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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by skillisgillis: 10/14/2015 11:39:13 AM

For those who didn't believe in the 'slippery slope' of Silver...

Notice how in the return section of Eververse Shop it says: "[b][i]Consumable[/i][/b] items are nonreturnable" Notice how there currently aren't any consumable items in the store, only emotes. This means that you can assume they'll be adding consumable items sooner or later. Current consumable items in destiny provide XP boosts, glimmer boosts, and even increase to exotic/raid drop rates. Making these available to buy with silver will make it pay2win, which the majority of you denied would ever happen! I can see it now. A 'free' raid with ridiculous drop rates, and the only way to increase them is to buy a consumable item that increases them. EDIT: [spoiler]They also nerfed the drop rates for motes, strange coins, and weapon parts today. Coincidence?[/spoiler] EDIT 2 (Jackolytes): [spoiler]For those of you bringing up the jackolytes, notice how they are the only cosmetic consumable item (along with the other halloween item xur sold). They only last for a limited time because they coincide with a holiday, and like their holidays, these consumables also last for a limited time. I think that people wouldn't want to pay real money for something that only lasts for a limited time, and has no real impact on your game. I also think bungie would be logical enough to realize this, leaving the only possible consumable items to be ones that effect progression and would make the game pay2win. Also, only adding jackolytes wouldn't be a bad thing(although i would never buy one). I think we should all be more concerned about the potential of pay2win items.[/spoiler] EDIT 3: [spoiler] People have spotted new consumables in the Database. Some Max out your subclass and increase raid drop chances. Whaddya know?: [/spoiler] EDIT 4: [spoiler]Just stating that this is just speculation and I only know just as much as all of you, and don't claim to be 100% right. I'm not trying to argue, whine, or be hostile with anyone either. :] Also, I don't want to be right because these changes could ruin the game for myself and a whole lot of others.[/spoiler] [b]EDIT 5(Urgent): Statement from Luke Smith: "We aren't (nor are we planning) on selling consumables that buff King's Fall drop rates for Silver." While I'm sure a lot of you are pleased(like myself), he seems to be avoiding the possibility of adding other consumables in the shop, like motes, strange coins, and other items we've been talking about. Seems shady if you ask me, but we'll see...[/b]

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