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Edited by Paradox1055: 2/15/2016 3:38:45 PM

Lives of ARC Chapter 7: Reconnaissance Mission

"What do you think Gale is planning?" asked Haxx as he tried to stay at Edward's side. "I don't know, don't care! But I am making sure she does not get herself killed!!" shouted Edward going as fast as he could. The two Guardians passed through the portal, on the other end was a Winter spider walker! Haxx consciously dodged the rockets, but Edward continued to drive, not evading at all! They passed through the last gate! They rushed through the two caves and passed through the waterfall. Edward stopped as they approached the cliff. The skiff was gone! "Gale! GALE!!" Edward frantically looked around! One dead warlock, in all white, and seven dead vandals. Haxx stopped and listened. A soft crying was coming from the base of the drop. "Edward, come on!" They drove down to find Drake. Edward drove up and picked up the ghost. "WHERE IS SHE?! You were supposed to protect her!" Drake flew away and looked at Edward. "Hey!! Knock it off you son of a b****!! That's my girl they took!!" Drake continued to cry. "They took her?... D***." Edward looked around. "Where would they go?" "They are House of Winter, right?" asked Haxx. "Yeah. Why?" Edward replied, curious about his friend's analysis. "I think I know where they went..." Edward and Haxx drove to the Ember Caves. It was a three hour drive from the racetrack. "After Draxis, uh the Winter Kell, died, the ketch and it's crew remained. The captains took over." Haxx sat up on his sparrow and stared at the cave above, the Winter Lair. "And this Braxis, a captain... more specifically a Baron? Why hasn't he taken the title of Archon or Kell?" asked Edward. "What's more of a threat? A lonely baron? Or a Kell?" "Doesn't matter. He's bound to be a target now, after all this." Edward crossed his arms. "Yes. But he has stayed hidden for so many years by keeping a lower rank. If he wants to, he can become Kell, he is now a threat. Now, it is just preference." The hunter and titan climbed up the scaffolding. Random dregs and vandals tried to stop them, but Edward picked them off with his scout rifle. Four shanks flew out of the cave for support. Haxx took one, spun around for momentum, and threw the shank at another. Both broke and caused a small explosion. They walked through the cave tunnel, killing the Fallen. At the end of the tunnel, they found a large bowl housing a large ketch. "There's probably thousands of Fallen down there! I doubt going in guns blazing would be smart. I will sneak around and see what I can find. I'll signal you for backup if it is needed." Edward was looking through the scope of his sniper rifle. "Haxx?" Edward looked to the titan, no response. "Haxx!" "Yes? By the way, there are one thousand and forty-five Fallen." said Haxx looking up. "Thank you, Haxx." Edward walked in the shadows. He crossed the iron bridge and stopped. He pulled out his sniper and looked around. A spider walker boarded the ketch. Edward panned over. Braxis stood at the bridge of the ketch, looking at his growing army. Gale ran up to Braxis and tackled him! Two vandals, carrying staffs, picked up Gale and held her in place. "No! No!!" Edward remembered his dream, this scene looked just like a dream he once had. Braxis jumped up with his swords drawn! He howled in anger, walking behind the vandals as they carried Gale, who was flailing around, away. "Oh s***..." exclaimed Edward. Edward put up his sniper rifle and continued to walk down the natural ramp. He stopped to hear Fallen patrols walking towards him! He crouched and sat still. He turned invisible and waited. The four vandals walked past Edward unknowingly. "Edward, another wave of Fallen coming. You won't stay cloaked for long enough..." warned Haxx. Edward sat still and silent as the Fallen looked around. Their rifles were raised as they searched for the noise. After a moment of rapid heart beating, the Fallen walked off. Edward blinked behind some rocks when his invisibility went off. The next group of Fallen saw the blur and followed! They looked around, but Edward was nowhere to be found. The hunter snuck up and stabbed his knife into the vandal's throat. He stabbed two more, then shot the last one. Edward ran for the ketch, how he was not detected is a mystery. He boarded the ketch and walked through the cooridors and chambers. Edward found the throne room, where Braxis was sitting and watching Gale. "Nothing's easy..." he whispered to himself. Gale was standing between the two vandals. Braxis knew Edward and/or Haxx would come for their missing member. He waited for the trap to be sprung. Edward didn't want to walk through the loud door, so he covered his knife with arc energy and cut a hole into the wall of the farside of the room. He turned invisible once more and snuck around. He found Gale and slowly removed her restraints. Edward stood up and slit both of the vandals' throats. He caught their bodies and sat them down quitely. "Hey, baby. We need to run..." whispered Edward. "Thank you, Ed." Gale rubbed her raw wrists. Edward's invisibility turned off, and the sound alerted Braxis! He stood up quickly and barked at the crew! "Get them!!" Braxis drew his swords and led the chase! Edward led Gale through the hallways, into the hanger! Several skiffs hung from the ceiling, and one spider walker turned to face them! "This way! This way!" yelled Edward as he dragged Gale down a side hallway. The door locked! They ran back to where they came from, but Braxis came up behind them and punched Edward in the gut! Edward tried to punch back, but his hand was caught by Braxis and bent backwards! Braxis lifted up Edward and threw him against the wall! Edward tried to get up, but passed out. Gale pushed back all the Fallen, and tried to pick up Edward! Braxis grabbed her arm, spun her around, and knocked her out! Edward lifted his head up, Fallen all around! He lunged forward to attack, but he was dragged back. His hands were chained above his head. "Just relax, Ed. There's nothing we can do." said Gale, looking up. "Ugh! Where's Kelly and Drake?" Edward looked around the room. "They escaped. Braxis knows if he kills us now, it will prompt the ghosts to revive us at the next best time. So, he sent a squad to find them." "Okay. S***!! I came here to save you, but now I got both of our a**es caught!" Edward dropped his head in anger. "Ed, calm down. It's not your fault. Braxis was just.. one step ahead..." Gale tried to comfort him. The Fallen vandals, carrying staffs, jabbed Edward in the gut and slapped his face with the staffs! "Ed!" Gale flexed her hands and knocked the two vandals away. Braxis took notice of this and approached his prisoners. The vandals about attacked Gale, but Braxis stopped them! Braxis grabbed Gale's cheek and inspected her face. He glanced to Edward, realizing her.. trigger to attack. Braxis snorted at Gale. He took a staff from the vandal and hit the ground with it. The opposite end sparked with arc energy! Braxis jabbed Edward four times, electrocuting him each time! "Ahh!... ahh!... ahh!... ahhhhh!!" Edward yelped from the excruciating pain, all to Braxis' delight! "Stop! Stop it!" yelled Gale, pleading for mercy! When Braxis ceased, and sat back down, Edward was smoking and panting heavily. He tried to hold back any emotion, but his rage was kicking in!

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