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Edited by MadpupYT: 10/23/2015 2:04:27 AM

Why Iron Banner 2.0 is Ultimately a Failure and What Needs to be Changed.

Is IB 2.0 Better?


Is IB 2.0 Worse


Is IB 2.0 the same as IB 1.0?


[u][b]What is this topic about?[/b][/u] The reasoning behind this post is to discuss what has worked and what has not worked for Iron Banner 2.0. At this point I think it is generally agreed upon that the new Iron Banner has been a bad experience for most guardians. But why was it so bad? What did Bungie do that actually worked? What do they need to change? Do they need to change anything? These are questions that I want to touch on in this post. And please, use the pole up top to vote what you currently think about the new Iron Banner. Hopefully if enough people look at this topic, vote, and discuss, Bungie will see what they need to change for next months event. [u][b]What I'm not going to discuss[/b][/u] The Shadow Shot Glitch. I know people were having a huge issue playing against people using this, even though I was only in one game where I saw it the whole week. The thing is, Bungie knows about this. It kind of sucks they were not made aware of this until Iron Banner was underway, cause if they were, I'm sure they would have pushed it back just like they did ToO. Considering they are aware, and considering this is a game wide issue, it is not something that needs to be discussed as a fix for the next Iron Banner event. [u][b]So... What went right?[/b][/u] Honestly, a few things. This may just be me, but I think lag has been a much smaller issue that it has been in the past. I think alot of network manipulators have finally started getting the message or they have been banned from PVP all together. I had maybe one laggy game out of every 15 or so. The last Iron Banner I played in I played in a laggy game about every 3-4 matches, so in my opinion it is much improved. I think Bungie coming out and saying they would be monitoring this over the week and banning people was also a very good deterrent. Now is it totally fixed. No. But I also don't think it will never be totally fixed. There are people, god bless them some day with better internet, who just have really shitty connections and they want to play PvP. And they have that right to play. But I think they are being recognized better and put into games with other people with questionable connection. Ya it sounds like the video game equivalent to a concentration camp, but we honestly don't want them infecting games, so good for you Bungie. Good items for sale. If the armor and weapons for sale are any indication, we can expect good PvP specific armor to be available every single event. For those that didn't know, the legs you can get give you more movement speed and weapon handling upon respawn, which is a fantastic perk. Weapons that were for sale had amazing rolls. Bungie did claim that the weapons that you could buy would be the premier weapons you would want. Both the side arm and pulse rifle had pretty much perfect roles for the weapons. It seems like that the day is gone where the weapon you finally needed would be for sale, with a random crappy roll that you didn't want. Along with all that, the weapons, at least from the first batch sold, appear to be very good PvP weapons, but I am sure time will tell if that is true. [u][b]So... What went wrong?[/b][/u] Sadly... alot went wrong. One of the biggest dick punches of this whole week was that Bungie claimed that drops would be increased, and those drops would include both items for sale, and items not for sale. It seems like, at least from my stand point and what I have seen other people say, the exact opposite is true. It seems that drops have in fact been decreased and the only items that drop are items that are currently for sale. I have yet to see anyone claim that they have gotten another item (HM, Auto Rifle, Shotgun, anything other than the ship) to drop for them while playing Iron Banner. Here is the problem with this. They have already said that the items you buy, while only 280, have the rolls that you are going to want for that item. So... then why would I want a weapon, regardless of what it attack/defense level is, if it is going to have a random roll on it? I'm not. Now would I be happy if I got another IB weapon that wasn't for sale if it didn't have a great roll... hell ya. Maybe I get lucky and I get a drop for an item with a good or god tier roll on it and if not I can at least use it can make a judgement on the item to see if I want to buy a better roll in another IB event. Right now the items that drop are basically just used to make the ones you buy stronger via infusion. Now about the decreased drops. This is just me, but I played from LVL 0-5 and I had ZERO IB drops of any kind. Zero! The last IB I played in. I had at least 4-5 and I always averaged at least 2 IB drops per event. Never have I played through without any drops. As soon as they "increase" the drops, I get nothing. Maybe I need to keep playing at LVL 5, but why would anyone want to do that? When you go from 0-5 you don't want to keep playing on the same character or keep playing IB in general. Bungie did say the higher the level, the more stuff that is unlocked for drops and drops increase even more. Maybe if you would unlock all the items to drop starting at LVL 0 and kept the drops % the same across all levels, I would feel more inclined to keep playing, but when you grind for days to get to lvl 5 and nothing happens, there isn't much incentive to keep going. Legendary Marks instead of glimmer? Look I understand that you want everyone to use Legendary Marks. But the "no cap" per week is honestly a load of horse crap. The way the current system is set up, it is nearly impossible to purchase both weapons and the armor piece for each separate character. Ya before I would have to glimmer farm a bit if I wanted to buy everything, but it was at least possible to do. Now I have to essentially rely on getting drops from playing, but we have already established that drops rarely happen and if they are a weapon the roll isn't likely going to be desirable. With this, Bungie simply needs to reduce the amount of Legendary Marks each item costs. Cause at this point it is nearly impossible to purchase everything, and it is impossible to purchase everything and infuse weapons and armor at the same time. Plus god forbid you were saving up to buy one of the good weapons from a faction. Now you are stuck waiting another week for that while you save up to buy the IB gear that Bungie has promised would drop. [u][b]So what changes need to be made?[/b][/u] As I pointed out, several changes need to be made to how gear is distributed. Gear is the #1 only reason people play IB. Bungie promised things were going to work one way with gear, and it ended up working the exact opposite as was promised. They need to increase the drops even more than what they claimed they did and they need to unlock all the weapons and armor like they promised. They need to have all these items unlocked to drop as soon as you get into IB and the drop rates need to be the same regardless of what level you are on. They also need to drop how much each item costs to purchase from IB or at least change it back to Glimmer. If you are going to tell people that the gear that is ready for purchase is at the rolls they are going to want, then you are going to have to make it so they can actually purchase that gear. If these changes are actually made, I think the next Iron Banner will be a success. I think it will finally be better than Iron Banner 1.0. If these changes are not made... then I don't see a good amount of people returning to play the game mode, a game mode that people were already avoiding because of how broken it has been in the past. So these are all my thoughts on the matter. What do you think? Am I right, am I wrong, did I miss anything? Comment. Pass this around. Bungie isn't ever going to change anything for the better unless we make them aware of what is broken. [u][b]EDIT:[/b][/u] We are over 1000 votes with about 18% saying IB 2.0 is better, about 18% saying it is about the same, and about 64% saying that IB 2.0 is worse than the original. [u][b]EDIT 2:[/b][/u] Some people are calling me out saying that Bungie never said there would be drops other than what was being sold that week. I got my information from this post about this very subject. [url][/url] The quote is, [b]"End-of-match rewards now include both weapons and armor (including items available on Lord Saladin)."[/b] This lead me to believe that other weapons and armor would drop during the event and I believe that if they in fact did not intend for items not being sold to drop then they worded this line POORLY to say the least. This was the post I read when I was going into Iron Banner. [b][u]EDIT 3:[/u][/b] I'm getting a lot of people saying, "I guess you had bad luck... RNG wasn't on your side, ect, ect." I just want to make this clear that I did not create this post because I personally didn't get loot to drop, I made it based on the vaste majority of players who didn't have loot drop and the confusion created by bungie because of conflicting statements on loot. This post isn't meant to be woe is me, but rather it is meant to gather input from the community on their experience in IB so see what has and has not worked and how Bungie can improve the experience. [b][u]EDIT 4:[/u][/b] So bungie just flat out admitted that the loot drops were broken. Fix should be in for the next Iron Banner.

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  • It failed because the gear didn't drop at an end game level, I don't want to have to grind the raid to make this gear use full after grinding 5 levels of rep in an activity that wanted me too have a endgame light level to be effective in the activity..

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    • [b]Suggestions to improve![/b] 1. Up the equipment drop rates. It's one thing to not get what you're looking for. It's insulting to get a strange coin or mote of light. 2. Institute the same increase to drop rates for a series of IB games as is done in strikes. Let there be a detriment to dropping out of matches. 3. Provide a LM reward for the lesser daily bounties (5 legendary marks?) to fill in the gaps and provide some kind of reward for the casual player. I know too many people who want nothing to do with IB simply because they lack faith in there PVP abilities. The only way to get better is to practice and currently that practice isn't worth the non existent rewards for a casual or new player. 4. What else?

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      2 Replies
      • Ya, was totally bunk this time. Grinded to level 5 and only got 2 legendary drops. The gear and weapons at 280, also, a kick in the nuts.

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      • Only plus was 75 leg marks for the bounties. That came in handy buying the guns. This was necessary as they just didn't drop Got one to lv 5 and one to lv 3 before giving up. Saw one sidearm drop and got the Titan nappy. Saw NO other drops all IB Fed up playing on vertigo. Actually yearned for more of the old maps. 280 ? Have they been put off by previous shouts of 'false 30s' IB is supposed to be end game PvP and should have end game rewards. I loved yr 1 IB and looked forward to it. Not sure I care about the next one

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      • I feel like the gear should've been higher level

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      • Pvp rewards in general are terrible. I haven't played pvp since HoW dropped. Theres no incentive.

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      • IB has been awful ever since TDB. 2.0 is just another joke of an event they call the iron banner

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      • Bungie should realize, that for the time put in getting to Rank 5, we should be appropriately awarded IB related drops that get better as we rank up. Highest drop I got was a 291 sidearm. 280 light gear from the vendor sold for at least 1/3 of the max legendary marks you can carry is insulting when the game rains 290+ rare drops. Should be at least 295-300, which would then make the gear worth the marks spent, without having to use more marks to infuse it. Limiting IB gear drops to what he only sells is a step back from the progress they made in HoW. I wasn't impressed with anything he sold this time. Only reason I played was to replace my old IB class armor for the next IB.

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      • I Want more random rewards to drop in crucible (everywhere, really). More ships. More shaders. More emblems. Exotics? I haven't seen an exotic drop in TTK Crucible or IB yet. I used to see it every couple days in Y1. I Don't see how PvP is any less worthy than wasting all day in strikes. What was the point of getting to rank 5 in IB? So I can get a shader and an emblem? I want more. Also, why not have more ranks? There's zero reason to keep going past 5... but I liked playing in IB and I wanted reason to be there. I didn't consider IB a grind, I like bounties, I like PvP and Control is my favorite game type. Win x 3.

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      • Seemed the same but easier to rank up

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      • Edited by jetthead4: 10/20/2015 2:24:22 PM
        I got all 3 of my characters to rank 5 and only got 1 class item and 2 sidearms. I know it's better then nothing, but it doesn't seem like they increased the drop rate or anything.

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      • Edited by FantasticMrFox: 10/20/2015 2:18:41 PM
        I used to love IB and was really excited for it. This was just a horrible grind and I feel I am very close to not bothering with it anymore. Hardly saw anything in game after game after game, rank 5 on my characters. Also, why were normal legnedaries not dropping?? I see more drops in standard crucible where I have had Shadow NL, Party Crasher, Split Shifter, Red Spectre etc. So wish I had stayed in normal crucible....

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      • A few points: - IB drops: the drop pool for first iron banner was really reduced. To keep IB interesting for NEXT round, only items sold were dropping. WE can hope that next time more drops are possible because drop might be what was there noe and what will be sold then. - Only one piece of armor was for sale. Maybe next time said piece will be available one level earlier and another piece will come up 'like in the previous IBs'. However, class items were now rank 3 and not 4, so maybe only one armor will ever be sold... to be seen - outside IB drops: now this is the bit I'm mostly chocked about. Previous IBs, I would still see quite a few crucible legendaries drop and, very rarely, an exotic. I haven't seen ANY legendary drops outside of IB gear... only: strange coins, motes of lights, rare weapons or armor, occasional ghost, I thin... This is a big problem too. Why? because those would make IB worth it for a single reasons: if they are not good, they mean a few more marks, going a small way towards solving one of the issues OP mentioned.

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      • Being forced to use a pulse rifle since they nerfed handcannons is fvcking stupid. I want TLW back from Year 1, minus the 2 shot glitch.

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      • so for me lag was a huge issue. the first two days it kicked me out every time a match completed. as far as drops. I got two drops. side arm and the bond. that was it. I even played after level 5 cap to see if more would drop. and. no I bought the rest. I don't like the fact it requires legendary marks either

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      • As this is the first iron banner you can't really take a result from it, as the reason why they're aren't that many drops is because it's the first event of 2.0. They stated that only weapons and armour that you can buy from the tower are the only ones that can drop, since it's the first one only the boots, sidearm and pulse rifle will drop; along with the class item. As the next iron banner event comes out the reward likelihood should double because you can get this iron banners loot as well as the current one that is undergoing. Please read before you make a huge complaint on the drop system when you don't know all the facts!

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      • The drops were an issue so yes I agree with you on the. BUT they said the drops will be what he is selling. they clearly said that. They said they want you to acquire the amour and weapons from drops not purchasing it from him. and honestly some of the drops were pretty awesome that I seen. Just not enough of them. Then that directly relates to the marks issue. That said you should only have to buy the weapon if RNGesues was not nice to you. Then that relates back to the drop rate. But honestly I made out alright. I got three cloaks to drop, one set of boots and real good side arm and a bad roll pulse. So I bought the one he was selling. (Wanted one with head seeker and reactive reload). Other then that it was real good, not as many laggers, and when there was a shadow shot on a team the team usually let the other people win for his punishment

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      • It's better than it was. I got the boots, 2 class items, and the sidearm. None of the previous iron banners were half that good to me.

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        • Tldr

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          4 Replies
          • Lol you people put your trust in a game that can't get shit right for nothing.Anybody wanna put money on when's the next patch they'll have to issue for something they -blam!-ed up?

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          • Edited by NoisyCricket: 10/20/2015 12:38:18 PM
            I agree. On my way to level 5 I've only had one drop for me. As for any other drops I saw 4 total. It's the worse I've seen it. Don't know what percentage of people get the increased drops but it's definitely not a high number. I usually get at least 2 per IB and, for others, 1-2 every other game. Exotics used to drop more often too. Saw at least one per IB.

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          • Iron Wreath and the class item dropped for me.

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          • 0-5 not a single legendary drop of any kind. The cruicible drops at the moment are nothing short of pitiful. Why? To starve you of marks, to increase the grind, to slow your progress. All I want marks for is to buy the exotics I ALREADY -blam!-ING OWN back.

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            3 Replies
            • I rarely play destiny pvp. I mean rarely. I played IB this weekend and did quite well. The only complaint I have is the absolute garbage drops that made the whole experience deter me from bothering with it again. I will complete my warlock to rank 5 tonight, after I wont bother with IB again. What a complete waste of time this has been. On a final note to all the whiners about shadow shot and the Titan hammer STFU and learn to adjust. I killed the Titan with invective to the face and or nova bomb and killed the hunter with suros and or nova bomb. Yes I was killed by them but I fared better than they did overall. Thanks for the games people. BUNGIE. You should do better!

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              • Iron Banner was fun when you knew the weapons you gind your arse off for could be reforged to what you want.

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              • Need to be able to reforge IB weapons like you used to. Not worth grinding to 5 for a gun with shit perks or to hope that one drops with the perks which will not happen since I only had the sidearm drop once by the time I hit 5

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