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Edited by Mystin: 2/11/2016 7:06:24 PM

Why SBMM is ruining the game, from a top player

Edit: I am really happy to see such great discussion in here, but after reading various replies, there seems to be a lot of people misinterpreting my post. Let me be clear - SBMM, in a vacuum, is a [b]good[/b] thing. It promotes an even playing field where everyone has a chance to be on top and improve. I stated multiple times in my post that I am actually in [b]favor[/b] of SBMM, but it must be contained to specific playlists, like Trials or Iron Banner. The core argument that I, along with many others are making is how Bungie is [b]forcing[/b] SBMM across nearly every playlist. Revert back to having a casual connection-based group of playlists, and in addition create a ranked SBMM playlist or "league" where people can [b]choose[/b] to participate in. I am speaking as someone who is in the top 1% in terms of K/D (2.9 in Clash/Control, 3.1 in Trials) and Win%. Please do not mistake me coming off as arrogant or elitist, I am merely providing a perspective. Skill-Based Matchmaking across most/all playlists needs to go. [b]Period.[/b] My girlfriend and I use to always play Destiny together, mostly PvP, until last August when we started to do a bit of traveling together. We were thrilled to pick it back up, but already she wants to quit. We can no longer play together due to SBMM. I am posting from my new account, which I created solely to test out the new changes. I queued up with her for the first 10-15 games of my new Titan before my K/D started increasing, and we were being matched with players at her skill level. After multiple trial runs of queuing separately, the skill disparity between her games when she queued solo and with me, was enormous. When she queues solo now, she always gets at least 8-10 kills, but with me, she struggles to get 2-3. After 12 years of online gaming, I have never dealt with a system as frustrating as this. [b]A competitive, evenly matched PvP environment is great[/b], and it's one of the reasons why I love Trials in Destiny, [b]but it needs to be an optional experience where players can choose to participate in when they want to.[/b] Bungie wants SBMM? Fine, then put it in Trials where it belongs. [b]At the very least, there needs to be a [u]clear separation[/u] between dedicated SBMM playlists, and CBMM playlists.[/b] Forcing it upon every player for every PvP match is not only absurd, it’s pushing people away from the game. Is this what Bungie wants? To alienate PvPers across different skill levels? You advertised your game to incentivize playing with one another. Aside from my girlfriend, my other friends I used to play with no longer want to queue with me or even with one another due to the skill disparity. [b]The state of PvP is completely backwards right now.[/b] Originally introduced as the go-to competitive environment, Trials has now become the most laid back game type. Aside from the fact that my girlfriend can no longer enjoy playing PvP with me due to getting stomped by everyone in the game, I can barely stomach solo queuing myself. As I said earlier, I love competitive PvP, it is one of the reasons why I ran Trials so much every weekend, but having a hyper-competitive sweat fest forced on me every single game is ridiculous. After reading several topics similar to this, it’s pathetic how many players are using the “Oh look, another elitist try hard is butt hurt because he can’t roflstomp noobs anymore” card. This cannot be any further from the truth, one of the most enjoyable things for me was queuing up for Crucible to relax and try out some cool builds and weapon setups solo or with my friends. I can’t even do this anymore because every game I’m in is full of tryhards running top tier, cookie cutter builds. SBMM is also a nightmare for any good players due to how the search functions. Instead of being pure connection based, the system tries to match you primarily with players around your skill level, which are very likely in different countries. Because of this, you end up with laggy, teleporting players and a completely degenerative experience. Crimson doubles - what another great example at how terribly flawed SBMM is. My girlfriend and I were looking forward to doing doubles during this "Couples' Valentines Event." Across [b]seven[/b] games with me, she got 3 kills; every game we were matched against people my skill level. My girlfriend can't even enjoy a special event MADE for friends and couples due to SBMM. I rarely post on forums, but it really depressed me when last night, during Crimson Doubles, my girlfriend flat out said “This is it, I quit. This isn’t even fun for me anymore.” She got the game for the sole purpose of playing PvP with me. Because of SBMM, the great experience we use to share has been taken from us. I could probably go on with this for a while, but I did the best I could to condense this and keep it concise. When Destiny came out, it immediately became my favorite game. The friends and connections I have made through this game will stay with me for the rest of my life. I actually found this incredibly difficult to write, due to what Destiny means to me and how frustrating it is having that ruined by Bungie’s warped perception of how PvP “should” be.

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  • As a proud holder of a .91 kd I prefer SBMM. I've avoided the crucible like the plague for most of the 1st year of destiny. Every time I set foot in a PVP match I would get massacred, absolutely destroyed, bottom of the leader board every single time. It was so frustrating and infuriating that I just avoided it all together. Now that PVE offers next to nothing, I started playing PVP recently. I'm still not good, but now I am playing with other people that are not good also and the experience as a whole has been amazing. I enjoy PVP now, I am getting better, learning the maps, learning how to flank, rush, snipe. Its also improving my PVE skill. I am not top of the board every match, but Im in the top 3 most games. 99% of sub 1.0 kd players do not want to be massacred over and over again, it isn't fun and does nothing but keep a large majority out of PVP altogether.

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    135 Replies
    • Bump. THIS. THIS. THIS x1000!!!!!

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    • As an admittedly mediocre at best player, I don't mind it. Ever since it's been implemented I haven't ran into many games where we got stomped on because we were outclassed from the beginning. The lag sucked at first but is better now.

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    • Edited by ValuableCross: 2/12/2016 4:24:17 PM
      Great point.. however... are we overlooking a positive point of SBMM? You mention your GF does well by herself... gets 8-10 kills per game. This most likely happens because of SBMM. My his 60's... also does much better by himself in the crucible. I was in a similar situation as you...I wanted to run crimson doubles last night with my your isn't fun for him because he really struggled to get kills. (I am no great PvPer..I am turning 40 and I am a stroke survivor.. but I am good enough to get to the light house a couple lucky times in Y2..) If they were to get rid of SBMM.... your GF and my dad may not like crucible at all. My dad enjoys crucible by himself because he plays people similar to his skill. Out of all the treads and forums posts, it seems like the a solution to make sure everyone has fun would be to have ranked (SBMM/CBMM that they have today) and unranked (CBMM) play lists. Now, I don't know if they have the player base right now to support such a thing. IE - when you create multiple groups...freelance, teams, ranked, unranked, it dilutes the possibility of connecting someone near you. Then again.. if they had Ranked/Unranked.. maybe more people would come back. Edit: Words are hard.

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    • [b]Obligatory: I am not a Bungie Employee. I am a volunteer moderator.[/b] I actually experienced this myself back during the Reach Days, but it actually made two of my close IRL friends quit during HoW. Unlike you, I'm not a top 1%. I'm maybe top 5-10%. But it's good enough my SBMM drags any party I play with up to matching with players at my level. Which honestly isn't fun for anyone. I get a worthwhile challenge, but when I'm matched against 2-4 player at my skill level and my friends haven't had as much time to invest into the game I experience a rather huge tilt in my Win-Loss because even if we function together as a team my friends' gunskill just isn't at the level of our opponents. Between the frustrating connections during the past year and the consistently unmatched opponents, my friends just had enough. They still log on to check out PVE content, but not adamantly refuse to participate in anything Crucible related. Which is a damn shame. It makes me feel horrible for having more time to invest in this game. It makes them feel bad for not having ENOUGH time to invest in their FPS skillsets. General frustration sets in all around. In addition, I also experience this in solo play. I take breaks from Destiny. Be it the recent lack of content for a dedicated end-game player like me or another tantalizing game dragging my attention away, I'll sometimes disappear from the Tower for 2-3 weeks. And when I come back, my skill is obviously a tad rusty. But SBMM immediately throws me back into top-tier skill lists against opponents that most likely have been consistently playing. What ensues is a lesson in humility and frustration for me. From anywhere from 10 games to several days, I tilt. I tilt hard while SBMM settles me back into a new "warm-up" zone for my skill level while I get back up to speed. And honestly? That tilt sometimes makes me drop Destiny again entirely. It's not fun to feel your fingers lag just a few milliseconds behind or miss that one shot by inches. I'm a pretty patient person, but I feel frustration drum up inside me. Do I have easy solutions for these emotions SBMM drags up in me? No. There's a lot of factors to consider when changing any backend matchmaking and I understand the challenge laid before Bungie's designers to create a fun, competitive experience with your friends. It's a fine line to walk. And while I have experienced my share of frustrations with this title I definitely wish them luck and the best. Because if they succeed, my experience will be all the better.

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      27 Replies
      • I noticed a huge difference between playing in a fireteam with my skilled brother and playing in a team with my crappy brother, in 3v3 playlists I could carry the team compared to getting completely stomped. ~Potatoe

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      • Never heard of ya

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      • Well said, totally agree

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      • I am in a vacuum.i feel me please.will you

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      • SBMM was built for crucible IMO. As someone that never liked crucible until recently I am a lone wolf most the time. I don't play in pre organized teams and until this month never played trials either. I think numbers are too highly regarded. They can be easily manipulated in many ways. Even to this day some people pay to be carried through trials. It's a joke and the longer you manipulate your numbers the better they get. I can show you videos of me capturing the most flags and getting 38 kills in a game. I regularly finish top end of the game win or lose but my KD is horrible. I dislike the community we currently have that values these numbers so much. You guys know it's a joke. I heard the other day a person recruiting that required a grimore score......WTF? I'm not a good sniper and I don't have a lot of experience playing in a team because of similar standards. I have learned a lot in the last month. My overall combat rating is like 78 in doubles it is 230 and that is with random people. The SBMM seems to put me in with players that play similar to me and that makes it way funner for me. If the high standards of people make it hard for me to play trials at least let me have fun in crucible. If you got a team with players that aren't as talented as you then you can either pick up the slack or send them out to learn some more. Being upset that the game is hard for them, and in turn, becomes harder for you isn't really a fair statement.

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        3 Replies
        • Bump. Here's why. Before all you go look at my stats and tell me because I have a below 1kd that my opinion doesn't matter, hold on, I'm a part of this community and it does. GTFO. Besides in a 1v1 I will hold my own. With that being said my point to agree with the op. I've been playing since early dark below with my current group and we have a 1% in all pvp player. He is overall stellar at this platform. Since sbmm came on he waits for 3-5min to find a game by himself in all activities they have implemented it in. And if he plays with any of us the games are even worse because now the lag comes into play so it's harder for the less skilled to compete nor can he even carry if needed because of it. Yes there was pub stomping good or bad with connection based but in the end at least we all had a fair shake across the board because we all had similar connections to the fight. Honestly bungie if you want to have sbmm then you need a true ranking system with is a dedicated playlist or activity all to itself. This would allow the "Social" aspect of the game continue on the path set forth on release and give a dedicated place for people wanting to climb the leader board at there own risk regardless of the risk of poor connection. This playlist would need a real ban hammer for cheaters and be monitored closely for all things. Trials of Osiris is/was a great start to this mindset and is ultimately based on wins per the card which should remain unchanged. If you place sbmm on trials anyone looking to carry will have a difficult time and it won't be any fun for the people in the backpack watching from the dead screen because they can't compete with higher tier players and or the lag that goes with it.

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          • so... here is a brief story from my perspective about crimson doubles and SBMM Tuesday and Wednesday after the raid I logged in some doubles wins with two of my raid buddies... now these two particular buddies have similar stats as me in elimination/doubles but due to the amount of trials ive been playin lately that they avoid... im.. fresher for the game mode if that's the right term for it? most of the time I was getting more kills and almost always had a +2 kd.. not to say they did bad... I had some bad matches where I was the .4 and they were the 2.5... anyways... that was the first two nights of Crimson Doubles well last night after the third raid, I played with another regular raid partner... except this time... it was with the one known as the crucible god in our circle of friends. I dunno where he ranks... top 5% or top 1%... doesn't really matter.. I know I have average/above average stats and he makes me look like an absolute clown. so night number 3 im playing doubles with him and we won 9/10 matches... but the most kills and highest k/d I got out of them 10 matches was 4 kills and a .5 k/d... granted, I was playing on my hunter who im the worst out of three on... but class doesn't change weapons.. why would I go from a 2 to a .5?? by the end I was close to rage mode... I had hella fun the first 2 nights but last night was miserable... and this experience has been had by everyone who has crucibled with him so far in doubles this week... I therefore can only conclude that doubles has SBMM in it. I know losing is part of the game and how you get better, but when its every match in a row... I just cant handle that... I cant... im too competitive.. I get angry to quick... I like to win and im not a sore loser... but I refuse to get the shit kicked out of me match after match after match... its not fun.. not fun at all.. so in conclusion.. I will no longer be doing 2v2 or 3v3 (with the exception of trials) with that friend because I do not want my experience ruined by crucible gods that eat a regular player like a snack... screw that and screw SBMM PS.. Bungie.. if you want SBMM... make a ranked playlist and show us our ranks... if not... get it the hell out of here

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          • Boo fricking hoo. Im a top 1% player. And im used to having lots if easy games. I like having lots of easy games. I dont like it when I get beaten by other good players. Wah wah wah.

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            • This is ridiculous. Why are they're so many salty scrubs out there complaining? If you're not skilled at competitive then either a) become skilled through practice or b) stop playing. I've read so many people's comments about how they are a self-proclaimed scrub and how they love the new matchmaking and think the only people who complain about it are top-tier players looking to pub-stomp and get easy wins. It ain't like that, bruh. For as many pub-stompers you think are out there, there are probably twice as many people who want to play competitive games where they don't have to try too hard (dare I say casual?) SBMM messes this up because the skill gap in Destiny is wide af. On top of that, it makes connections horrible because for damn near everyone because you are no longer only playing people on your server (because most of them don't have the skill) SBMM only benefits bad player's. At the end of the day everyone wants the same thing, regardless of skill level, and that's a casual game. CBMM is fair as neither side knows how good the other one is. Let's not make it like top-tier players can choose what lobbies they went into when they dump on aforementioned scrubs, it's all random. As a matter of fact, I'd like to know how they keep getting these scrub lobbies in the first place, because I can never find them. As an average (or above-average in this community, you can decide amongst yourselves) I'd rarely ever run into so-called "sweaty" lobbies, solo or in a party. There are games where I (we) completely dominate, and they're are games where I get my ass handed to me. That's just how competitive games work. I now undoubtedly know that when I got into a match that they're is going to be a lot of -blam!-ery that I'm not used to seeing and I gotta put my try-hard pants on to even attempt winning. Since Destiny is all about the casual, we'd probably never see separate playlists. And if they do add it to the game it'll be nice to see, but no one would play it. No one but pros likes trying too hard. That being said, until Bungie stops watering the game down and making things easier Destiny shouldn't be trying to make things uber-competitive, because the community is not ready for that. It's not anyone's fault that you suck, but yours. It's not anyone's fault that you're good, but yours. Remember that everyone started at a 0.00 k/d. We all had (have) a learning curve. This game is made for people who are 13+ and if you can't realize that you need to learn & adapt to be successful by this point, you're beyond saving. Young and grown men and women (but mostly men) crying because they're consistently taking L's is not a good look. Get gud, g. Super competitive games frustrate everyone and make the community smaller. A scrub playin a scrub does nothing for either scrub. No one wins with SBMM.

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              5 Replies
              • I agree, but get ready for the flame n00bs. The people that don't have a clue will be out in force with there flaming torches!!!!! Most of them won't have even read your post in its entirety. But will call you a salty scrub lol.

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              • Err... What's sbmm?

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                5 Replies
                • L.A.G.G.E.R.S. in Crucible is what SBMM causes. Apparently my "Skill Base" means I get matched against Brazillians and New Zealanders. I would rather play against an Australian than a Brazillian because the Australian is geographically further away but their pings are decent. I'm in the middle of America and I get 200ms-300ms ping to places like Adelaide and even lower if it's Sydney. When I get Brazillians it takes roughly 5 to 10 seconds after I killed someone for them to die. That entire period they are shooting me as they're dead.

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                • Sounds like your gf needs to git gud at pvp [spoiler]obviously joking[/spoiler]

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                • Don't call yourself a, "top player" you're a RAF noob.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Was playing destiny pvp on a daily basis, but since the SBMM came out Bungie is lucky if I even play trials anymore. I'm a decent player at pvp but no god like player. My friends aren't at my skill level so they hate playing with me and I hate playing alone so I put the game to the side. Crimson Doubles was no fun and I only did one character because none of my friends wanted to keep playing. The game is broke at the moment so in the meantime I'm on GTA V. P.S. Bring back special ammo or disable the ice breaker from pvp. It puts the players who use year 2 weapons at a disadvantage from the start of the match. Good idea to not give us the special ammo from the start of the match but as I figured Bungie didn't think it through very well before pushing it on us.

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                  • Tru tbh

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                  • You don't have to be in the top 1% to get a poor experience thanks to SBMM, every lobby that i get into has players who don't live in my region or even in the same continent and the connection is lopsided, this shit has to stop. The adjustments Bungie made are not good enough, they need to get rid of the SBMM system and make the matchmaking 100% connection based,. Ranked playlists would be fine so those who want to play in a competitive lag fest have that option, but having SBMM in every playlist ruins the crucible.

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                  • I'm a bad PvP player. Prior to SBMM, every match was a blood bath. I stopped playing PvP altogether. After SBMM, I'm competitive against other scrubs and have the opportunity to get better while learning the maps and builds that I like. I'm a scrub casual though and must be the only one that feels this way.

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                  • Everyone's stats are false, prior to the SBMM everyone got their "k/d" from killing noobs (some having actual skill) so now they are stuck at high tear level when they really are not all that great If Bungie would have wiped everyone's KD when introducing SBMM and let it build from there it would have ended up better rather than let all the noob killer K/D's in with people that might actually have some skill

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                    2 Replies
                    • If u want to be a competitive player this shouldn't concern you at all... competitive should not be easy as slot of players want it in here... sure they could stick it to osiris and iron banner... but i bet there are many crucible players that have gotten crushed in control and other modes by far better players tha need sbmm for having atleast a bit fun... it might be bad that you can't play with your girl anymore... but how bad would it be for every low player you outplayed before if sbmm be gone again??

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                    • I thought Bungo reincorporated Connection Based MM into the game.

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