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Edited by blurito: 9/17/2015 9:39:23 PM

Should've Xbox users work for that one exclusive?





-blam!- Xbox


Xbox doesn't deserve an exclusive at all


Closed Poll

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  • Edited by AFoxyGent: 9/17/2015 12:16:05 AM
    "Work" hahaha xD it's a game! I played in the Trials of Osiris and got mine off one of those packages. RNGesus blessed was tough gaming wise but I wouldn't say "earned" or "worked for" it. I didn't do anything physically demanding. The Xbox users had to wait a whole year before even getting to use these exclusives. I think them getting it right of the back is justified...Congrats to all Xbox players who got an exclusive exotic :D [i]-A Humble Playstation User[/i]

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    • have 7 exotics 2.that grimoire don't 4.i didn't get an exclusive

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    • Okay -blam!- the 4% of you

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    • But we had to do a whole quest for it. That's a lot of work for one gun

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    • That last edit is hypocritical as shit. You're mad because Xbox users got a year one exotic yet you're saying we're mad. Get outta here.

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    • Creates a poll because he is upset that Xbox players got year one PS exclusives to easy. Lols at people getting upset over video games. Tells people not to be hypocrites...

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    • I don't think that anyone earns anything in this game. it is all RNG, so stating that anyone should work harder to get anything is a bit absurd to be honest. you didn't earn a single thing in this game other than exotic bounty rewards and your first ship, heck even the exotic bounties RNG decided to give to you. RNG decided pretty much all the gear that you have or don't have. there are also still PS players that don't have any of the PS exotics either and they essentially been waiting just as long as the xbox players. anyone who has these guns simply pulled a lucky number out of a digital hat by accident, nothing more. so you can't tell me that they "earned" it in any way, shape or form. you have players on both sides that don't have those guns, that have done just as much or more crucible, just as many raids and/or strikes and sunk in just as many hours than those that do have those guns. so stating it isn't fair is, to put it bluntly, rather stupid and childish. Plus this poll is stupid fanboy console flamewar bait. get a life.

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    • Lmao you only have 1 34.... How exactly did you work "hard" for it?

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    • Op states people get pissed at a video game Op gets pissed because of a video game

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    • RNG is not earning. Other than that I really don't care if Xbox got it easy. Good for you guys. 4th horseman is the s***!

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    • "Alot of work" Here I'm thinking oh yea this guy probably has done alot of work. *Looks at grimoire* LOL

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      • We waited a whole year. Did you guys ever have to wait a whole year for content? I think you had to wait a few months or weeks at most. Please do correct me if I'm wrong. For Xbox, destiny is an 11 year journey instead of a ten year journey, cut us some slack.

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      • Hahahah that grimscore haha yea suurree you put in a lot of work lol, you def dont deserve one

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      • We waited a whole year. I think we earned it

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      • I think waiting a year is "working" for it.

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        3 Replies
        • I say they should've. Sure patience is a virtue but if I work my A$$ of for a million pounds and someone wins the lottery and gets a million pounds, he doesn't deserve it. Sure, easy come, easy go but geez...

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        • The joke is on you. I got hawkmoon in the engram. Then proceeded to "earn" one 20 minutes later on crota's end. Enjoy

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        • If rahool had given us the year 2 versions, then sure, I guess I could understand. But really why so many butthurt threads about a year 1 level act like it's totally fair that ps players had access to these weapons for a full year.

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        • Earn that's funny

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        • Too late already have Monte Carlo.

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        • He ends it with 'Lol people get pissed at a video game' when he's pissed at a video game. Remove yourself from the forums my friend it's not a place for morons

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        • With those stupid ass poll options I'm gonna guess that you're biased and also super salty.

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        • [quote]LOL PEOPLE GET PISSED OVER A VIDEO GAME[/quote] Your the one making a post about working for things in a video game...

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          3 Replies
          • Edited by Zz I Ghost: 9/16/2015 9:35:06 PM
            I didn't realize that PS players were so in titled especially since Xbox owners pay the same price for DLC and we get less content then you do for a whole year so how about stop being salty and just enjoy the game.

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          • We paid the same amount for the game and dlcs and got guns a year later. Come back when you show me how ps users earned their hawkmoons beyond what we did and then you can start bitching about fairness

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          • As an xbox player I hated getting handed a hawkmoon. Good thing I wanted Monte Carlo

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