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originally posted in: Oryx pulled our internet cables
Edited by Whoops: 9/8/2015 12:34:11 PM
Hahaha well maybe if you would play on something that isnt 10 years old it would be easier for Microsoft to support you. This is why Destiny should move to only next gen on its next major release

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  • "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

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  • More like the truth. Hardware from 2006 simply can't keep up have you played on a next gen console? Sometime I go back to 360 and it's like someone sprayed windex on the tv because it's so blurry. It's truly a huge difference and there is no question it holds the game back. Give me some evidence to prove me wrong if you can

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  • [url=]Sounds like Buyer's Remorse to me...[/url] You paid all that for a console that has [i]the[/i] lowest performance-vs-cheap-PC ratio* in the history of consoles, and now you're desperate to think of it as better than it is, because if it's not you wasted your money.

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  • I have a gaming rig, I use my console for games like destiny that are console exclusive. So your argument is invalid. I have no argument against PC being better, but last gen is a waste of time for developers to focus on. And you can't build a gaming rig that compares to an Xbox One for less that $350. That's just a fact, decent graphics cards alone will run you $120 at least.

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  • Oh, and the argument is perfectly valid. You're shitting on people that have done nothing to you, just because their existence undermines your world-view. "[i]Look, these people haven't spent $500 on a toy like me, but they look like they're having the same amount of fun anyway. I can't allow this to stand, because it makes me feel foolish[/i]".

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  • $500? You must be talking about the computer. I'm not shitting on anyone, I'm stating facts. Old consoles hold games back. That just the truth. Not everyone can afford them and I get that but we still don't have to cater to them. What's with all the world-view BS? This isn't some psychological battle my friend, it's a comment on a forum post

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  • Original Xbox was ~$200, and you needed a full-fat nForce motherboard with the fastest-at-the-time PIII-Celeron just to match the hardware. That wouldn't get you the same performance because your PC was running Windows, and the Xbox was running no OS at all*. You really needed to spend 3-4 times as much, if you wanted the Xbox experience on your PC. How the mighty have fallen, huh? * when you compiled an Xbox game, the XDK linked the OS services you used statically into your game. This layer called out into routines in the BIOS to account for hardware/setup differences. The closest comparable OS is DOS, except DOS isn't statically-linked into the programs it runs.

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  • * original Xbox was so powerful people were turning it into a PC. PS1 had gobsmacking 3D graphics, in an era where PCs cost ten times as much and offered Sim City and Transport Tycoon. 360 and PS3 were both so powerful they got AAA titles nine years after release, and redefined the very idea of console generations. They killed the Wii-U, because the Wii-U wasn't sufficiently better to make people switch. Xbone and PS4 use the same bargain-basement processor with onboard graphics that AMD had lying around on the floor. They're practically identical to each other, and literally are a cheap PC in a cheap (xbox) or expensive (ps4) box.

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  • Am I talking about original Xbox? No, I'm not. I'm talking about last gen and current gen. You could make an original Xbox into a PC because PCs weren't at the level they are now. Your points in the last two posts are insanely unrelated to what I've said. They got AAA titles on 360 and PS3 because there were uncertainties in the gaming industry as to whether or not it was safe to release solely for next gen. Destiny unfortunately fell into that time frame and now we have people like you giving reasons to keep the old consoles relevant. When Halo 3 came out did anyone want it released on original Xbox or bitch that it was 360 only? No, because they knew that it was a better experience on 360. Stop justifying old hardware, new consoles may not compare to modern PCs but they are far superior to last gen. And I'm still confused as to what you think is $500. I got my Xbox One for $350 with kinect and two controllers. My gaming PC has cost me at least $800 at this point, and that's an over time investment, not all at once. And before you say it I'm not shitting on poor people, im not happy that the gaming companies still cater to them

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  • Sure. That's because the PS3 and the 360 were dramatically better than the six-year-old PS2 and Xbox. The PS4 and Xbone are not dramatically better than the nine-year-old 360 and PS3, which is why a) no-one's buying them, and b) you're seeing cross-platform AAA releases with full feature parity (Destiny, CoD, Titanfall), instead of cut-down backports like Rock Band.

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  • Not for long, devs have seen that next gen exclusive games can work and that's what they're switching to. No ones buying them? Anyone who has played on a newer console can tell the difference and quite a few people are still switching over. Just wait until the holidays and your last gen counterparts will start dwindling in numbers. Especially with backwards compatibility on its way. There is no reason not to at least consider moving on to next gen consoles. It doesn't have to be dramatically better, it is better though and there is enough of a difference that when 360 players pop a heavy synth they have to have at least a good 45 seconds at least just to get to it in the menu. It takes ten or less seconds on next gen consoles. You have no argument and should probably just stop

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  • Sorry, noes. It shouldn't even be a question, twenty-eight months after release, whether to upgrade or not. [b]But it is. Still.[/b] The 360 wiped out its predecessor in [i]three[/i]. The current crop of consoles are underpowered, offer nothing new, and aren't even finished: check the forthcoming xbone with the decent hard disk and 50% quicker booting and loading.

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  • I like my games to look half decent when playing them, old consoles can't provide that. I defend my point with facts that this generation is better and people should upgrade if they want to be able to keep up with relevant games. It's as simple as that. It may not be miles better, but it IS BETTER. It's not a PC, we get it, but it gets the job done easily. 360 simply doesn't. If you're too cheap to upgrade because of some inflated sense of self-righteousness you bestow upon yourself because you "won't upgrade because it's not that much better." Save me the time and don't comment again, this is a waste of time because the old generation is dying as it should. Stop trying to keep it alive.

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  • [quote]the old generation is dying as it should. Stop trying to keep it alive.[/quote] We've gone full-circle. You're shitting on strangers for having fun at no expense to yourself. It makes you upset to see them getting stuff without having to spend what you've spent. This is textbook buyers' remorse. Your behaviour fits to the letter.

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  • Edited by Whoops: 9/9/2015 12:04:24 PM
    I'm not shitting on anyone! I'm saying that the old generation needs to be dropped from future game releases so the games can reach their full potential. I have no buyers remorse, you keep pushing that like you know me. I use my Xbox daily for all kinds of things and I enjoy the games I have for it. It was a great buy and I'm not poor so it wasn't a huge decision for me to make. Leave my personal and financial decisions out of it because that is not what this is about. You are no psychoanalyst so please stick to what I've actually said. Ad hominem attack are the best way destroy your own argument.

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  • Well sure, but "X is [b][i][u]BETTER[/u][/i][/b] than Y so X is a compelling purchase no matter the cost" is a facile argument. I'm sure you won't be rushing out to get a 1TB Xbox One, with the 8GB cache SSD and the faster loading times, even though it's [b][i] BETTER[/i][/b] than what you've got.

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  • I'm not arguing that the 360 has top-of-the-line hardware, I just think replies made here to simply bash the 360 are unhelpful and miss the point. Our 360 hardware isn't the cause of this problem, it's on Microsoft's end. Everyone can connect to their network just fine, the problem occurs when signing onto xbox live

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  • My point is still valid, and also relevant. If the hardware was up to date it might even be harder to exploit the network and cause it to go down. I'm hoping developers will soon start leaving last gen out of game releases so the modern hardware can be use the way it should be. [i]vault space[/i]

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  • you know vault space is getting doubled for everyone, right?

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  • Ou know they had to put it on separate pages because of old consoles right? That's why everything is so spaced out on the pages too. Have fun waiting 2 minutes to open the vault as well, like opening you character menu. I've played on last gen, it's brutally slow to load almost everything

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  • bruh your arguements stink and have holes what r u doing here fry boi im finna roast u if u dont stop commenting with your orc lookin a**.

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  • Speak English or leave please, my arguments have facts so sit down and get your learning helmet on cause it's raining knowledge

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  • thats english boi, dont u go to school?! you are typing english too like wtf ima fry on u like what like what like what? you facts arent accurate btw

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  • Oh no, the vault is spread out over multiple pages.. now the icons for gear won't be so small and crammed together that it's impossible to make anything out clearly... fuuuuck As for loading times in menus, ya they're slow. You seem to think I'm defending the hardware on the 360 and I'm not, I just think this is an irrelevant discussion on what originally was an info/support post

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