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9/4/2015 2:46:57 AM
Any player that doesn't buy the dlc should be capped at the last dlc they got. Why should we care? In this world you don't get something for nothing.

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  • And nobody is asking for that, only access to content that's been paid for. And if you dint buy TTK you can't even play a vanilla nightfall because it's level locked.

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  • Dude being honest here and don't take this as me being disrespectful, but -blam!-um. If this is the case than o well. By it or don't play. Nobody ever dropped dead because they couldn't game.

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  • True enough, but it doesn't change the shady shit going on.

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  • Do you know the definition of fascism? Just because video game are totally optional doesn't mean a company should be allowed to be fascist dicks.

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  • Really dude. Your going far to try and make a point.

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  • Not really. People have an inherent hatred for being told what to do and how to do it by people with no authority. Video games might be optional, but when you have a company full of smug dickheads telling you that you won't be able to use a product you already own because you didn't buy another product, people getting pissed off is a certain outcome.

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  • Here's the problem with that. You own vanilla and maybe 2 dlcs. You don't own TTK.

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  • I made reference to that, yes. I'm not at all opposed to being locked out of DLC content I do not own. And this is all based on the belief that non-TTK owners will not be able to get to level 40, which would then lock them out of content they have already paid for as they won't be able to do level 40 vanilla content. Bungie hasn't locked players out of light levels to that extreme, ever. But I wouldn't put anything past them at this point. But my point about people being dictated to by non-authority figures is still relevant and true.

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  • Lvl 40=TTK extra level cap. Nightfall=[b]end game content[/b]=end game level=level 40= TTK level cap. Boom explanation it's not that hard to understand. If you didn't understand that then try this. Lvl 40>lvl 34. Right? End game=40. Nightfall=end game. Lvl 40 nightfall=lvl 40 enemies. I'll tell you what you do. Degrade your character to 28 then try the current nightfall. If you succeed then point two will be invalid. You didn't pay for lvl 40 why should bungie give you six free levels? Give me one good reason why? Tell me why end game content shouldn't be the end game level?

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  • You will never convince me that old strikes at a new level cap then makes them new DLC content. Your logic is seriously flawed. Like, hilariously flawed. Like, fanboy flawed.

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  • At least I have logic :) yours is well not there. Arguments are a lot like a fortress. You need something to hold those stones or bricks together and you have nothing to hold your straw house together.

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  • So, you think it's better to have bad logic (yours) than no logic (mine)?? [quote]Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt[/quote] I think the author of that was talking to you.

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  • No. I have more logic than you. I have supporting evidence for my argument. You literally haven't backed your argument up at all! When you can prove to me that A. Lvl 40 is not end game level. B. Nightfall is not end game. C. That you deserve to play [b]the TTK endgame content for [b]free[/b][/b]. That's basically what you want.

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  • I have never said I wanted TTK content for free. Not ever. Not once. See, you're inability to read and comprehend is what is causing your blood pressure to rise. Please go back and read again what I said. I will not restate it for you just because you're not very bright. Try not to be so butthurt.

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  • Okay. Let's try and have a civil argument okay? We can both agree that the TTK end game starts at lvl 40/story missions completed right? This is me trying to be civil rather than just endlessly spout out insults like two year olds. We're both not two right?

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  • I'm a damn genius if I'm 2. Yes, TTK endgame content doesn't start until level 40. My argument hinges on players being locked out of [b]ALL[/b] nightfalls and weeklies if they don't buy TTK. I don't know if that's true. Somebody posted a link about this and it was as clear as mud. My contention is that old strikes from Year 1 do not and should not qualify as Year 2 end game content and therefore all players who did not buy TTK would be locked out even if the strike is not part of TTK.

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  • That's absolutely 100% fair of you to think and say. I'm a bit confused though. Strikes in general or like nightfall strikes? Which is you think people who didn't buy TTK will be locked out of?

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  • Nightfall strikes consist of strikes already in the game, we all know that. TTK will bring new strikes, we all also know this. As it currently stands, players are locked out of nightfalls/weeklies/dailies only if the strike is from a DLC they do not own. Even if the new nightfall levels are brought up to 40, there are still going to be a lot of strikes from Year 1 Destiny. Players should not be locked out of Year 2 nightfalls if the strike is from Year 1. I'm still trying to figure out if that's the case or not. Was that clearer?

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  • Yes it was thank you. Idk what's going to happen :/. My best guess is the level lock at 40 will only happen to TTK players.

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  • Started off enemies and ended up still -blam!-ing confused, amirite?

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  • Edited by RdDragonEmperor: 9/4/2015 3:30:26 AM
    When it comes to Destiny I take a wait and see approach. Level 40 is based of experience not light, the only time a player will be locked out of the nightfall is if it's a new strike and they don't have the dlc. The op thread is irrational. Bungie isn't dictating anything they are being far. If you don't have the dlc you just can't run it every week you'll have to wait.

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  • I think part of it is, and I'm sort of in this camp, is that it's not appropriate for anybody to be locked out of nightfalls and weekly and even dailies. The reasoning being, the game mode is being locked and not necessarily just the content. Locking players out of game modes that they've paid for isn't appropriate. A player is being locked out of of modes and therefore being dictated to about how much content they can complete in a week.

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