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8/31/2015 9:35:38 PM

Here's an idea...

There is a major concern that "randoms" would not be able to play the high level activities because of their assumed inexperience and lack of skill. What if the higher level lists each required a special medallion in order to access them? Each playlist would require its own unique medallion. These could be earned in much the same way exotic weapons such as Thorn are earned, through completing a series of objectives. For example, Trails of Osiris might require a player to complete four or five crucible related bounties in order to win the Trails of Osiris matchmaking medallion. Once the playlist medallion is won, the player would have access to that playlist forever. This would help ensure that the system wasn't bogged down with people who aren't somewhat serious about their Destiny experience and also familiarize newer players with the mechanics of the game.

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