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Edited by Lord Puncake: 11/24/2015 7:47:14 PM

Necrochasm Needs to Come to Year Two

I'm going to keep this professional and exclude all extreme and vulgar emotions currently being felt. Hopefully it will increase Bungie's attention. Necrochasm MUST be ascendable to Year Two status. Let me explain why it deserves it, likely more so than any other Exotic. Necrochasm is likely the most difficult and time-consuming weapon to obtain. Firstly, one must grind for Husk of the Pit. This could take anywhere from a few minutes to several weeks. Especially considering that, for a time, it was literally impossible to obtain. Bungie only fixed that a week or so ago. Secondly, one must grind Eris bounties in order to attain the appropriate rank to buy an item from her. Rank 3, if I remember correctly. This process typically took about two weeks. Thirdly, one must grind Hard Crota who knows how many times for the Crux of Crota to drop. Then, one has Necrochasm, but the game's not over. Necrochasm was one of the WORST Exotics to ever exist. It was horrible, especially for a Raid Exotic. It only took SEVERAL MONTHS for Bungie to acknowledge this and decide to buff the Hell out of it. That's great, but there is a problem. It will NOT be coming to Year Two. This is highly illogical and quite frankly, pardon my language, is beyond bullshit. Why would you even bother to buff it if you are just going to render it obselete anyways? We will never know how powerful Necrochasm has become. Don't give me that, "you can still use it in Year One activities", crap. What is the point in Year One activities? "For fun". Sorry, but nothing is fun if all efforts are going to be futile and mean nothing. Besides, if one does decide to use a Year One weapon, what will it likely be? Fatebringer, Vision of Confluence, Fang of Ir Yut, Gjallarhorn, and just about anything else Bungie decides to leave behind. To sum it up, Necrochasm has gone through too much to be left behind. It needs to be brought to Year Two status. That's my side, Bungie, what's yours? EDIT: I'm not going to let this post die. Bungie needs to answer for this.

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  • I think it should go to year 2 as it never got its time in the spotlight unlike vex

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    • [quote][quote][b]Bungie Weekly Update - 12/04/2014[/b] by DeeJ “The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete. Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear:[u][i] [b]The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected.”[/b] [/i][/u] Looks like we have been played! #saveourexotics #noexpticsleftbehind #ExoticLivesMatter[/quote][/quote]

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      • Plus the Five Hundred hive kills, and leveling up the Ally.

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      • Bump plus if we can't use the the Crota's end raid weapon infused with his power against his dad's army and his dad himself what's the point, i want to shoot him with what's left of his son !

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        3 Replies
        • Omg yes! I made a post about not buying ttk because of it lol

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        • Bump.

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        • Edited by lilddaprince412: 8/24/2015 5:15:04 PM
          Don't forget you had to do 500 give kills to upgrade the husk on top of getting to rank three Eris smh... I agree with the top tier raid being brought forward. 1.It incentives old raids to still be current 2.keeps players happy

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          • It should right? They should as an apology for making it crappy from the start, also for making it harder for other players to obtain the husk.

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          • I love my necrochasm, and use it all the time. And now that it is becoming even better, I need it for stuff :/

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          • Yes!

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          • Both raid weapons are supposed to be the pride and joy of PvE players and both should definitely come to year 2. Mythoclast with increased stability unaffected by previous fusion rifle nerf and Nechrocasm as the 2.0 version.

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          • Vex Mythoclast bump

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          • I agree. There's no reason to buff it so much if it's just going to become useless. Furthermore, those 'hard-to-get' raid exotics should always be around. They're treasure pieces.

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            2 Replies
            • I agree with your post 100%. I am also with the crowd that believes that Vex Mythoclast, Lord of Wolves, Dreg's Promise, and Queensbreakers' Bow should also be brought along. These guns getting upgrades would give at least SOME incentive for people not having these weapons yet to continue to play the Year 1 Content. Yes I understand Bungie wanting to phase out the Year 1 content, but you shouldn't IMO make it totally obsolete (Year 1) until you come out with a "Destiny 2" proper. With that said, it has become really clear that the reason only SOME exotics are going forward is a way to semi cover up the fact that they messed up royally with Gjallarhorn and had no real answer how to fix it, so instead it looks like they said "Well let's make it useless in year 2 content by not giving it an upgrade". They are trying to cover that (it seems to me at least) by adding more than just Gjallarhorn to be left behind and just blanketly claim that they wanted to move away from Year 1 content... Would anyone have REALLY been mad had Bungie came out and said... "You know what, we screwed up with Gjallarhorn and are retiring it at Year 2" but still brought forward ALL of the other exotics and tried to fix them and made them work for the new content? I highly doubt it... It's their lack of acknowledging their mistake and owning it that really gets on my nerves. They claim to respect our efforts, but then every release seem to want to take away stuff we worked hard for... And Exotics are among the things that require the most grind and effort to achieve. It's a contradiction. I will end my thoughts on a positive note though... I do like the fact that ALL of the original PS4 exclusives (Hawkmoon, Monte Carlo, and 4th Horseman) are getting Year 2 upgrades, which prevents PS4 users from getting a double "screw you" come year 2 by taking them away. XBox users get to experience these weapons for the first time in their year 1 forms (and can subsequently upgrade them to year 2 if they deem them worthy of picking up an upgrade after trying them out) while PS4 users get a jump on upgrading these to Year 2 right away, so at least they did SOMETHING right there.

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              9 Replies
              • Good post OP. I agree, hard mode / raid guns should be something we can always use with max damage values. I don't understand how a common gun like The Last Word or Suros that many people earned via strange coins and bought from xur will get a year two buff, yet Necro and Mytho will be left to gather dust in our vaults. I was excitedly awaiting weapon change 2.0 to try these guns in a more even pvp meta without the Thorn & TLW dominance we currently see. I didnt want them to be OP, just competitive to give us a chance to use some of the most unique and rare weapons in pvp competitively. I know the normal crucible damage won't be affected, but I think there is no point practicing crucible with a gun I can't use in IB or Trials. Don't dismantle anything or give up hope though, they left Mytho behind once before (The Dark Below) and then chose to reverse their decision and buff it to max damage levels. Keep supporting polite and logical posts like the OP, to let bungie know how we feel about the decision!

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                2 Replies
                • I think all exotics and all raid weapons should come over. But yes, if ANYTHING should come over, I mean literally if only one weapon made the cut, it should be Necrochasm. Second pick would be Vex Mythoclast. Third would be a tie between all the quest weapons. But, Bungie feels contempt and anger toward its customers, so who knows.

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                • Necrochasm will have the max dmg like all other weapon in TTK, no?

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                  • I know this should not be the case, but me buying TTK is relying solely on this issue.

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                    • I think it should be an embarrassing reminder of how not to setup an exotic.

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                    • Bump

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                    • Bump

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                    • Bump

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                    • Bumpasauras

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                    • Bump

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                    • Edited by feigny: 8/24/2015 6:43:15 AM
                      (freshly uploaded so the quality has yet to get to 720p) Decided to try out the necrochasm with a number of gear and class perks. Had over 1000 ammo and was reloading instantly. Bungie please don't make this gun obsolete... (If anything though, this will make for a fun leveling gun - or for something in crucible) EDIT: On a side note, I totally forgot to test out the gun using the defender titan's 'war machine' perk. I'd love to see that in action.

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                    • I absolutely agree. I hope it was just not shown in the test server as upgradable by mistake. Only time will tell, but Necrochasm deserves to come into year 2 100%.

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