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Edited by Mystin: 2/11/2016 7:06:24 PM

Why SBMM is ruining the game, from a top player

Edit: I am really happy to see such great discussion in here, but after reading various replies, there seems to be a lot of people misinterpreting my post. Let me be clear - SBMM, in a vacuum, is a [b]good[/b] thing. It promotes an even playing field where everyone has a chance to be on top and improve. I stated multiple times in my post that I am actually in [b]favor[/b] of SBMM, but it must be contained to specific playlists, like Trials or Iron Banner. The core argument that I, along with many others are making is how Bungie is [b]forcing[/b] SBMM across nearly every playlist. Revert back to having a casual connection-based group of playlists, and in addition create a ranked SBMM playlist or "league" where people can [b]choose[/b] to participate in. I am speaking as someone who is in the top 1% in terms of K/D (2.9 in Clash/Control, 3.1 in Trials) and Win%. Please do not mistake me coming off as arrogant or elitist, I am merely providing a perspective. Skill-Based Matchmaking across most/all playlists needs to go. [b]Period.[/b] My girlfriend and I use to always play Destiny together, mostly PvP, until last August when we started to do a bit of traveling together. We were thrilled to pick it back up, but already she wants to quit. We can no longer play together due to SBMM. I am posting from my new account, which I created solely to test out the new changes. I queued up with her for the first 10-15 games of my new Titan before my K/D started increasing, and we were being matched with players at her skill level. After multiple trial runs of queuing separately, the skill disparity between her games when she queued solo and with me, was enormous. When she queues solo now, she always gets at least 8-10 kills, but with me, she struggles to get 2-3. After 12 years of online gaming, I have never dealt with a system as frustrating as this. [b]A competitive, evenly matched PvP environment is great[/b], and it's one of the reasons why I love Trials in Destiny, [b]but it needs to be an optional experience where players can choose to participate in when they want to.[/b] Bungie wants SBMM? Fine, then put it in Trials where it belongs. [b]At the very least, there needs to be a [u]clear separation[/u] between dedicated SBMM playlists, and CBMM playlists.[/b] Forcing it upon every player for every PvP match is not only absurd, it’s pushing people away from the game. Is this what Bungie wants? To alienate PvPers across different skill levels? You advertised your game to incentivize playing with one another. Aside from my girlfriend, my other friends I used to play with no longer want to queue with me or even with one another due to the skill disparity. [b]The state of PvP is completely backwards right now.[/b] Originally introduced as the go-to competitive environment, Trials has now become the most laid back game type. Aside from the fact that my girlfriend can no longer enjoy playing PvP with me due to getting stomped by everyone in the game, I can barely stomach solo queuing myself. As I said earlier, I love competitive PvP, it is one of the reasons why I ran Trials so much every weekend, but having a hyper-competitive sweat fest forced on me every single game is ridiculous. After reading several topics similar to this, it’s pathetic how many players are using the “Oh look, another elitist try hard is butt hurt because he can’t roflstomp noobs anymore” card. This cannot be any further from the truth, one of the most enjoyable things for me was queuing up for Crucible to relax and try out some cool builds and weapon setups solo or with my friends. I can’t even do this anymore because every game I’m in is full of tryhards running top tier, cookie cutter builds. SBMM is also a nightmare for any good players due to how the search functions. Instead of being pure connection based, the system tries to match you primarily with players around your skill level, which are very likely in different countries. Because of this, you end up with laggy, teleporting players and a completely degenerative experience. Crimson doubles - what another great example at how terribly flawed SBMM is. My girlfriend and I were looking forward to doing doubles during this "Couples' Valentines Event." Across [b]seven[/b] games with me, she got 3 kills; every game we were matched against people my skill level. My girlfriend can't even enjoy a special event MADE for friends and couples due to SBMM. I rarely post on forums, but it really depressed me when last night, during Crimson Doubles, my girlfriend flat out said “This is it, I quit. This isn’t even fun for me anymore.” She got the game for the sole purpose of playing PvP with me. Because of SBMM, the great experience we use to share has been taken from us. I could probably go on with this for a while, but I did the best I could to condense this and keep it concise. When Destiny came out, it immediately became my favorite game. The friends and connections I have made through this game will stay with me for the rest of my life. I actually found this incredibly difficult to write, due to what Destiny means to me and how frustrating it is having that ruined by Bungie’s warped perception of how PvP “should” be.

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  • If they had the choice between connection based or skill based playlists, where do you think all the elitest try-hard noobstompers would congregate? She got 3 kills in seven games? Maybe in the next seven she could aim for five kills? and the seven after that she could go for seven kills? You can't rock up to competitive multiplayer and whine when someone stomps you, I'd have thought you'd understand this, because you didnt get a 3kd by playing top tier players all day......

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  • I don't get why top players don't want to be challenged, while I suck at PVP i just don't want to get better when i keep coming up against much much better players its just not fun

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  • Yeah but if you think about it the majority of the players have to deal with sweat matches 100% of the time if it's strictly cbmm. Where's the fun it it for them? If you are the minority then why should they cater the game around you? It doesn't really entice the greater numbers to continue playing pvp. That's not good business for bungie. But personally I would like to see connection prioritized over skill. But I don't see why that can't find a balance between the two.

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    • i represent an above average, but not elite point of view. i am top 8 pct in kd on xbox, top 1 pct in everything i can directly control, so my elo is low, win pct is not great (they're the same thing with a twist)....... i play solo, mostly. i can't stand sbmm. i am literally forced every single game to either try as hard as i can, or get smoked by people who never stop trying as hard as they can. my lobbies consist of thorn and year one shotguns, almost exclusively. hunters that can't take a step without shadestepping...... good players know what i'm talking about. can't take a step without getting smoked or some kid pre aiming a doorway...... it has sucked the life out of something i used to be able to play for days on end. i have never cared about rewards or anything from crucible, it was just fun. now it is something that i suffer through due to lack of anything else to do. even when i go ham in a game, it really causes more anger than anything. the only players that are enjoying themselves now are the players that had sub 1.0 kds. it might be more fun for them, but it isn't fun for anyone else. perhaps we should talk about fair, and not just fun. the most fair thing would be exclusively matchmaking based on connection. sometimes you play way better players, sometimes way worse. good players deserved to play bad players, just the same as they deserve to play some better players.

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      • Hello. Top 1%er here as well to secure validity and credibility to this post. I COMPLETELY agree. It is good to see Bungie making strides towards improving connection quality (hit registration actually feels sharper now so kudos), but SBMM seems to really downgrade PVP experience due to how one really can't relax for what seems like almost 90% of the games played. So why, you may ask, does a top 1%er complain about SBMM? Well, let me explain: I'm a 3rd year dental student and I'm doing didactic work/laboratory stuff/patient care from 7:30 am to 6-7pm Monday-Thursday, every week this semester. When I picked this game up last year, I grinded all the way to being top 1% during my breaks from dental school. Now that I'm in the full swing of things again with my 3rd year, I come home around 8pm dead tired. However, I enjoy this game way too much to NOT play for just a couple hours and kick my feet up. Ever since SBMM was incorporated, me having to sweat out almost every single match (whether it be just control, clash, or even classic 6v6) mixed with my drained mentality and exhausted hands do not go well at all. Most days I just want to relax and play what I enjoy MOST about this game: the PVP element. So, with all that said, IMHO it only makes sense to AT LEAST make some ranked playlist and have more casual lobbies in other playlists. OR just take away/revert the matchmaking to how it was pre TTK. This is just an honest observation from someone who loves Destiny. I'll still support this game, but the PVP experience is gradually starting to wear thin w/ me. Fingers crossed, Bungie.

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        • Edited by SentH1x: 2/11/2016 12:29:02 PM
          Don't agree. And crimson wasn't a great practical idea considering they want friends to play together. I play to get better in crucible. Sbmm is tough, especially solo, but I've improved because of it.

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          • Absolute whining nonsense. Destiny change your game so that it suits me and how I want to play. How about all the people who prefer it this way? The game is way better balanced and more competitive this way. I think the salt is from the fact that you are now forced to play other good players all the time and you cant get loads of easy wins anymore.

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            9 Replies
            • Bump

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            • SBMM still here?

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            • Edited by Adam: 2/11/2016 8:13:47 AM
              SBMM needs to go. It's killed PvP for me. Sick of playing sweaty red bar Thorn abusers from different continent in every single game. It's like I'm not allowed to have fun anymore because I've played a lot and have decent stats. [u][b]THIS ISN'T FUN BUNGIE.[/b][/u]

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              11 Replies
              • How hard is it to have ranked and social bungie.... Wtf

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              • Some good points well made. Perhaps they should just implement sbmm in the solo playlists. It's the only way to ensure everyone is inside the said skill range. Sbmm should be a choice not an enforcement.

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              • Edited by Limon: 2/11/2016 7:35:32 AM
                There needs to be ranked and unranked playlists. [spoiler]bungie wont do this though[/spoiler]

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              • You hit the nail on the head. I myself can't even try to get my own fiancé interested in this game anymore, and that's after giving her an Xbox one and a copy of destiny the taken King with all the expansions (I used to like this game when I bought it for her, now I'm not even terribly hurt that she hasn't even unboxed the xbox.) mostly because, I feel like this game would be worth playing for a month or two at the most now with its severely reduced amount of end game level content.

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              • Edited by nightfuryj: 2/11/2016 11:43:34 AM
                I really don't understand; some people are saying that with SBMM you don't improve; others are saying it is really sweaty. All my matches are 'sweaty' now which is an improvement on being stomped and near or at the bottom of the board I really like it; I find games much more balanced. Playing against Gods teaches me nothing, It would be OP playing against someone with an aimbot. Possibly the idea of matching teams using the Highest skilled player as a baseline is to stop/ reduce the carrying phenomenon? This is really what you are looking to do is it no?

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                4 Replies
                • Can we all please stop being so one sided about EVERYTHING? We should be asking for separate playlists. Work together and maybe we can all be happy? Just a thought. Have a nice day!

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                • I thought they removed SBMM

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                  2 Replies
                  • SBMM needs to go!! I suck and want to go against other shitty people so I can have a fighting chance. And don't say, "it goes by your team average" Cause my normal squad is all negative, yet we go against 2.5 k/d toons. [spoiler]fml[/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by NYgunnerr: 2/11/2016 6:19:53 AM
                    You roll with full fireteams to pub stomp 6v6 to get those stats. C'mon cut the crap

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                  • If destiny had dedicated servers sure of course it would be a good idea, but it isn't exactly fun playing with players from the other side of the world 24/7 the lag is horrendous

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                  • This would be like f1 drivers complaining that they have to race against other f1 cars. Your basically saying that f1 cars should be able to race competitively against a standard car. And the driver of that car should be an old age pensioner.

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                    15 Replies
                    • Got to agree here, my wife was never big on PvP side of the game but I managed to persuade her to give it a go with Iron Banner in December. She ended up quite enjoying it, even though she was not great. We have since played the Jan IB and a few other Crucible types just for fun and practice. Now with this Crimson Doubles she has had enough, last night we tried it, ended up against so many Icebreaker using campers and Thorn users it just wasn't any fun at all. She was really struggling to play this game type at all as we seemed to continually be put in against really good (or really cheaty) teams. Worse than that was the fact that even after completing the bounties and quest and playing numerous games after doing so my wife still got no ghost for her efforts. so by the end of the night as she took the umpteenth head-shot from Icebreaker she chucked the controller and said "I quit". She said she doesn't mind losing because she is not a great PvP player, but this game mode just encourages the Icebreaker / Thorn etc combos. **Sigh** The only good thing to come out of this is that my wife has found some PvP games she does like, she is totally hooked on Battlefield 4 now.

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                    • We need a ranked playlist for sbmm

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                    • Exactly.

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                    • Your talking to the company that made the freelance mode and put rift in it. They have no -blam!-ing clue what they are doing.

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                      • Has 10 hours in crucible

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