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Edited by Guardian6142: 12/15/2015 12:18:17 PM

Good excuse on that "auto rifle buff"...

This video displays my thoughts exactly. If it does for you, bump this post, and retweet this video to bungie and any other players so we inform others who don't know about this edit and don't get told more bullshit like this [b]TL;DR:[/b][spoiler]Bungie tells us they will be buffing autos a bit more. Turns out after 3 weeks of their numbers being thrown around everywhere, they meant to buff them by less than 1%. Then they pull a bullshit scenario to how that will supposedly help us, but you know a .7% buff to your bby zhalo won't do anything. Similar shit like this happened b4 and referenced.[/spoiler] [b][u]EDIT 1:[/u][/b] Found some posts that I thought were pretty good [spoiler][quote]So high RoF autos get a [b]0.04% buff.[/b] And this is supposed to accomplish... what exactly? Let me round that out. It appears it's a 0% buff, funny enough. I don't see how you intended to do a FOUR HUNDREDTHS OF A PERCENT increase to damage. While I'm here, R.I.P. Lyudmila-D. Poor bastard got drop-kicked by a 19% nerf. I'd say I'm about 4% happy with the auto buff. [b]Edit- I'm actually 0.04% happy[/b][/quote] From another forum post[/spoiler] Longer one, but goes into important detail to help the unsure ones get convinced [spoiler][quote]Just lol. Are you honestly trying to convince your playerbase that you actually intended to buff auto rifles by less than 1% this entire time? You posted the notes regarding the auto rifle buffs 3 weeks ago. During that entire time everyone was talking about the supposed values you put out (7%, etc.). Do you mean to tell me during the last [b]3 weeks[/b] that people have been talking about these buffs, no one in your company noticed that players were discussing "incorrect" values? Cozmo, who supposedly reads these forums, never once noticed that people were using 7%, rather than .7%? Your explanation is utter garbage and you know it. You're not fooling anyone. If you actually intended to buff the auto rifle classes by less than 1% each, then why would you even bother acting as if you're making a meaningful change? [b]The truth:[/b] At best, you've shown yourselves to be completely incompetent and out of touch; why in the world would you buff a gun type by less than 1%, which produces no impact whatsoever in-game? How do you fail to correct that "error" for over 3 weeks? At worst you're blatant liars who are so full of themselves that you couldn't admit to a simple mistake and just own up to it. Considering how ridiculous the notion of a .7% buff is, I'm sticking with the worst case scenario because I refuse to believe that your developers are legitimately that incompetent. Your company has always been vague and disingenuous from the get-go, but this is truly a new low. I've said it before and I'll say it again: your PR team is straight-up amateur hour. You've made a mountain out of a molehill because you insist on blatant dishonesty rather than apologizing for simple mistakes. The Sleeper Simulant debacle, IB loot "glitch", Husk of the Pit bug.. just lol. [b]Edit:[/b] [quote][b]How did nobody notice this for a month prior to the changes going live?[/b] Unfortunately, I don’t have a good answer for this. [/quote] This quote from the weekly update says it all people; Bungie has just admitted their own incompetence. [quote][b]What is the point of increasing damage if the numbers don’t go up?[/b] Specifically for PVP, add precision damage scaling and the barrel upgrades that scale up Impact available on Exotic and King’s Fall Auto Rifles, and you’ll start to feel the new change a bit more. [/quote] This quote just proves that they're blatant liars as well; we already know that these changes had absolutely no impact in PvP and precision damage which is how this whole thing came up in the first place. I'm honestly in disbelief that they're trying to convince us that a .78%/.30%/.04% buff is anything other than hilariously trivial and delusional. Bungie, for the love of God, stop embarrassing yourselves. I'm legitimately cringing at this point. I especially enjoyed the acrobatics you tried to pull off to cover-up the fact that there is no substantial content (ie. raids) coming out in Y2. That was some messy word salad even for you guys.[/quote] Another forum post, very accurate to what I'm thinking of as well[/spoiler] [b]*Edit 2:*[/b] Another post for the TL:DR folks out there [b]*EDIT 3:*[/b] This one is more out of topic but I think you should also check this out. Then tell me that Bungie hasn't been a bit shady as of late.

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