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Edited by TacTheScribbler: 2/11/2016 2:03:59 PM

I Need Some Positivity

So I'm going to make some, via a little positive feedback and [i]constructive[/i] criticism. This is going to sound like another "I'm tired of the salt" post, but I honestly don't care, because this is mostly for me. I'm the one who needs the positivity. First and foremost: Crimson Doubles. I hadn't planned on participating. Not because I thought it was a silly idea, but because I tried doubles back in Halo, when it was me and my younger bro. We made a pretty good team. "Read-eachother's-minds kind of good. Between the two of us, we could turn the tide of entire Big Team Battle matches. But no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't hack it at doubles. Way too "sweaty" for us. So I swore I'd never play another doubles gametype in any game again. I know, real mature, right? But a buddy asked me for help with the Crimson Doubles gametype. He really wants that pink candy Ghost. I like helping people, so I swallowed my aversion and agreed to help. I have to admit that I kinda want that Chocolate Ghost myself. :) I even streamed for some of my friends to watch. So we jumped in. It was early in the day, so most of the.... zealous teams hadn't logged in yet. We had some success. Completed all the bounties, had a few awesome laughs when our plays went horribly wrong, and generally had a couple of really awesome clutch moments against some of the better teams we met. We even laughed at some of our losses, when we made silly mistakes. The Broken Heart buff. Oh, boy was that interesting. I tend to run max agility on all my characters, and main a Titan because I like to Titan fist-bump people... in the face. I was running Defender with the War Machine perk, plus a MIDA (been using it since early Y1, and loved it even more than my pre-nerf Gjally). Reload speeds were already pretty crazy. Add the Broken Heart, and I couldn't even see my hands move. I'm not gonna lie. I loved it. (Kelly is my favorite Spartan for a reason.) I ended up with several Legendary engrams, which ended up being a bit lackluster in the Light department, but I always check the perks. If a piece is good enough, I'm willing to put in the time to upgrade it. None of the armor I got really suited my fancy, so I got some Legendary Marks (woohoo!) and bought a Y2 Last Word to try out. Still not my cup of tea, honestly. Props to the people who can use it! I rarely saw latency issues, but part of that may be the fact I don't run wireless with my console. I run a wired connection. Though my buddy did get weaseled a couple of times. All in all, I don't hate Crimson Doubles. [i][b][u]BUT[/u][/b][/i] I can understand why other folks are upset. I wanted to be positive, but not to the exclusion of the folks who have genuine complaints. Like the Light level of the drops, the loot tables (I got the Swing emote after one of my games. Cool, but I'm really not a sports fan and while it's better than getting it in the Nightfall, I feel like the loot tables should have been tweaked for the event.) Special ammo. I used to run MIDA/shotgun, but then I happened to get in on a Lighthouse run with the famous (or infamous, depending who you ask) DrLupo, and his buddy Ninja with no L. (No shaming here, Ninjas. If this is still against the rules, let me know. I'll edit.) Lupo uses snipers. He uses them a lot and he uses them well. After getting a few tips from him, I started practicing. (To give a little perspective: prior to that, I never used snipers in PvP, and used them rarely in PvE. I sucked - and still do - at sniping.) It was strange to spawn in with no special ammo, but I enjoyed the change it brought to the table. I had to move forward and engage with my primary, which resulted in much more interesting matches. I was no longer cowering like a rabbit in a hole, waiting for the fox's teeth to snap shut on my neck if I so much as peeked out to sniff the air. The temptation to camp the special box was pretty strong, though, as I imagine it was for some other folks. Still, the overall impression is positive for me. With the special ammo change I saw a No Land Beyond, a couple Invectives, and an Icebreaker or two, but not as many as I expected. I have mixed views on the event's not being Light Level dependent. Why make a level 40 requirement to play, but then remove the Light level advantages? Some folks prefer this scaling, since it spices things up a bit and encourages competition. Others avoid Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris because they hate it. I guess what I'm getting at is: Why remove the Light level advantages, only to slap a "level 40 minimum" on it? That bit confuses me. Anyway, I hope some of this was helpful, if Bungie ever sees it. I honestly doubt they will, but I was writing this mostly for myself anyway. On that note, however, I would like to say that rude, derisive, or otherwise "mean-spirited" comments will be ignored/muted. If you're going to disagree, at least be civil. Give me reasons to agree with you. ;) Fire away! EDIT: Noticed the down-votes. That's fine. We're all allowed to have our opinions. I would, however, like to throw out a "thank you" for keeping the negative to yourselves. :)

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