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originally posted in:The Overlords of Heresy
8/16/2015 9:12:16 PM

Chapter two story of three Overlords, Rise of darkness, episode 3

Cuban, Manhatton and I return to the ship as we Onboard Cuban looks at my Arc sword he says that's a nice looking blade it'd be nice if we could augment it to do more damage or even have a more intense arc current. I simply state that's for another time right now lets get our award from the Queen. Cuban goes to the pilot's seat and sits down we are on our way to the Reef. Manhatton looks across the hall at me he whispers something doesn't quite feel right about that Archon priest how did he escape the prison of elders without being detected the Queen has Crows everywhere there's no way he should have been able to get out with out them Noticing. Just then we reach the reef the Cluster of Asteroids and scattered corpses of ships welcoming us back to the living grave yard two of the Queen's ships guide us back to an Asteroid the Queens ship is landed here once we land we are Greeted by a single Crow he motions us onto the ramp going up into the Queens massive ship her ship is hard to describe. It's not like anything we've ever seen before. As we enter there are six of the Queens Corsairs that then guide us through a Series of halls until we reach a door with the Queens emblem embellished upon it. The door opens as we look out there is a single walk way with the Queen sitting on her Throne her brother Prince Uldren standing beside her. As we enter we overhear them speaking about the Nine she raises her hand to silence her brother. The Corsairs leave and all three of us stand in front of the Queen she speaks I'm pleased that you dispatched the fallen Archon Priest. And you shall be rewarded just then A fallen Captain comes around the back of the Throne in Chains he adorns no cloak and his armor is faded to nearly white. Uldren says he used to be a Captain for house Scar but he was captured he won't bend his knee to the Queen so you can do with him what you wish Guardians. Other wise he'll be sent to the prison of elders. As well you'll each be given a Gift the Corsairs come back in each pair carrying a Chest they drop each one behind us as we face the Queen She states Guardians I will have more bounties and missions for you. Cubans Fists are clenched I notice out of the corner of my eye it seems the fallen Captain has noticed as well Uldren's hand is on his knife. The Queen Dismisses us then. Cuban is the First to turn and pick up his chest I take the Captains chains in my right Hand and pick the Chest up and put it under my left arm Manhatton picks his Chest up it seems Heavier than ours as he appears to be straining with it as we walk out and are guided back through the Hallways to our ship as we Onboard our new fallen Friend immediately sits down in the Corner just behind the Cockpit on the bench I set my chest down and open it to find its Full of Glimmer and a small Weapons case as I open the Case I see a Sniper rifle with a golden barrel purple body and the Queens emblem on the side of it. Manhatton opens his to find it littered with Books of the reef and histories on the fallen his Chest has a small box in it is what appears to be two Cans of Liquid coolant a special Synthetic blend made by the Techeun's of the reef. Cuban opens his chest to Find a new Cloak Purple and Gold with the Queens emblem he throws it off of the ship he goes back to the chest and flips it over dumping its contents onto the floor something peculiar falls out amongst the Contents an envelope marked with the Queens Crest he picks it up and tucks it up his sleeve before going through the rest of the contents which contained some blank fallen house Banners as well as a map and a few Knives. Manhatton looks to me and asks what should we do with him now looking towards the fallen Captain sitting in Chains in the Corner The Captain Speaks in a low Gutteral Growl My name is Redreksis. Cuban looks over so you speak English? Redreksis only nods. Cuban talks on well can we trust you not to try to kill us if we take your chains off Redreksis replies again with Yes I will not harm my new host's. As he stands up Holding out all four of his Arms I walk over and cut the Chains from his Cuffs leaving some dangling from his wrists he Immediately stretches letting out a purring sound as if he is relieved He asks us a few questions sitting back down things like we're we are from and if we know anything of the other Fallen houses as well as where we will be going. I tell Redreksis that we will be going to Earth where we come from as well That we know of only four Fallen houses House Devils, House of Kings, House of Exile and the House of Winter and now House Scar but we havent encountered any others of House Scar on our Journeys this seems to sadden Him as his eyes lower He looks up to me seeing my Arc Sword he asks one more Question As Cuban goes to the Pilot seat he asks If he will be allowed to Fight alongside us. I look at him and say I don't see why not you'll just have to prove yourself. To be Continued.

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