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Edited by infiniti52761: 10/10/2015 3:28:35 AM

I'm ashamed to be a part of this community..

You guys are pissed because of how the SS thing worked out? You're basically bullying the company for actually doing something different. You want to go back to RNG for everything? Half of you would be complaining about Boolean Gemini, Ace of Spade, Etc etc. Bungie tried something new and you slapped them in the face for it. On behalf of this community, I am sorry, Bungie. I love EVERYTHING about this DLC. Thank you. Deej. Cosmo. Everyone. Thank you for making year two amazing so far! Edit 1: I'm fantastic at making 90% of you salty and offended >:) Say what you want, some of your comments show exactly why this community is 75% disgusting. Not all of these 800+ comments are negative and some are understanding but some of you? Holy.. Unbelievable. All you did was prove my point. So thanks!:D As for the ones defending the hunt for the Sleeper Simulant, nobody twisted your arm to look HOURS AND HOURS. You could have just done what some of us did... Wait until someone else found it. What do you get out of finding it right away? A rushed set of content and bragging right. Kuddos to you. It's like buying a new car. Sure, you may have it before some others but eventually, that car becomes common and it's not so special, now is it? I have three brothers who play more Destiny than I do and they haven't even gotten one of the Relics needed to start the quest. Be thankful you even had the chance. Others aren't so lucky. Being a kiss ass? Nah bruh. It's called being supportive. Accepting change and being patient. That's a trait some of you will never understand with Bungie trying to do good with this DLC. For those who did waste your time and are complaining about it, there is no sympathy. That was your own free will.

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  • Fill out a butthurt form, OP.

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  • People do complain too much.... but part of the reason year two is better is because of those complainers.

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  • I never complained about the others... But saying "Things might no be clear at first, and you might need more the one person to find out how to do specific parts" and also "there is 45 or 46 steps to it" then having it time locked and you are able to receive it in 1 day without watching a video is just annoying

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  • It was their fault for hyping it up. Get off your knees, desticle.

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    • They have made their bad decisions seem about 80% worse because of their past decisions. People are upset because it feels like Bungie just threw it out just to get it out and be done with it, like what they did with the initial release of the game. They have screwed you over multiple times, there are bugs they actively ignore, they refuse to take out that obnoxious sprint cooldown bullshit, they dug this hole themselves.

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    • The game sucks and you are delusional. It's like walking in circles over and over.

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    • Don't get me wrong, I throw deuces up for this game and all my hood bois in da hood na me saying playa I think they are mad for two reasons, 1. the quest was over hyped as being something EPIC, however it was unique, but it was by far the easiest exotic to acquire.. hell the Taken War quests took more time and effort. BUT, I like the gun 2. They are more mad at themselves for assuming and wasting their own time search for something that wasn't activated yet GRANTED Deejs little comments didn't stop anyone from doing so, if anything it pushed them more. Bungie is always looking and reading so maybe they opened the quest before they actually planned to to mitigate a shit load of time wasted but who knows. At the end of the day, we are still missing No Time to Explain which I'm way way way more excited for and Bungie will never be able to please every little baby back bitch that plays this game. This is humanity now a days, we want stuff handed to us, on golden platters and we want someone else to wipe are asses and clean up our shit. Bungie is doing a great job and Destiny is one of, if not the best game iv ever played.

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      9 Replies
      • Well, they made it seem like it was a quest, and then we come to find out it was just content held from us and it literally took 30 minutes and one reset to get the damn thing. Quite anticlimactic, imo

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        2 Replies
        • I haven't complained about a thing. Why are you apologizing for me? You've never met me. I still embarrass you? You're ashamed, But still on the forums?

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        • people are mad that they lied. and bungie knows that the outrage is deserved, thats why THEY apologized. what are you thinking?

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        • The people who are pissed were probably going to try to get YouTube hits from their guides that weren't needed.

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        • "This quest is too easy. This quest is too hard. This quest is just right."-Guardianlocks

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        • I'm ashamed you're ashamed @ this shameful community

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        • I'm ashamed to be an American. We live in the greatest country in the world and all we do is bitch and complain.

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          5 Replies
          • I'm ashamed to be a part of this community because of the weird elitist douchebag subculture that cropped up. It's disgusting that people are using this game as a means to validate themselves and down other people. It's a game. This community is developing all of the hateful qualities of World of Warcraft. The poisonous vitriol will chase away all the decent people and the community will consist predominantly of weird, out of touch, basement dwellers just like World of Warcraft. I really wish something would be done to get rid of this horrific trend so we can have decent discussions on the forums and enjoyable experiences in game.

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            • lol "bullying"

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            • I enjoy the quests more than the weapons. so far the only exotic I've gotten that fits my play style is the Regime I purchased & that's only for PvP. I agree with OP that the year 2 update is great. well played, Bungie.

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            • [quote]You guys are pissed because of how the SS thing worked out? You're basically bullying the company for actually doing something different. You want to go back to RNG for everything? Half of you would be complaining about Boolean Gemini, Ace of Spade, Etc etc. Bungie tried something new and you slapped them in the face for it. On behalf of this community, I am sorry, Bungie. I love EVERYTHING about this DLC. Thank you. Deej. Cosmo. Everyone. Thank you for making year two amazing so far![/quote]

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            • OP ---> :D ~~c==Bungie

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            • Woah you should change it to being ashamed of part of this community.i never got pissy at bungie for this wep and glad they didn't make it the "go to wep" gallahorn made the game unbalanced and made lfg a bastion of groups pulling the old "must have max gallahorn or will kick" routine.they made an easy to get don't like it there's plenty of other weps you can use.i don't want to have a heavy exotic anyways so won't hear complaints from me about it

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            • Lol blame ppl 4 hyping the shit out of it expecting a new ghorn

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              1 Reply
              • Love this DLC Drastic improvement from the first two, and I still haven't done the raid!

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              • What's SS?

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                3 Replies
                • [quote]If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.[/quote]George Orwell That goes both ways, of course. Go ahead Guardians, all Guardians, no matter your opinion, give 'em hell!

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                • I feel the difficulty in acquiring SS matches the quality of the gun. The quests are fairly easy but from what I hear the gun isn't that great so seems like it balances out.

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                • [quote]You guys are pissed because of how the SS thing worked out? You're basically bullying the company for actually doing something different. You want to go back to RNG for everything? Half of you would be complaining about Boolean Gemini, Ace of Spade, Etc etc. Bungie tried something new and you slapped them in the face for it. On behalf of this community, I am sorry, Bungie. I love EVERYTHING about this DLC. Thank you. Deej. Cosmo. Everyone. Thank you for making year two amazing so far![/quote] Someone gets wind of something and then everyone over hypes it so the world is dissapointed. I read all the hype and just get on with it. I mainly at solo so everything is exciting and challenging anyway lol. Good luck to you sir!! Xxx

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