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Edited by FJFSOM656: 11/29/2015 6:54:40 PM

Titan Story Chp 22: Orders Miss?

The Awoken guard led us down the hallway and assigned us all each a room. They were in close proximity to each other, regardless of gender and far away from the Awoken living space. By the end of it, only me and Amelia were left to get a room. The Awoken scanned the door with a card, it popped open and she handed it to me. "There is your key, I expect you all to be reliable with this mission and I, or one of my superiors, will give you instructions as we see fit. "Yes ma'am." I nodded. She also gave me a strange harsh look. "I advice you to stay away from the East Docking Bays.... I do not want anything else happening again." I raised my eyebrow in confusion but nodded all the same. "I'll be sure to avoid it." She briefly nodded, clicked her heels together and walked back the way we came, bringing Amelia and the Frames in tow. I watched them leave as Charles squirmed out of my grip. "Phew...." He looked at me and slowly started to float away just as I grabbed him. "Crap..." "You mister, are in big trouble." He blinked and watched me. "Define... big trouble..." I pulled him close to my face. "As in if you weren't my Ghost you would be in the scrap heap being modified into something else." He went a bit pale and chuckled. He gently hit my cheek in a joking manor. "Thank the Traveler that I am your Ghost then!..." I grunted and walked in my room and shut the door. The lights flickered on to reveal a room similar to the Academy's, except with one bunk and an already dirty floor and bathroom. Charles looked around as I let him go. "Charming.... Is it too late to go back to the Tower?..." "I'm afraid so..." I walked around and inspected everything. "Apparently they don't care much for Guardians living here." "They are an independent people, they don't like help... That explains Amelia so much... Speaking of how come she doesn't get this dump?!" "Maybe there was no available rooms past ours." "I highly doubt that..." Charles looked at a molding pile of food. "Well we know that the last tenant was last here..." He scanned the food. "Atleast six months ago... with a taste for vegan food... yuck..." He went to another corner of the room and scanned it. He went silent for a moment. "We also know... the Tenant has been here for atleast six months..." I walked over and moved the thing that he scanned. A bone was lodged in the metal wall and vaguely resembled a femur. "Ah..." Charles slowly floated away. "I think I'm done scanning for a while." "I can see why..." I walked over to the intercom located by the door and rang it. After a few seconds I heard a grunt and a sigh. "Yes Guardian?..." The voice was male and annoyed. "Yes, I hate to bother but could we get some cleaning supplies down here?" "I suppose you want a cleaning man too... and a basket of roses or a glass of wine..." "No just the supplies will do... I'll do it myself." "Atleast you are willing to..." The man sighed. "Alright it will be along eventually." He clicked the connection off. "Well he was just a basket of sunshine..." Charles commented as he spawned a spare piece of my armor and sat on it. "No kidding..." I looked at him. "You have got to be kidding me..." "Hey I was smart enough to put it front side down so the insides don't get dirty." "Well we have figured out you are good for one thing..." "Besides making your life much more interesting." "Interesting? yes... Better? Absolutely not." "I'd say better, atleast my life is." He gave a smile at me, obviously trying to butter me up from his earlier goof. "Yea sure, keep telling yourself that." A knock on the door stopped the conversation. I opened it to reveal a little Awoken boy holding a lot of supplies in a large bucket. He was struggling to keep it up as I took it from him. He looked at his hands, which had the imprint of the handle in them as I set it off to the side. "Thank you." He blinked and looked at me, obviously not expecting that. Charles soon floated by me. "Who's this little guy?" "Our help I guess." Charles floated down to be level with the child's face. The boy slowly backed away out of sheer reaction. Charles held up his shell. "Would you mind pointing one finger up?" The boy paused and raised his eyebrow. "Could you please?" The boy complied but watched Charles like a hawk. Charles brushed off his shell and showed the child he had nothing within his reach. Then he focused on the child's finger and made a Mote of Light appear. The child recoiled a bit at the sudden appearance of something but stopped and stared at the orb in amazement. It lite up his face a bit as the orb gently floated to his hands. He looked at Charles. "Be careful with that, it breaks easily under pressure." The boy nodded and started to walk away. "Oh wait!" The boy paused. Charles sent a small beam of light that touched the boys pocket. "There ya go." The boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a cube of Glimmer, about 30 units worth. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped at the two gifts. He looked at Charles. "T... t..." He wanted to speak but knew it best not to. Charles spun his shell. "Your welcome, now if I were smart... I'd give half of that Glimmer to your parents and say how nice the Guardian was and keep the other half for yourself, that way you can come back again if we need anything." He winked. "And I would place the Mote in your other pocket so it doesn't shine so much." The boy complied, breaking the Glimmer in half and sticking the Mote in his pocket. He smiled and waved and ran off. I smiled as he dissapeared from sight. "And you are good with children." "See? I'm useful so please don't scrap me." I laughed and shoved him back inside. "Keep it up and I just might not." Charles gave a grunt. I pulled out the supplies and started on the floor. I hanged a rag and a spray bottle it Charles. He looked it over. "Is this... Yea this is the very old models! Like... 20th- 21st century tech!... "It's doesn't matter go clean the mirrors and counter tops." "But I mean look at this thing? Does it even work?" He accidentally pulled the trigger and sprayed himself in the core. He blinked. "Ow.. Ow ow... pain... pain ow!!" He closed his eye and tried to wipe it off. I sighed. "Come on Charles..." "Hang on!...." He wiped the solution off of his eye and blinked. "Much better..." He did as he was told. After a good three hours of scrubbing and cleaning, a quarter of the room was done. I managed to also clean the bathroom first so that was now usable and Charles cleaned all the tops spotless though everything underneath was dirty and grimy. I sighed and looked. "Well... Atleast a piece of the floor is visible." "And it doesn't smell so bad." A knock on the door stopped us. I opened it to reveal the guard from before. She clicked her heels. "You need to report to the Outpost Command Center in ten minutes." She looked me over. "And look presentable if you don't mind." She turned and left. Charles scoffed as I closed the door. "Bloody snob." He looked at his shell and willed another one on. It looked exactly the same as the one before but spotless. I willed fresh armor on and walked outside and towards the front of the Outpost. link to Chapter 21 link to chapter 22.5

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