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Edited by Mystin: 2/11/2016 7:06:24 PM

Why SBMM is ruining the game, from a top player

Edit: I am really happy to see such great discussion in here, but after reading various replies, there seems to be a lot of people misinterpreting my post. Let me be clear - SBMM, in a vacuum, is a [b]good[/b] thing. It promotes an even playing field where everyone has a chance to be on top and improve. I stated multiple times in my post that I am actually in [b]favor[/b] of SBMM, but it must be contained to specific playlists, like Trials or Iron Banner. The core argument that I, along with many others are making is how Bungie is [b]forcing[/b] SBMM across nearly every playlist. Revert back to having a casual connection-based group of playlists, and in addition create a ranked SBMM playlist or "league" where people can [b]choose[/b] to participate in. I am speaking as someone who is in the top 1% in terms of K/D (2.9 in Clash/Control, 3.1 in Trials) and Win%. Please do not mistake me coming off as arrogant or elitist, I am merely providing a perspective. Skill-Based Matchmaking across most/all playlists needs to go. [b]Period.[/b] My girlfriend and I use to always play Destiny together, mostly PvP, until last August when we started to do a bit of traveling together. We were thrilled to pick it back up, but already she wants to quit. We can no longer play together due to SBMM. I am posting from my new account, which I created solely to test out the new changes. I queued up with her for the first 10-15 games of my new Titan before my K/D started increasing, and we were being matched with players at her skill level. After multiple trial runs of queuing separately, the skill disparity between her games when she queued solo and with me, was enormous. When she queues solo now, she always gets at least 8-10 kills, but with me, she struggles to get 2-3. After 12 years of online gaming, I have never dealt with a system as frustrating as this. [b]A competitive, evenly matched PvP environment is great[/b], and it's one of the reasons why I love Trials in Destiny, [b]but it needs to be an optional experience where players can choose to participate in when they want to.[/b] Bungie wants SBMM? Fine, then put it in Trials where it belongs. [b]At the very least, there needs to be a [u]clear separation[/u] between dedicated SBMM playlists, and CBMM playlists.[/b] Forcing it upon every player for every PvP match is not only absurd, it’s pushing people away from the game. Is this what Bungie wants? To alienate PvPers across different skill levels? You advertised your game to incentivize playing with one another. Aside from my girlfriend, my other friends I used to play with no longer want to queue with me or even with one another due to the skill disparity. [b]The state of PvP is completely backwards right now.[/b] Originally introduced as the go-to competitive environment, Trials has now become the most laid back game type. Aside from the fact that my girlfriend can no longer enjoy playing PvP with me due to getting stomped by everyone in the game, I can barely stomach solo queuing myself. As I said earlier, I love competitive PvP, it is one of the reasons why I ran Trials so much every weekend, but having a hyper-competitive sweat fest forced on me every single game is ridiculous. After reading several topics similar to this, it’s pathetic how many players are using the “Oh look, another elitist try hard is butt hurt because he can’t roflstomp noobs anymore” card. This cannot be any further from the truth, one of the most enjoyable things for me was queuing up for Crucible to relax and try out some cool builds and weapon setups solo or with my friends. I can’t even do this anymore because every game I’m in is full of tryhards running top tier, cookie cutter builds. SBMM is also a nightmare for any good players due to how the search functions. Instead of being pure connection based, the system tries to match you primarily with players around your skill level, which are very likely in different countries. Because of this, you end up with laggy, teleporting players and a completely degenerative experience. Crimson doubles - what another great example at how terribly flawed SBMM is. My girlfriend and I were looking forward to doing doubles during this "Couples' Valentines Event." Across [b]seven[/b] games with me, she got 3 kills; every game we were matched against people my skill level. My girlfriend can't even enjoy a special event MADE for friends and couples due to SBMM. I rarely post on forums, but it really depressed me when last night, during Crimson Doubles, my girlfriend flat out said “This is it, I quit. This isn’t even fun for me anymore.” She got the game for the sole purpose of playing PvP with me. Because of SBMM, the great experience we use to share has been taken from us. I could probably go on with this for a while, but I did the best I could to condense this and keep it concise. When Destiny came out, it immediately became my favorite game. The friends and connections I have made through this game will stay with me for the rest of my life. I actually found this incredibly difficult to write, due to what Destiny means to me and how frustrating it is having that ruined by Bungie’s warped perception of how PvP “should” be.

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  • One of the problems with cbmm was that it was only a "casual" mode for top players. It was sweaty for everyone else. If you have separate sbmm and cbmm playlists, a lot of players who aren't top tier would play sbmm. The cbmm playlist would just end up being top tier only and you would have the same situation as you have now

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  • Where is this top player you speak of? Will he be here soon?

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  • Mostly with you on this. I would go far as to say that any MM that doesn't prioritize connection is always bad. Whether it's Trials or regular Control, Clash, etc. If the connection is bad, it benefits no one, regardless of skill level. Also, where is it written that you won't find good players that have a good ping with you and/or the server you are both connected to?

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  • I know what u mean with the gf. I'm not the best player and because of other challenges I took on I don't have the highest kd. I never really cared to keep it as high as I could. However trialed to get my gf back on for doubles and she didn't have any fun the few games she played and I was super stressed because it's was nothing but 2v3 the whole time. So it wasn't much fun for myself after a few games.

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  • Back in the day if you sucked at multiplayer it was up to you to improve. Now the losers come crying to the developer to find them easy matches. Ridiculous. Get better or get lost. #downWithSBMM

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    7 Replies
    • Edited by IS0M0RPHIC: 2/15/2016 4:56:12 AM
      Bungies turned into George Lucas. They forced things the community didn't want down their throats and they refuse to change it when the fans say "ya done -blam-ed it up".

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    • bump

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    • I felt bad for my man last night. It was basically 1v2 damn near every round. SBMM works, but it feels skewed towards the better player. I guess I'll work on gitting gud lol.

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      • I will just add, in general people have a tendency to resist change. It's been my experience that changes that have a specific, negative impact on individuals often leads to them voicing their disapproval. This is the case here. The OP goes through some lengths to explain he is in support of SBMM if done correctly, yet offers little narrative to support this throughout this post. Instead, we read about how the game is less enjoyable for him and his girlfriend. As a result, it causes the reader to infer Bungie's SBMM is inferior simply because it is less enjoyable for OP and his girlfriend. They don't win as much or as easily - so the system is deemed broken in his opinion. This is not a compelling argument for most people - particularly the 99% of players that have wished to enjoy and have more success in the PVP experience for the past 1.5.

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      • Edited by CaptainAlcohol: 2/15/2016 11:55:06 PM
        Agree with you. I wouldent mind connection based in normal pvp as the skilled players would be diluted in normal modes and the shitter amount us could learn to play good players in a less stressful environment. Trials is a different matter. People are getting so good now that it's hard to catch up ( recently started pvp through lack of pve ) These players ball up in groups of similar stats with decreasing success rates, which is all good until your at the bottom. I have no problem with improving but it's impossible to up your game if you can't access good groups due to kd, elo requirements. Think a tiered system would keep trials competitive and let more people enjoy pvp as its a great game mode. Facing scarabs or unmarked death squads every second game is demoralising to say the least. I have no problem with putting effort in but as it is now, it's who you know or how much you pay. Fk watching 1000 hours of twitch in the hope of a carry. And fk a carry

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      • Wouldn't having sbmm and cbmm playlists separate just lead to lower skilled players gravitating to sbmm whilst the top tiers propped up the cbmm?

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      • [url=]this says otherwise[/url]

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        • Would be good if they had servers... Oh well..

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        • I'll be honest I highly disagreed with your post... until last night. Went into doubles with a friend from a different clan who mainly focuses on pve and got completely stomped on the five matches we played. Starting crimson doubles me and a different friend who I play with regularly did great winning about 80 to 90% of our matches then noticed more and more competition the next couple days until we were going about 50 50 so I'm guessing destiny thinks we're good? Pair me up with someone who doesn't play pvp and put us against two people who do and sbmm ruins the fun.

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        • they should just have a separate play list and give players an incentive to play sbmm by adding good rewards or some sort of token to reforge their legendary weapon. right now there is little to no motivation to get "sweaty" unless you are a streamer or someone who likes to check their stats on a third party website every second.

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        • Lag is terrible and low skilled players like playing in lag I guess? That's what I'm getting from the comments. There are competitive modes such as iron banner and trials of osiris for a reason. For those of you complaining about getting stomped. Get better. I did it. Still not where I want to be but I am improving.

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        • Edited by BoogerLover: 2/14/2016 9:53:56 AM
          I wanted to take the time to break down this phenomenon known as going try hard or sweaty and provide an example of how toxic it usually becomes in this top tier. TrueVanguard is perhaps one of the nicest most humble examples of a top 1% player within our community. In his video titled Tips For Playing Good Opponents (found here: The game starts friendly enough but TV’s team wins and then they’re SBMM w/the same team… Here is where we see an example of what started out as a friendly match turn dirty. Que to 4:00 - Other team picks up a 3 member and activates “super try hard mode.” -Out Comes the T-Bagging- Classy move gentlemen! 4:25 - TV say’s “ahhhh, didn’t want to play these guys again. Didn’t want to get sweaty.” Calls them “scummy.” 4:45 - Other team waves off heavy and TV’s team also waves off, Other team picks up double heavy…. -TV calls this a “Heavy Troll” and states that it is, “low, scummy, dirty, cheap, not etiquette” (as-in cheating), and made him “salty.” This kind of stuff doesn’t happen in the low skill SBMM matches. LoL, most of us don’t even know how to wave off heavy and probably will just think that the other team is being friendly. -So now the “try hardness” escalates and clearly NO ONE is having fun now. 5:30 TV explains a “Pact” that he made with himself that describes how he won’t play with these types of players which leads the listener to understand that unfortunately this type of behavior happens more than just occasionally. How sad. 5:55 TV literally states on screen that “Mutual respect and sportsmanship are really important to me.” -Bravo, too bad that within this top tier many don’t share TV’s sentiment. 6:45 Other team deviates from their standard behavior of play and actually attempts to play the objective in this Salvage match, (TV states this is a form of cheating and the other team was trying to gain points so they don’t lose). 6:55 TV say’s this team wasn’t interested in playing the Salvage objective but instead, “just wanted to Pub Stomp” and These types (Try Hards) tend to look for easy targets within Salvage. 7:20 in true Try Hard fashion, TV remarks that he was able to get a 2.0 K/D… he admits looking up the other teams stats as well (again, low skill players don’t tend to look up the other teams stats as we don’t give a flying fig) only to find that they had “well above 2.0 K/D’s.” So in conclusion, this is what happens in those high skilled SBMM matches. There are kind, humble, honest, and nice players within the top 1% of our community but unfortunately Many of them are of the “low character” exhibited here. For the majority of us non-1% players (lower skilled), our only safety net from these Crucibullys is SBMM. -And now a special message meant especially for all you top 1%: “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” If you do this, maybe you could play happier within your skill level.

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          • Good points, but realise that when you go into games at her sbmm you are doing the stomping, and others are only getting 2-3 kills (which if it's putting your gf off, how does the other team feel?). As a below average pvp player, I pretty much stopped playing pvp because I kept getting rekt. "get good scrub" - whatever. Tell it to your gf. If you want to play with her, keep one of your alts at a lower k/d. Challenge yourself, suicide 10 times and go positive, only use autos (no melee/grenade), make it up.

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          • Those casual, connection based games for you are slaughters for the other team. The only valid argument against SBMM is latency, and they are addressing that separately, as they should. Otherwise everything should be ranked. If you want to beat up on people worse than you go play kickball with your nephew.

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            • So what is better you ruining a game for 5 others, or 5 others ruining a game for you?

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              • bump

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              • So you're mad destiny doesn't match you up against players you can easily dominate?

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                • This thsi this this this thsi this

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                • Bump

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                • Oh yeah. I was playing with a year 2 friend, who didn't have the DLC's yet, and I played some PvP with him, and I just CREAMED the other team. I had over 30 kills and I had about half of my team's points. It was fun for me, but not for them. I then realized how prevalent SBMM was, and the huge skill gap in destiny. Yes, I'm hella average in terms of K/D. Shit, trials is the only game I don't go positive in (I think) and that's mainly because I carry my friend through the trials bounties. Of course I can't win a 1v3 in trials, so of course my K/D will be lower.

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                • Surely if you're in the top 1% that means 99% of your games will be unsuitable if there was purely connection based matchmaking. So over 100 6v6 games you have one even match against 6 top guys... and potentially ruin the game for the 594 other opposing players you trounced without a fight? Not sure I'd want that personally.

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