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8/28/2015 5:28:26 PM

I think that when we say "Additional Guardian Customization Options" in the Wish List post linked above, this is what we're talking about. There has been a lot of chatter since launch about wanting to change your face. Thanks for keeping the dream alive. We'll see what the team decides to do in the future.

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  • You'll just have to pay an additional 49.99 right deej? ...

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  • Go beat skolas

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  • Get a better KD

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  • I'll stick with my above 1 and play the content

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  • OHH!!!!!

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  • It's not like this is hard for you to make it happen. I doubt that adding a kiosk in the tower linked to the creation interface from the beginning of the game with some tweaking would take you guys more then few minutes. People obviously want this since launch. One year Bungie, one year. Sometimes I don't understand what is happening inside your heads.

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  • guardian appearance is actually tied into all the cutscenes in this game so i dont think it would be as easy to code as it might fast appear. also, they've rebalanced weaponry 2-3 times now in under a year, fixed all kinds of errors uncovered after the game shipped, constantly having to address jerks who would rather try to cheat their way through crucible then actually play and enjoy the game, thus preventing most of the rest of us from being able to ever enjoy the crucible portion of a game we payed good money for, and they released two dlc packs and had to deal with patching them back into the game after they were partially tore out of the base game due to not being ready in time for launch or certain features being chosen to be moved into the dlc when they were in the base game to begin with, and all the resultant issues that had to have caused in keeping the base game and its code viable so everyone can continue to play and enjoy the game without it crashing. i was taught in college most games like this have to shut down one day a week or one day a month just to do maintenance and keep the game functional, yet ive been playing over a month and no such maintenance has ever happened, at most i'm shut out for a few minutes by one of the stupid networking based error codes i get several times a day somedays when someone tries to mess with the game or bungie might be working on the game disrupting access or whatever causes these errors (which funnily enough i discovered recently the frames in reef mock some of these error by stating they themselves are experiencing the caterpillar error-nice touch bungie) and from what i can tell the first two dlc additions were mostly ready when the base game shipped and just needed finishing touches, but also from what i can tell, the taken king development didnt really start or get going until after the base game shipped and they began getting feedback on the base game and on the dark below, then production cut-offs and deadlines forced them probably to go forward with what they had at that point most likely in order to get the taken king launched by its launch date, so feedback from house of wolves probably won't be included until the next expansion after the taken king whenever it comes out, and it probably started production around the time the dark below or house of wolves came out because it would have had to have in order to stand a chance of being released by the middle of next year or so sometime give or take a few months either way. feedback from the taken king likely won't get into the game in any meaningful way until next september if not later then that depending on their schedules and timetables etcetera. so while they've known since e3 in either 2013 or 2014 i forget which clip i saw it mentioned in that more customization of guardians would be needed, at that time they were in a rush to get the game in a state where it was shippable and they wouldnt be held in breach of their agreements for failing to ship anything at all in time, and then they were fixing a game they fully admit was still flawed at launch, and when the base game needs fixing they arent going to do customization at that time, and then everything they had just about went into the taken king except for the small groups continuing to fix things and continuing to initiate ideas for the continuation of the game and the franchise. if taken king is received well and sells well then they will be able finally to truly breathe alittle and then we might see some additional guardian customization i would guess sometime between mid 2016 and mid 2017 at the earliest, possibly late 2017 or early 2018. i could be very surprised if it happens sooner, but it would take them throwing a team at it special tasking for a special game update just to add in that customization content and i dont see them doing that anytime soon, i see them including it as an extra in a future expansion pack to help persuade people to get the future expansion pack, and if it happens that way then it is at least 6-12 month away from happening yet as they gave us a few months with the base game and a few months with dark below and about 4-5 months with house of wolves, they will probably let us play the taken king stuff for 6-8 months before doing another expansion would be my best estimate.

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  • I know they have a lot of work and lot of fixing to do all the time. But they also have an epic budget. And as we know, they are not (re)selling the game cheap. So I just don't believe it couldn't be done already. I don't think the cutscenes are a problem. Why? If it works for your character created right in the beginning, there is no reason why it couldn't be reapplied later on. Thank you for your comment. Much appreciated.

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  • Rather update 100 things with one large patch after 2 months to get people excited versus 1 every week. Seems to be their approach.

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  • That would be six missed opportunities :-) as TTK is not going to have it either.

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  • Bump please make it happen

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  • Bump

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  • Sign

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    Keep the shatter going

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  • Signed

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  • Signed!!!

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  • Signed!!!!

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  • hi

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  • Signed. Would love this option.

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  • As long as they know, thanks Deej.

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  • We want this. seriously

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  • Signed

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  • ...just throwing it out there, but if Tess say, wanted to throw up a barber shop for humans and awoken or a spray tan booth for the exo; I would personally be happy to pay for a small vanity DLC to pick a beard up.

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