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Edited by VenustheMurder: 1/11/2016 1:55:31 AM

My experiences in Japan

I've lived/worked in Japan for almost a decade and have experienced a wide range of fun and crazy things. I have been married for 6 years now and we have two lovely daughters. We are thinking of returning back to the States in the next 3 years but I loathe to leave the country I've adopted. This is a collection of crazy and fun things I have seen, heard, and did for anyone interested. 15). I have bathed with multiple naked Japanese men before in a hot spring. I have seen tons of penis types. Tons. 16). On the topic of onsen (hot spring), I went with a couple of my foreign buddies (2 Americans, 1 Chinese, 2 aussies, and 1 Italian) to go for a bath. We got naked and went it. There was an inside portion and an outside portion. The outside was amazing : waterfalls, a cave, different types of baths, etc. One of my friends brought his 3 year old daughter along with us. So as we are bathing, we see a group of primary students looking and talking about us in the corner. Occasionally, they would inch their way to us to get closer. Finally, they suddenly stand up and push one of the porkier kids forward. He runs between us and start doing a dance while naked. It was about 4th grade. He then finished his dance and ran the opposite way and then ran back past us one more time while screaming my name. It then dawned on me that these were my elementary school students. To be fair, that school had about 1,000 students. 17). During my first year in Japan, we went out to dinner for my birthday. We went to a really nice sushi place. It was around 1 am when we were coming back home by car when we saw a really run down building that looked pretty much like it's haunted. Outside it though was a really small building that said "Adaruto" (adult). The girl on our group theorized it's an adult vending machine and got super excited as she always wanted to see one. So we stopped at this place and went to this adult vending machine. It was a small booth with a curtain to enter. The curtain covered up to your lower back but exposed your legs. About 3 people could fit comfortably. Inside the booth there were various porn magazines, videos, blow up dolls, and even toys but no used panties. That is basically an urban myth. 18). My family and I went shopping one day when an elderly lady came up to us; raving about how cute our daughters are. She then said "half children are always cute." Meaning half Japanese and half foreigner. That's always truck a cord for me. Half kids or better said "international kids" have it hard in Japan due a live/hate relationship with the Japanese. The Japanese love them for their "foreignness" while hate them for seemingly lacking "Japaneseness". Japan expects these children to embrace one or the other culture. 19). There's a popular festival that's quite large. It starts at 6 am and ends at 8 pm. About 1,000 people will parade through the city while blowing horns and wearing crazy outfits. The are also pretty drunk. They lead large horses through the street with them too in full regalia. It's a pretty crazy festival and tons of fun. (Not my video) 20) One of my closest Japanese friends is a guy name Richard...which is his self-appointed English name. He's in his 70's and used to be in the Self-Defense Force so speaks Japanese, English, and a bit of Russian. We went out hiking together and he pulls out a bag of white powder and asks "Hey, do you want some Siberian Salt?" I thought it was...well...drugs at first glance. But he reassured me it's actually it was salt from Siberia. It turned out to be but became a running joke between us two. 21). I went to a work related drinking party and one of the 6th grade teachers left feeling sick. Everyone was really concerned as he was the MC of the event. After 16 minutes, he returned suddenly in full Phantom of the Opera garb and started singing opera right then and there. That was when I found out he used to sing opera prior to becoming a teacher. 22). Unusual school lunches I have eaten: *squid salad *Fried deer cutlets *Curry and nan *Fried pregnant fish *baked pregnant fish *Fermented beans on rice (Natto) 23). I went to a mountain full of monkeys with friends once. I made the mistake of looking into the monkeys eyes and he started to chase me around the area. So here's a white guy being chased by a Japanese Monkey with everyone watching.
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  • Edited by VenustheMurder: 1/11/2016 1:36:44 AM
    Do to running out of post space, I will be posting the older ones here. 1) Elderly people typically get a pass for doing bad behavior because they are old. Regardless if it's sitting in the middle of the street waiting to get hit by a car or cutting in front of you at the grocery store. You just have to put up with it since they are high on the pecking order. However, one time, I was riding my bike home from work at around 4:30 pm. It was my about 6 months after I arrived and was in the honeymoon phase. As I was turning the corner, there was an elderly man in the middle of the sidewalk next to a very busy street with his pants down and his penis out; peeing into the street. As I passed by behind him, he coughed up snot and spat it in front of me. As I was riding away, he pulled up his pants, zipped, and continued waking along. 2) Went to a nearby festival 4 years straight. About 50 middle aged to elderly Japanese men would get plastered and wear only underwear. They would then jump into this waist deep pond and take mud. They would then jump back out and throw it at spectators. If you were hit, it was considered lucky and had healing properties but it smelled foul. They would also bathe each other semi-erotically in it. Besides throwing mud, they would fish out large carp and fish from the pond and chuck them high into the air. Often to their death, put them in their underwear, or try and hit people with the fish. Please note this is a big event with about 200 people watching it; getting hit by mud and fish. Fun times. 3.). I visited a shrine that was dedicated to fertility and child bearing. The main attraction was a giant wooden red penis that two can sit on. Other penis imagery adorns the shrine was well. 4) One of my junior high students a while back came up to be and announced in English "I'm number one small penis in the school!" So I corrected him in saying " I have the smallest penis in this school" so he's like "Oh yeah I have the smallest penis in this school" and proceeded pat his penis with while saying "super small penis". He then said "Do you see?" while patting it. I was just like "....." While he stood there, patting his small penis and grinning ear to ear. He then said with that same smile while staring at me "Micropenis". It was a very odd encounter. 5) A Japanese English teacher that I taught with several years ago had never taken vacation time or time off for pleasure in over 18 years. Among that time, he's only called in sick 6 times. One time he collapsed during class, regained consciousness, and continued with the class. He sends his family on trips within Japan and abroad while paying expenses but chooses to work during then - even during holidays. He chain smokes and always looked like on the verge of death. 6) My principal once felt up my man nipples while drunk at a work party. He was strangely singing a nonsensical song as well. 7) A kindergarten kid was so enamored by my foreigness while walking that he failed to see the bush that he fell into it. I helped his mother get him out and he began to cry and clutched to her for dear life after seeing me close to him. 8) Pizza is damn expensive with a large costing up to $30 or above. I ordered a medium that was about $15. Double pepperoni. The pizza came and I checked after he left and found out it was the wrong type. I called them back and informed the owner of the mistake but said its ok. He said that he will personally deliver the pizza I ordered free of charge. So he arrived dressed as Santa due to it being close to Christmas. Not only did he give me a $15 value pizza for free, he added a $20 coupon to any order for anytime with no expiration date. He professed how sorry he was and bowed deeply several times before leaving. Needless to say, I was a loyal customer for 4 years after that. Customer service and satisfaction in Japan is top notch. 9) One kid placed one yen (one cent) on the ground. As I went to bend down to pick it up, he stuck his two index fingers in my butt hole. This is the kancho and a game played by school kids. It was a trap. 10). After a night of clubbing, three friends and I stayed at a net cafe. We each got our own cubicle with a desk, a chair, a computer, tissues, a waste basket, and a small blanket. Using my tshirt as a pillow, I tried to fit my 6'3 and 205 lbs frame into the cubicle size roughly 4 by 4 feet. It was torturous. Not to mention I had used McDonald's to cure my drunkenness and had a splitting headache. I ended up not sleeping after 4 hours of being there and promptly left early at 5:30 with a note for my friends. I grabbed the nearest cab and go onto the 6 o clock train to go back home. 11). I was attending an international festival as a English helper and interpreter. Basically, I hung out with the other English helpers (we were all English teachers), played hacky sack, and gave high fives. There were people all over the world such as America, Spain, Russia, Korea, China, and Germany. One guy came to me and asked me a question in German. As per usual, it felt like he was saying "You -blam!-ing -blam!- -blam!- ass hole -blam!- toy!!!!!" But it probably was "Hi, nice day isn't it?" I replied back in German "No splkendie Deutsch" (however you spell it) to which he went "Bah" and shoved his hand at my face as he walked on. 12). I was on a train when an elderly Japanese male came up to be me asking me in English "Do you know any Russian girls? Yellow hair and blue eyes?" I said " Unmmm. Nope". He then asked. "German girls?" "Nope". "Canadians?" "Nope?" "How about Brazilians? They got big boobs and a nice butt." "No, sorry". "I see. If you know any, please let me know". He then walked away. I never knew who he was, his name, or contact info. I assumed he thought I was someone else. 13). A girl at a bar confused me as being in One Direction solely because I was a foreigner. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the interest of hurting my marriage by having a one night stand due to that confusion. Plus, getting a girl to have sex due to a obviously and painful mistake in identity would have been a low point for me. 14). I was visiting a Japanese garden with the Japanese language class I was taking at the YMCA. Our teacher was an elderly Japanese lady who spoke perfect English and Japanese. One of the members commented how the darker carp were big and our old Japanese teacher said "Oh yes, Mary-San. The black ones are always the biggest!" We know for a fact that she had no idea what this implied but we still laughed it up.

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