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Edited by Snarkii: 11/26/2015 5:38:07 PM

The Lives of Three Classes: Take 34 {I have a few regrets + #Vote2016}









What are my regrets, you ask? Having my "Create a Guardian" open for too long. Introducing Rush to you ravenous creatures. (Affectionately, of course.) Bringing Steve in, [i]after[/i] I was finished with Rush. Letting you guys see the Hunter hang out too long with Rush. Aaaaaaaaaand that's about it. I'll think of more though, I promise. After all that, [b]I REGRET NOTHING[/b]. And... It's that time... TIME TO VOTE FOR ONE OF THE CHARACTERS TO ACHIEVE PRESIDENTIAL DOMINANCE. Let's bring up what each of the characters promise and their goals of the race. [b]Amy[/b] Promises to make it illegal to ban children from eating cookies for dinner, make it completely legal to eat dessert [i]before[/i] dinner, and let the youth able to buy lottery tickets from convenience stores without having to show an ID card. She'll give you chocolate milk. Who doesn't love chocolate milk? [b]Titan[/b] He promises to make the world (Tower) a warm fuzzy place, filled with sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows, and anything that'll give you a breath of fresh air. He'll give free yummies to all who vote for him, provided he saves some for you in the first place. And free hugs; can't forget the free hugs. [b]Hunter[/b] The Hunt' promises to make you as awesome and cool as he is! (If you can, and I quote: "get on his level") You'll most likely be second banana, whatever you decide to do with him if he somehow manages to earn your vote. If you vote for him, you'll either get to pull an all-nighter with him, or, provided you throw Glimmer at him, he'll dance. [b]Warlock[/b] This intellectual promises to gift the adolescent and the not-so-adolescents the gift of... [i]Knowledge[/i]. That's right, knowledge. You are cordially invited to be her study buddy, so you can stick your shining, new found knowledge, into the darkness of ignorance. If you vote for her... Well... [i]study sessions[/i]. Well, heh, now that you know the candidates, [b]VOTE~![/b] [quote]Missed the previous Take? No worries: (Take 33) (Snark's ☆.。.:*・°☆future☆.。.:*・°☆ Stories)[/quote] [quote][b]If you want to be kept up to date on my new Takes, just follow #gotclass! It's much, much, much easier than me trying to hunt you guys down.[/b][/quote] [b]Meet the Team... [I]Fire[/i]team[/b] [b]Warlock[/b] Awoken, Female Border Collie [b]Hunter[/b] Human, Male Alaskan Malamute/Siberian Husky/Karelian Bear Dog [b]Titan[/b] Exo, Male Leonberger/Newfoundland/German Shepherd [b]Meet the other guys![/b] [b]The Mains[/b] [b]Steve[/b] Human, Male Kindhearted A bit of a geek, and or nerd Golden Retriever [b]Amy[/b], Steve's Little Sister Probably more intelligent, and sinister, than she lets on Generally adorable Human, Female Papillon/Chihuahua [b]Possibly Recurring[/b] [b]Angelina[/b] Human, Female Gothic, pretty much sums it up Schipperke [b]Currently Unnamed Female "Chauffeur"[/b] Human, Female Chatty, likes to be kept on to date on the latest anything that's fashionable Poodle/Maltese [spoiler]These facts are the dog breeds I picture them being based on personality, and things like that, heh.[/spoiler] ____________________________ "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA, I'M NOT LISTENING, I CAN'T HEAR YOUUUUU." The Titan shouted, trying to ignore the Hunter. "QUIT THAT, YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT." The Hunter shouted at the Titan. "YOU [I]KNOW[/I] YOU EAT TOO MUCH." "MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW." The Titan mocked him, making his hand into an imitation of a mouth chattering away. It only further ticked off the Hunter. "IF YOU MEOW ONE MORE TIME--" The Hunter warned. "[b]MEOW MEOW![/b]" The Titan blatantly ignored the Hunter's warning. "Will you two [i]cease[/i] your childish argument?!" The Warlock jumped in to scold the two Guardians. "Honestly you're behaving like children!" "Is there ever a time when men [i]aren't[/i] behaving like children?" The female driver chimed in with a chortle. "I mean really!" She then made her voice deep and masculine. "I'm a man, I don't like taking directions from nobody, TESTOSTERONE." The Warlock couldn't help but chuckle at the woman's stereotypical imitation of males. The other two, however, weren't amused. "[b]HEY[/b]." Both the Hunter and Titan said toward the two ladies. But they were in their own little world right then and there. "And please do not even [i]mention[/i] how they get--" "UGGGGHHHHHH." The Hunter groaned, turning over on one side in a futile attempt to ignore the sexist comments. The Titan just mumbled to himself, turning over on a side to look out the passenger window. ____________________________ Amy sat awake next to a sleeping Steve on the main living room couch, watching a black and white horror movie with the volume turned down for precautions in case she woke up her brother. "This is tacky and I hate it..." Amy muttered, unimpressed by the old movie's poor special effects. Flipping the channel, she stopped on Disney Channel. "I guess I can watch [i]this[/i]..." She muttered once again. Though soon enough, her stomach started to growl. "I guess that means I need to get some munchies." She said to herself, setting the remote to the side and carefully removing the covers from herself, sliding off of the couch. "Next stop, kitchen~!" She announced quietly. ____________________________ "Are we there yeeeeeeeet?" The Titan asked in a wail. "Almost there..." The female driver replied. [i]The sooner the better...[/i] she thought. "Ahhh then I'll be able to get some [b]rest[/b]!" The Hunter exclaimed, taking a stretch. "I'm so friggin' tired of sitting in this seat..." He had finally finished stretching when he came up with a random idea to alleviate the boredom until they arrived at Steve's home. "Hey guys, wanna hear a joke?" The Hunter asked everyone. "Oh sure, I love jokes!" The Titan said cheerily, turning his head to look at the Hunter. "Is this [i]really[/i] the appropriate time, Hunter?" The Warlock asked him, looking away from the window closest to her and crossing her arms. "Psh, can it, Floof." The Hunter shook off, the Warlock frowned and raised her index finger to say something. "I am [i]not[/i]--" she began, but the Hunter immediately cut her off. "Okay, okay! Here goes!" He rubbed his hands together, preparing for his joke. "What was Rush's [i]chef[/i] name?" "Hehe, I dunno! What?" The Titan snickered, going along with the joke. The Warlock sighed. "Alright, what was the culinary name...?" She asked, reluctantly going along with the joke. "Rush Deadeye [i]Calzone![/i]" The Hunter finished the joke. The Titan burst into laughter. "BWAHAHA!" The Titan laughed. "IT'S-- IT'S FUNNY, 'CAUSE THERE'S FOOD IN IT!" "Oho, I get it!" The driver said, chuckling. The Warlock, however, wasn't laughing. "Okay, okay, I got one!" The Titan chuckled. "What would someone call Rush if he was made outta candy?" The Hunter Titan. "A [i]SUGAR RUSH![/i]" "Hahaha!" The Hunter laughed. "HEYOOOOOOOOOO!" Both the Hunter and Titan cheered at their quips, raising an arm in the air. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. All but the Warlock, who was more irritated, and confused, than ecstatic. ____________________________ "Doo, doo, making chocowate milk~!" Amy sung happily to herself as she opened the kitchen's dishwasher handle to grab two large glasses and placing them on the counter. She then went to the refrigerator, opening it and grabbing a jug of milk, and the bottle of chocolate syrup, which was now crushed from the Titan's overpowered grip. "Some for me," Amy said, pouring the milk into one of the glasses until it was nearly filled to the brim, "And some for Steve~!" Amy poured milk into the glass until it was halfway full. Setting the jug down, Amy looked around the kitchen for medicinal sleeping pills, to give her brother a good night's sleep of course, until she spotted the small jar atop the refrigerator. "Oh phooey..." Amy mumbled, grabbing the stool that rested by the counter and dragging it towards the front of the refrigerator. Standing on the tips of her toes, Amy grabbed the pills. "Gotchu'~!" Amy said as she got off the stool and placed the jar on the counter beside the glasses of milk. "'Child lock' my left foot..." Amy sneered, maneuvering around the counter until she grabbed a large knife from the knife block, walking back to the pill jar. "Okay, I'm just gonna..." Amy said to herself, about to slip the knife under the jar's top, until she heard something. It sounded like a tuning radio, or a television set that made those fuzzy noises. "Huh...?" Amy set down the knife and walked out of the open-room kitchen, following the noise. She followed the noise upstairs until she stopped where the noise was strongest; in the living room. She opened one of the living room windows to be greeted by dark hazy clouds that had a small blue orb in the middle. Hordes of bronze robotic creatures with white glowing stomachs and single reddish orange eyes soon appeared from the haze. Some with lashing tails, others with no tails at all. But they all had the same name. [i]Vex.[/i] [quote]Take 35... GOT NOTHING:[/quote]

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