for fun. Let go of that sweaty, try-hard, competitive attitude.

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  • Say if you have a friend that is really good at pvp and joins you for a few games and you arent that good, what would you do when every game you two played together was based on their skill level and not yours? Would you get annoyed and stop playing because you cant get a kill?

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  • Yes. I have a couple of friends I can't PvP with cause their KD is too high. No big deal. I Raid with them instead.

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  • I'm entitled to be competitive as are you entitled to make a complete dick of yourself on this forum.....

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  • Then don't cry when all of your matches are sweaty and you can't run in a match to pub stomp everyone.

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  • You should ease up on that making a dick of yourself, its hard to take you seriously and have a "discussion"

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  • If being reasonable makes me a dick then so be it. I just hope the SBMM sticks.

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  • Your not being reasonable... accussing people of stats whoring or elitism when they genuinely can't play the game as its intended due to SBMM

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  • There is absolutely no reason anyone should be able to finish a match with 20+ kills and 5 or less deaths. That's not skill, its bullshit. If you truly are skilled, you should win every match anyway.

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  • Edited by THE FINAL BAWSS: 2/12/2016 4:04:00 AM
    Basically... WTF? Is all I have to say to that... Your argument is shallow and wreaks of being salty about getting wrecked.... The point being argued here is that SBMM is having side affects that disrupt the very basic fundamentals of this game, like being able to play activities with a variety of player types and skill levels without being penalized, or having to play at 500-1000ms delay because the game deems you not worthy of playing with people in the same town, it's Bullshit and stinks of the "Make the world beige" bullshit usability so called experts breed, this isn't about players wanted to smash newbs... it's about making the game reasonable and not hand holding...

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  • well it seems to me that yes your augment is that SBMM is not letting you "Pubstomp" local players that are new or at a lower skill level then you and now My KD/ELO is going down and I am losing Twitter and Twich followers. So tell me what is the problem with being matched up with players of an equal skill level as yourself? Take out all the technical issues and tell me why being matched with others of your skill level is a bad thing for the game? Your comments seem to indicate that you don't want to match yourself against those of an equal skill level as yourself.

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  • What if those people who represent "that variety of skill levels" disagree? IH PHARMER appears to rather not be "forced" to match up against people outside of his skill level. We've already covered lag so I'll leave that alone pending your comments to my previous reply. But, on the actual subject of matchmaking based on skill.... Why do you think Bungie invoked SBMM? Why? Why do you think a select group of players are unhappy with SBMM whilst another select group of players are very happy with it? Why do you insist on playing with others outside of your skill level whilst others say no thank you?

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  • My only hope is that your KD is suffering as well. If you weren't a stat whore, we wouldn't be having this conversation. :)

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  • I'm smiling right now because as we speak, all of the stat whores are crying as their artificially inflated kd's tank. :)

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  • I quit crucible because I got stomped nearly every match. Some asshole running around quick scoping, camping sniper lanes or running the meta primary with 20+ kills would kill everyone over and over. Boy am I glad those days are over.

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  • Focusing on KD is stats whoring. That's a majority of the problem here. Alot of players KD is artificially inflated because the matches were easy. If the matches were too hard they jumped out until they could pub stomp for a match. I've seen it happen over and over.

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  • Edited by Sadisticways: 2/12/2016 12:02:27 AM
    He just wants to fight easy enemies he can stomp he doesn't like when the odds are even.

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  • No, please re-read my post again, slowly so you actually understand what I am saying. On the flip side, why do you want to play the mediocre all the time? One of the reasons online PVP is so popular is because its a shark tank, sometimes you feed... some times your eaten, its a contest, fun but all the while a contest.... You just want mediocrity

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  • Edited by ScottEggert: 2/12/2016 4:23:05 PM
    Ah but here is the rub. if the little sharks are always getting eaten by the big sharks soon there are no little sharks to eat. SBMM while highly flawed in some aspects is a way to let the little sharks grow into bigger sharks to use your analogy of PvP being a shark tank.

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  • I agree with OP but from the opposite perspective. I am an above average player... but 3-4 of my friends are top 5% players and I cannot play with them without getting completely destroyed.

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  • This. A million million times this. I'm above average as well and even the tiny amount of skill I possess is enough to cause newer or inexperience players trouble if I group up with them. Few people like being placed into seemingly impossible situations where they repeatedly are punished for just for trying to play the game. Look at it another way, would you like to be forced to run nightfall and hard mode raids just because a member of your group has regularly cleared them even if all you wanted to do was goof off with your friends in patrol?

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  • Edited by Kornby: 2/12/2016 1:29:12 AM
    That is a good analogy I used it in a post above

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