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originally posted in: If you have a red connection
9/1/2015 9:09:25 AM
Up until recently I was one of those people who had a red connection most games if I was doing more than being on my xbox. Sharing a 10mbs down 1mbs up connection with 2 (now 3) other people was not a very fun time. I live in Alaska, and until recently that was the highest speed available at time. However, a provider recently got fiber optic cables to run up here and I now have 250mbs down and 10mbs up for a very high price of $175 per month, but to me I'm getting 25x the value out of my product for $55 more. Well worth it for now. Another possibility (which is relevant to me since Alaska is far away from everywhere) is that they are far away from where you live. When I do a speedtest with my connection I have 8 ping. When I was playing Bo3 beta however, whenever I hit the start button it displayed me always having 80 ping all the up to 140 ping all because of my location.. Remember how I had 8 ping on speedtest? Doesn't mean shit when you're connecting to a host who lives ages away. Ostracizing people based on the connection which is available to them; albeit it's from either location or money issues or perhaps both.. It's just immature and ignorant of you to do. Please, educate yourself on what causes lag and understand how peoples ability to control it can easily be hindered by multiple factors.

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