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Edited by Hames: 11/4/2015 6:19:35 PM
A couple of issues with your rant... For starters, the conclusion of the [b]Gamespot[/b] article was [i][b]Gamespot's[/b][/i] conclusion. They were evaluating what they had learned, not speaking actual information direct from Activision. It may end up being exactly as they say, it just isn't responsible to cite that as hard evidence. Secondly, the Kotaku article detailed a very different picture of Destiny's development than you're painting here. Yes, Destiny's story was chopped up late in the development process, and yes some of the pieces did end up being paid DLC, but the intention behind that is key. They didn't set out to specifically cut content just to sell it later, that was simply an after effect of that last minute edit. And don't for a second be naive enough to believe that other game companies don't hold back content from vanilla versions of their games to sell as DLC. It's a common practice. Third, microtransactions are overblown as these horrible things, yet they're providing absolutely zero competitive advantage. None. Many games use microtransactions with no issue to overall gameplay (even Mass Effect 3, a game that you used as a [i]positive[/i] example). There just isn't any evidence to support the claim that microtransactions are a problem. Finally, the cost. It's very simple: if it isn't worth it, don't buy it. No one is forcing your hand here. No one is reading into your wallet and taking the money. If you purchased the DLC or silver or anything at all, you made the [i]conscious choice[/i] to do that. To then turn around and get mad at Bungie for it is like people trying to sue McDonald's for making them fat. Bungie isn't responsible for your our financial decision making skills. Edit: Corrected the mistakes that others had pointed out with the sourcing for my arguments.

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