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Edited by Mystin: 2/11/2016 7:06:24 PM

Why SBMM is ruining the game, from a top player

Edit: I am really happy to see such great discussion in here, but after reading various replies, there seems to be a lot of people misinterpreting my post. Let me be clear - SBMM, in a vacuum, is a [b]good[/b] thing. It promotes an even playing field where everyone has a chance to be on top and improve. I stated multiple times in my post that I am actually in [b]favor[/b] of SBMM, but it must be contained to specific playlists, like Trials or Iron Banner. The core argument that I, along with many others are making is how Bungie is [b]forcing[/b] SBMM across nearly every playlist. Revert back to having a casual connection-based group of playlists, and in addition create a ranked SBMM playlist or "league" where people can [b]choose[/b] to participate in. I am speaking as someone who is in the top 1% in terms of K/D (2.9 in Clash/Control, 3.1 in Trials) and Win%. Please do not mistake me coming off as arrogant or elitist, I am merely providing a perspective. Skill-Based Matchmaking across most/all playlists needs to go. [b]Period.[/b] My girlfriend and I use to always play Destiny together, mostly PvP, until last August when we started to do a bit of traveling together. We were thrilled to pick it back up, but already she wants to quit. We can no longer play together due to SBMM. I am posting from my new account, which I created solely to test out the new changes. I queued up with her for the first 10-15 games of my new Titan before my K/D started increasing, and we were being matched with players at her skill level. After multiple trial runs of queuing separately, the skill disparity between her games when she queued solo and with me, was enormous. When she queues solo now, she always gets at least 8-10 kills, but with me, she struggles to get 2-3. After 12 years of online gaming, I have never dealt with a system as frustrating as this. [b]A competitive, evenly matched PvP environment is great[/b], and it's one of the reasons why I love Trials in Destiny, [b]but it needs to be an optional experience where players can choose to participate in when they want to.[/b] Bungie wants SBMM? Fine, then put it in Trials where it belongs. [b]At the very least, there needs to be a [u]clear separation[/u] between dedicated SBMM playlists, and CBMM playlists.[/b] Forcing it upon every player for every PvP match is not only absurd, it’s pushing people away from the game. Is this what Bungie wants? To alienate PvPers across different skill levels? You advertised your game to incentivize playing with one another. Aside from my girlfriend, my other friends I used to play with no longer want to queue with me or even with one another due to the skill disparity. [b]The state of PvP is completely backwards right now.[/b] Originally introduced as the go-to competitive environment, Trials has now become the most laid back game type. Aside from the fact that my girlfriend can no longer enjoy playing PvP with me due to getting stomped by everyone in the game, I can barely stomach solo queuing myself. As I said earlier, I love competitive PvP, it is one of the reasons why I ran Trials so much every weekend, but having a hyper-competitive sweat fest forced on me every single game is ridiculous. After reading several topics similar to this, it’s pathetic how many players are using the “Oh look, another elitist try hard is butt hurt because he can’t roflstomp noobs anymore” card. This cannot be any further from the truth, one of the most enjoyable things for me was queuing up for Crucible to relax and try out some cool builds and weapon setups solo or with my friends. I can’t even do this anymore because every game I’m in is full of tryhards running top tier, cookie cutter builds. SBMM is also a nightmare for any good players due to how the search functions. Instead of being pure connection based, the system tries to match you primarily with players around your skill level, which are very likely in different countries. Because of this, you end up with laggy, teleporting players and a completely degenerative experience. Crimson doubles - what another great example at how terribly flawed SBMM is. My girlfriend and I were looking forward to doing doubles during this "Couples' Valentines Event." Across [b]seven[/b] games with me, she got 3 kills; every game we were matched against people my skill level. My girlfriend can't even enjoy a special event MADE for friends and couples due to SBMM. I rarely post on forums, but it really depressed me when last night, during Crimson Doubles, my girlfriend flat out said “This is it, I quit. This isn’t even fun for me anymore.” She got the game for the sole purpose of playing PvP with me. Because of SBMM, the great experience we use to share has been taken from us. I could probably go on with this for a while, but I did the best I could to condense this and keep it concise. When Destiny came out, it immediately became my favorite game. The friends and connections I have made through this game will stay with me for the rest of my life. I actually found this incredibly difficult to write, due to what Destiny means to me and how frustrating it is having that ruined by Bungie’s warped perception of how PvP “should” be.

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  • Look at this guys medal score and decide for yourself if he's a top 1% or 3% I smell a bit of bullshit

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    2 Replies
    • Honestly today was the first day Destiny has left a bad taste in my mouth since year 1. It just feels like Bungie is making so many changes without thinking them through. The special ammo nerf was yet again a failure, 1 long round and everyone has max ammo again. No changes were made to the boxes themselves and how much ammo they give, and they haven't tweaked heavy at all. The sweat is insane and I find myself laughing at how crazy some of the sniper shots people pull off on me. Mid shade step guys not missing for an entire game, you need to be scared to go around every corner whether they are hard scoped or not, because they will pull off some mid shade step bs every time. I am decent at sniping and it is def my best special weapon but to see godly snipers left and right on normal modes just baffles me anymore. Does Bungie even know what Destiny is anymore? Lol..

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      • Watch AoxGodz with me on Twitch! watch me train for lighthouse and wait for a carry!!

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      • Totally agreed.

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      • It sucks to lose you kd because you can't just camp babies all day huh. Looks like bungie found away to show who really does have the skill tha reflects in their kd

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      • Agreed! My complaint with PvP has always been the terrible lack of options with playlists. It's a little better now but I was floored with how it was in the beginning. This is (was) Bungie...a company which excelled at PvP options. You and a few others below you nailed it...a ranked playlist needs to be an option for regular crucible.

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      • Edited by Sir Gavanator: 2/12/2016 5:11:13 AM
        I think the biggest issue for me is that I play with guys below and asbove my skill level. Meaning that I'm either getting dominated by guys wayyy better than me, or I'm having to take on multiple guys by myself because my team gets dominated. Elimination is my favorite game mode, and the SBMM makes it so my skill is prioritized over my connection, meaning I'm connecting to guys halfway across the earth in p2p servers. I honestly wouldn't mind it so much if this entire game weren't p2p. Get some damn servers, bungie.

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      • With your 81,000 medal score, it appears nearly all of your post is encrypted in some strange coded language... I can't read it. Don't fret guardian, it should be pretty easy to fix- If you'd like crucible related threads to appear visible to the community, actually *play* some crucible. :-p

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      • I like the idea of skill based matchmaking but in its present state it isnt much fun. I would prefer some visual indication of what skill bracket i am in because currently i feel like i am playing terribly all the time when i solo. Then when i play with friends who arent as good i wrek obviously this is the skill matching at work. Its just a little frustrating, not knowing if you are losing because you are up against some really tallented players or if you are just sucking. I like the halo 5 ranking system and something like that in destiny would be cool. Trying to get better and break into a higher league is so fun. We will see what happens. Maybe some day.

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      • I have read through about 4 pages of comments and am I the only one who thinks maybe instead of complaining about SBMM and his "gf" not having any fun, this dude should maybe try either a) help his gf "git gud" or b) just find another game to play with her. I am about 99% sure she does not exist and this guy is pounding pud to Brazzers while listening to Justin Beiber and doing his algebra homework in his room.... in-between sweaty matches in the crucible and screams of "more hot pockets Mom"!!!

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        2 Replies
        • Wow. Everything I'm feeling in one concise post. That last sentence couldn't be more true for me.

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        • I'm fine with SBMM in playlists that would adhere to skilled game types. Or just one "pro" Skirmish playlist that has SBMM and all other playlists CBMM ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]

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        • Edited by Tibbaryllis2: 2/12/2016 4:28:37 AM
          The stupid thing is Bungie already solved this problem over 10 years ago with a Team Training playlist. You knew you could get into a fair bit of -blam!-ery if you hopped into that playlist versus the ranked Team Slayer. The expectations were clearly set. And you traded being able to have fun and screw around for not being able to improve your stats. It has nothing to do with wanting to stomp noobs and everything to do with not wanting to run wide open every match of every game. If people are really worried about stomping noobs then keep SBMM for the normal lists, but make it work on 25% quartiles. Problem solved

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        • I'm a terrible pvp player and I'm against skill based too when it's mandatory. It should be an option to turn off like matchmaking in every game mode. I'm more interested in connection based matchmaking to fix some of the lag issues.

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        • Edited by Muka Gatals: 2/11/2016 6:57:55 PM
          If you Top 1% K/ only represent 1% of the community. Granted many that players online here are the hard cores. It is explain why it seem majority PvP player in this forum against SBMM. Bungie make decision based on statistic. Bungie knows by SBMM more players are happy. The only problem is lagging. Those that get lagged are the Top 1% or the bottom 1%. Average player will not. I never experience any lag. Majority of us never experiencing any lag. It is hard to find your match if you only 1% of the pool. But for Bungie..Its better to make 99% players happy instead only 1% Majority of Casual players are not in this forum...

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          4 Replies
          • I agree, its so hard to play trials or any kind of 3v3 in general with my main friends. Im not saying that im amazing but when you have a 1.5 and all of your main destiny friends have an average of 0.8, its really hard to play with them without breaking your back.

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          • OF COURSE YOU DON'T LIKE IT. Top players always need noobs and casual players to kill for increasing their KD and making their youtube videos. I'm so done to see fcking noobs getting killed in youtube videos who I could kill with my eyes closed, but I never face that kind of people. It's always so good to post a video of 50kills with 25kd when the enemy don't even now how to shoot and don't even are level 40.

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            • Bump

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            • Edited by contra_reality: 2/11/2016 7:20:28 PM
              All they need to do is make a ranked playlist (solo and team). The ranked playlist will have tier based matchmaking based on some sort of elo system that factors in both wins/loses and some sort of wins above replacement metric that would consider k/d among other factors. Tier and elo score should be proudly displayed for all to see on the character screen. The big thing, skill based games should be entirely optional.

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              • I can see where you're coming from. I'm always for better matchmaking in destiny, so if there was an option to play skill based vs non skill based that would just be a better matchmaking system overall and give players more to choose from. As for the reasoning for why you want it, I can see where you're coming from, don't necessarily agree with it all though.

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              • Shut the fu ck up you have played for 6 hours. I agree with you. But dont callvyourself a top player

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              • Top player huh?

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              • Guys he's complaining because his kd is going down and he don't like that, he wants to dominate the other team so bad he doesn't have to worry about his kd :D

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                • On the flip side it keeps people who are really good from wiping us casuals who just want to have a little fun.

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                  • Agreed but bungie won't listen

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                  • This is the exact reason I quit destiny myself bud. Hope you and your lady find something fun to play!

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