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Edited by Whitefang45: 10/2/2015 7:59:59 PM


Ok Guardians, Since this clan was stood up two weeks ago, I can say all of you have pitched in, in one form or another, and I really like where this clan is headed. Keep up the good work. At the same time, we have to keep this clan active and growing. If you happen on a game with a random who seems to you like he would do good things in this clan, drop him a line and point him toward our group. Also, if you have friend you play with on the regular that aren't in a clan ask them if they'd like to join up. The more members we have the more we can get done Other than Codfan, I'm sure no one else has completed the raid, and I don' know about you guys but that's my goal. And if you don't have much raid experience that's cool. Some of us don't including myself, thus the reason I created this clan, to get that experience so we can tackle the King's Fall Raid. I'm down for doing Year 1 raids to build team cohesion and know each others playing style. Ok, rant over. Good Hunting In tenebris ad lucem - Through darkness to light.

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