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8/28/2015 2:53:05 AM
I read the entire edge article. It was a lot of lofty talk that we've heard before. On our gear: [b]"...enable that sense of creativity and player expression. Those things are really important". [/b] On player history and experience: [b]"It's the story of the acquisition of power and gear, and playing with your friends. ... the story you're playing now is your story."[/b] Except that by forcing most of what we've worked for in Y1 into obsolescence, they're erasing that history - they're rewriting our story. My Queen's Guard Plate - gone. My Iron Regalia gauntlets - gone. My A.1F19X-RYL scout rifle - gone. To use any of these items in Year 2 will mean seriously handicapping myself. A story without those things may still be a story - it's just not MY story.

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