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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Xenogears66: 9/15/2015 7:13:07 PM


Bungie... You were a once proud company, who was picked up by Microsoft because they saw potential in you. And, they were right! You did have potential... Which you, have subsequently let fall through the cracks... I can no longer praise you for the lack luster effort I see today. What Destiny meant to me, (and probably many others): I had expected a lot from Destiny, I wanted to see the next big title from Bungie... But, I was let down. Like many others who were sold on the hype and promises, I believed in you Bungie... I had hoped that stepping away from Halo leaving a great Legacy. (REACH is up in the air, I personally did not like it), behind and moving on. And your next title was Destiny! A game that was promising so much, but just did not deliver... And now the Taken King... Just what are you doing Bungie? First let me address that the Taken King is a stupid name... Does it really look as though Oryx is trapped in some dungeon taken by some other faction of the Darkness? No, right? So Bungie... What is with the name? And what is up with this "You can't progress your character untill you get the Taken King DLC"? Are you that blinded by greed that you just don't give a damn about the fans or casual players who don't have the money to buy the DLC? Bungie, you have lost much respect, fans, and now you are probably going to start losing players with this mentality and actions... Second thing I would like to address is Bungie's poor planning for DLC... Each new DLC is like the plague. What we get instead of improvements is more setbacks... Or at least that's the way it seems currently. We are now going on the 4th generation of: Weapons... Armor... Accessories... And all for what? Just to have to scrap old equipment? Why, just why? Bungie... where is the progression here? Year one raid gear is now obsolete? CE gear was better and more powerful than VOG raid gear? Bungie, I think you are lost here... Third, useless upgrade materials... I don't even need to mention how stupid this is... It is cool that Armor Materials are now a thing... But what in the unholy hell am I supposed to do with my Plasteel Plating, Sapphire Wire, and Hardonic Essence? Are they just there as mementos now? Ending comments: I would have loved it if Bungie held off one more year before they had released Destiny... I do not think I can deal with this stupidity anymore... Bungie, if you are Indeed patrolling your forums and reading everything everyone has to say, then how come you can't see that you are hurting us? Do we just need to stop playing and buying your products, or boycott the next game release? Bungie, just what are you not seeing? I would love to talk with you guys One-on-Staff, I would love to understand why you are making these irrational decisions, and I would love to be able to discuss things that would improve the game and subsequent sequels, but I am one of many people, and will never have this chance. I hope whomever has taken the time to read this, please post a comment, as I would like to hear your stance on this matter. Enjoy your day. Here's a link to my Endgame issues and ideas for destiny, if you are so inclined to read it please leave a comment, and let me know what you think:

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