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9/22/2015 2:53:35 AM

Pre-Taken King Exotics/Legendaries at level 40

I've been playing crucible recently, and whilst I admit, I am not all that great at Destiny PvP, I have found it hard to even try with crucible because of all the max level guardians running around with Year One Exotics and being just as effective, and in some cases way more effective, than someone with a Year Two, or Taken King grade Exotic. I find it hard to compete with everyone still being just as unbalanced pre-weapon patch because they are max level with some level 20 Bad Juju, and a Matador 64. I think that in the coming days, damage of Year One Exotics should be scaled down, majorly, if they are max level. I don't think a 170 Last Word should be better at max level, than my 290 Hawkmoon, the math there doesn't add up. Before anyone goes on, I realize that Last Word and Hawkmoon are two different sides of the spectrum as far as the way they play goes, but my point is not so much nerf old Exotics, but instead, make them have far more downsides as opposed to using a new Exotic at max level. Implementing this new system would take an immense(not sarcasm) amount of work for the people over at Bungie, but I think in trying to balance weapon damage in crucible, like scaling a level 5's common Auto Rifle damage up, so that his kill time is equal to a fully-geared exotic/legendary wielding level 40, they've made it so that there is no reason to get rid of old Year One Exotics, and that people should continue to use these Exotics and continue to be on par with other level 40s using brand new Year Two Exotics/Legendaries. If I remember correctly(feel free to correct me) Bungie did say that Light Level would impact how much damage you do, as well as how much health you have, but when I'm Light Level 280, and going against a max level with 197 Light, because he is using a Year One Exotic, he seems to have no troubles killing me faster than I can drop him. If it's just me that feels this way, please let me know, or on the flip-side, if you agree, also let me know. I'm loving Taken King, and hope Bungie continues to make amazing work like this, great job guys.

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  • Level advantage disabled. This means weapons of the same type (auto, hand cannon, etc.) and stats (regardless of rarity) will do the same damage (within a couple points... because exotics or a specific perk). What you are referring to is Iron Banner or similar where level advantage is enabled. This means, for example, a 170 TLW will do less damage per shot than a 290... every time.

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