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Edited by Niminin Nieminin: 2/22/2016 2:17:44 PM

Why I'm leaving Destiny and the community (salt free)

First of all please let me assure you this isn't a "-blam!- you Bungie I quit" or an "(insert game) I'm leaving for is going to kill Destiny" it just my attempt to put into words my feeling I hope it comes across salt free. [b] I love Destiny[/b]. I loved the idea of it before it was released and even though we didn't quite get the game we were originally promised I loved what arrived.  What Bungie released was an awesome, original and beautiful game.  I enjoyed playing the story (and didn't mind that I had to read most of it outside the actual game) I enjoyed the PvP although to be honest I was terrible at it. But what really grabbed me was the raid.  The first time I descended into the Vault of Glass with a bunch of friends I had met through LFG I was mesmerised the mechanics the atmosphere it was almost overwhelming. We didn't finish it that first time and I'm actually glad we didn't. We came back and tried again the next time we were all online. It was such an achievement beating it. Forever 29 lol, it wasn't bad, it wasn't a grind I knew eventually I would get that elusive piece. Then the Dark Below was released and Crotas End. I have to admit I was one of the people who enjoyed it right from the start. Again we didn't beat him the first time but we did and like the Vault we repeatedly ran it for the loot. Prison of Elders again I lapped it up, it was different and although I was initially disappointed there was no raid included Skolas was (if not at first with the burns lol) almost as challenging. I loved year 1. It never felt like a grind trying to get the loot. And here we come to the sad farewell. The much anticipated release of the huge DLC The Taken King. It was magnificent. At first. I liked the changes to light and levelling, the new way Bungie included the story into cut scenes. It was quite amazing. Until you were a month or so in and had beaten the raid and realised not only did you have to fight RNG for that elusive piece of armour you had to fight RNG for light that dropped anywhere between 300 and 320. It was painful. Not only that it suddenly dawned on you that the beloved content from year 1 was practically irrelevant apart from a nostalgic run. You could go on patrol and get green items that were higher light. Even new players had no reason with the introduction of an item that boosted you straight to 25. So we now come to the point where my exit nears. Events......  I'm retired, an old man by most Destiny players standards. Do I want to collect candy to buy masks? No not really. My kids grew out of trick or treating 10 years ago lol Was I remotely interested in racing a sparrow? No not really. Do I want a Valentines day experience? No Not really my wife would rather watch soap operas than play video games (she despairs at my video game obsession) These events might be fun for Bungies younger audience but for (lol) grown ups like myself, I just want to shoot things in the unique way Bungie hooked me in year 1. Now I probably could have ignored the events and just played the content I enjoy the raids and strikes and the odd match in the crucible and waited patiently for the next DLC but then a popular gaming website released some news that this new "Events" model was here to stay, no new DLC would be released in year 2. Well with Bungie shutting up shop for neatly two months over Christmas it's now almost 6 months and no announcements about new content for the guardians who prefer PvE. Oh PvP up to our eyeballs but nothing else. Well here is the goodbye. Thank you Bungie for the awesome journey my time here has been brilliant and I think the hours I have put in show that. But it's time for us to part ways. You have lost sight of what made Destiny special and unique. I don't have any bad feelings just a little sadness. So farewell Destiny and farewell my fellow Guardians the ones I've played with and the ones I might have. I hope you have fun. NIEMININ OUT. TL:DR I love Destiny but Bungie have lost sight of what they do best. So Goodbye and good luck. Edit 1: Thank you for the many varied comments. There is no right or wrong in this, it was just an attempt to put in words how I feel about a video game. Anyhow thanks. Edit 2: A common question seems to be "Why if you are quitting do you reply to people?" The simple and honest answer is out of courtesy. If someone takes the time to reply be it positive or negative the least I can do is offer them a response. Edit 3: I've just unsubscribed from the forum so will no longer receive updates. Thank you to all who posted and all who post after.

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  • Edited by b00krDuhW1t: 2/8/2016 11:45:06 PM
    Oh man, I love this, because you hit all the major points right on the head. The events, the lack of new content, the fact that you really do enjoy the game. I still lurk these forums hoping for some announcement about new stuff but have yet to see something. It's been over 2 weeks since I played last and I don't see myself coming back anytime soon.

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  • Although I'm not leaving -I've got a lotta grinding left- I completely understand. Hopefully, at some point soon, Bungie will introduce something entertaining enough to draw you back in. You seem like a great guy, the kinda guy we don't wanna see leave, so, however long it may take, we'd all (I hope) be delighted to see you back here at some point!

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  • I feel the same way. If Bungie doesn't announce some real content after this crimson shit, I'll be putting the game down. The spring update is their last chance in my eyes.

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  • Couldn't said it better myself. I upgraded from ps3 to ps4 over Christmas. The cheapskate in me didn't want to buy TTK twice, so I kept an eye on the forums and web for news of the next DLC. Lo and behold, it ain't coming. Like you, I could care less about collecting candy or racing the same two courses over and over and over again. Crimson Days sounds like a joke. I played this game exclusively for 14 months and to have them stop rolling content out feels like a punch in the gut. In a way I'm kinda glad, because I don't play nearly as much as I used to. I casually play Black Ops 3, but the pull isn't there. I actually watch movies now, and I've started reading again. In other words, my spare time isn't dominated by a game anymore, and I don't think that's a bad thing. Best of luck to you.

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  • Edited by BLUE_EAGLE_77: 2/9/2016 9:12:05 AM
    I know exactly how you feel mate I've been on once in the last 3 weeks myself where as I used to be a 3 or 4 hour a night player. Ignore the posts from the 'kids' of destiny who say no one cares unfortunatley the mature plauers have by now mostly already gone and thr toxic trolls are all thats left. You can bet bungie/Activision care why so many long term players are deserting as these pvp players will go as soon as the next big pvp game launches. Remember everquest that was the first mmorpg I remember and that died after WoW took the best of that game and made it better. I hope someone does the same to this breed of game as when it was good it was the best game I've ever played but anyone who's ever tried retro gaming will know nostalgia only goes so far

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    2 Replies
    • Sadly bungie doesn't care, at this point they only care about their dedicated PvP players. PvE players can go piss up a rope as far as they are concerned.

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    • I rarely if ever log in anymore for all the reasons you listed. It truly is the best FPS ever made, but sadly the total focus on PVP has killed this game for me. Hell I've even gone to playing BO3, we'll at least the campaign, beat FC4 and have just started on Fallout, which to be honest isn't that good. I pop into the forums from time to time in the hopes that something new has been revealed, but all I find is the same old shit.

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    • Why do people feel the need to "voice" that their quitting?? Just quit. Leave and delete the app. No one cares about your reasons or feelings about the game. If you want to tell bungie leave s post in the feedback. Then delete your account and be gone if it's so bad for you. Muted for attention seeking post.

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      8 Replies
      • [quote]Forever 29 lol, it wasn't bad, it wasn't a grind I knew eventually I would get that elusive piece. I loved year 1. It never felt like a grind trying to get the loot.[/quote] The only difference between Y1 and Y2 was the added light RNG, which is comparable (though not equal) not the grind of farming for materials AND ascendant materials. You are going to tell me with a straight face that that did not take hours to finish just 1 piece of gear? I completely disagree. TTK is superior in all aspects to Year 1 besides the added artifact light, class item light, the irrelevancy of Etheric Light, and the passing on [i]some[/i] Y1 items. Have you ever played an MMO or RPG before? New expansions= objectively better gear. Recently, some mmos are trying to change that, where you can change the look of your weapon, but Destiny can't do that for obvious reasons.

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        26 Replies
        • Good luck buddy. Yorkshire regiment lives on. From your Welsh sheep shagging friend

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          3 Replies
          • I'm with you and xur on this one...less salt.

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          • I agree with taken King part my friends find it good I don't I really just go on for trials as that is the only thing I enjoy

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          • Can I have your 1kstair?

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            1 Reply
            • 12 year old kid wants attention

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              7 Replies
              • I love some salt

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              • Wish we could down grade to y1 :(

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                1 Reply
                • Wow...exactly how I feel man

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                • Edited by TheKumarEffect: 2/8/2016 10:00:18 PM
                  Enjoyed the crota strike. Got old after a week lol

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                • no one cares if you leave

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                  14 Replies
                  • Penis, yogurt, buttercup

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                    1 Reply
                    • Just always remember: when you stop playing X game, you didn't feel compelled to write an open letter about why you decided to quit. The reason why you felt so compelled is because Bungie has created an experience, an indelible mark in your memory, with the game they've crafted. Albeit flawed, it's been a new and unique experience, one that even Bungie is learning to properly craft. So, before you make wild promises like you're done forever, remember that the person losing out is you. You're creating a prison of your own words that will keep you from exploring, no matter how cursory, the future expansions of the franchise. And for no reason, either. There's nothing wrong with your putting aside the game until such a time that it has enough content to draw you back. There's nothing wrong with playing the game casually at that time so that you don't feel so heavily invested that it becomes a chore. Hell, there's nothing wrong with writing a letter claiming you're going to quit the game. Point I'm trying to make is, don't tie yourself down to one thing because you feel you need to make a stand. It's not a normal game, but we need to learn to treat Destiny like it is. Because countless scores of us see the game as this way of life, when in reality it's better off as simply a facet. Anyway, good luck. I hope, when you inevitably feel drawn back to Destiny, you don't let hubris keep you from enjoying yourself. Or. Not. Whatever the case may be.

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                      2 Replies
                      • [quote]First of all please let me assure you this isn't a "-blam!- you Bungie I quit" or an "(insert game) I'm leaving for is going to kill Destiny" it just my attempt to put into words my feeling I hope it comes across salt free. [b] I love Destiny[/b]. I loved the idea of it before it was released and even though we didn't quite get the game we were originally promised I loved what arrived.  What Bungie released was an awesome, original and beautiful game.  I enjoyed playing the story (and didn't mind that I had to read most of it outside the actual game) I enjoyed the PvP although to be honest I was terrible at it. But what really grabbed me was the raid.  The first time I descended into the Vault of Glass with a bunch of friends I had met through LFG I was mesmerised the mechanics the atmosphere it was almost overwhelming. We didn't finish it that first time and I'm actually glad we didn't. We came back and tried again the next time we were all online. It was such an achievement beating it. Forever 29 lol, it wasn't bad, it wasn't a grind I knew eventually I would get that elusive piece. Then the Dark Below was released and Crotas End. I have to admit I was one of the people who enjoyed it right from the start. Again we didn't beat him the first time but we did and like the Vault we repeatedly ran it for the loot. Prison of Elders again I lapped it up, it was different and although I was initially disappointed there was no raid included Skolas was (if not at first with the burns lol) almost as challenging. I loved year 1. It never felt like a grind trying to get the loot. And here we come to the sad farewell. The much anticipated release of the huge DLC The Taken King. It was magnificent. At first. I liked the changes to light and levelling, the new way Bungie included the story into cut scenes. It was quite amazing. Until you were a month or so in and had beaten the raid and realised not only did you have to fight RNG for that elusive piece of armour you had to fight RNG for light that dropped anywhere between 300 and 320. It was painful. Not only that it suddenly dawned on you that the beloved content from year 1 was practically irrelevant apart from a nostalgic run. You could go on patrol and get green items that were higher light. Even new players had no reason with the introduction of an item that boosted you straight to 25. So we now come to the point where my exit nears. Events......  I'm retired, an old man by most Destiny players standards. Do I want to collect candy to buy masks? No not really. My kids grew out of trick or treating 10 years ago lol Was I remotely interested in racing a sparrow? No not really. Do I want a Valentines day experience? No Not really my wife would rather watch soap operas than play video games (she despairs at my video game obsession) These events might be fun for Bungies younger audience but for (lol) grown ups like myself, I just want to shoot things in the unique way Bungie hooked me in year 1. Now I probably could have ignored the events and just played the content I enjoy the raids and strikes and the odd match in the crucible and waited patiently for the next DLC but then a popular gaming website released some news that this new "Events" model was here to stay, no new DLC would be released in year 2. Well with Bungie shutting up shop for neatly two months over Christmas it's now almost 6 months and no announcements about new content for the guardians who prefer PvE. Oh PvP up to our eyeballs but nothing else. Well here is the goodbye. Thank you Bungie for the awesome journey my time here has been brilliant and I think the hours I have put in show that. But it's time for us to part ways. You have lost sight of what made Destiny special and unique. I don't have any bad feelings just a little sadness. So farewell Destiny and farewell my fellow Guardians the ones I've played with and the ones I might have. I hope you have fun. NIEMININ OUT. TL:DR I love Destiny but Bungie have lost sight of what they do best. So Goodbye and good luck. Edit: Thank you for the many varied comments. There is no right or wrong in this, it was just an attempt to put in words how I feel about a video game. Anyhow thanks.[/quote]

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                      • I was able to recover it from an old post :D

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                      • Yup I finished 3 weeks ago until D2. still check here and Reddit everyday but nothing left for me to do.

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                      • Until some new and exciting PVE content comes out, I will not be paying. Plenty of other games out there to keep me entertained.

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                      • I never took to Destiny since release, but I have a friend who is in the same situation you find yourself in. He loves Destiny, and although I don't understand it, I don't judge him for it. So you can imagine my shock when he suddenly starts saying he's even getting frustrated with it now, and isn't sure anymore. Bungie is clearly doing something wrong this time around, and instead of trying to improve on what I saw as a lackluster year one (with unlockable potential), they've gone and messed with so many things they shouldn't have, instead of focusing on the things that really mattered. I truly believe the developer is scrambling under all the backlash and just doesn't know how to interpret it at this point. They're in massive trouble if they keep up this trend.

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