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8/4/2015 10:07:10 PM

My opinions of the Taken King Changes

[b]This may or may not be a super long post like some of the others where people voiced their opinions about this but I will give details as to how I feel about these changes and then you all can comment on it. 1. Xbox players finally get the Playstation exclusive weapons and other stuff from Year 1: [/b]I have been playing Destiny on both my Xbox 360 and Xbox One since the game was released (including the beta) and although I was a little angry at the fact that Playstation players got certain weapons and missions/strikes Xbox players didn't it wasn't stuff that had to be in the Xbox version so I was overall ok with it since they said we would get that stuff at the end of Year 1. However once they revealed the loot changes that are coming it made me kind of angry that weapons like the Hawkmoon[b] (I'm a Hand Cannon player so yes I wanted it!)[/b] may become worthless as we get more powerful stuff after the Taken King comes out. Yes I am ok with the PS getting early access to missions and stuff like that which doesn't change much over time but [b]FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE NO MORE EXCLUSIVE WEAPONS FOR ANY GAMING PLATFORM! 2. Restructuring the Loot System: YES![/b] They are restructuring the loot system in Taken King to make the better stuff more rare and make it so we have even better chances at getting the better more rare stuff like Legendaries once we get close to the level cap. This is how I feel it is supposed to be so I am glad for these changes. [b]3. Making the level system consistant using XP to level up from 1 to 40:[/b] Honestly this was they way it needed to be from the start so I'm a little angry it took them this long to figure it out. I have all 3 classes level 34 currently so doesn't effect me too much compared to those stuck on lower levels but still this change was needed so glad they finally figured it out. [b]4. Nolan North as Ghost: [/b]Honestly I believe they still could have improved Dinklebot without him but if this is the way they want to do it by having him be the Ghost in future stuff as well as all current content than that is fine by me. We will probably like him better as the Ghost anyways and this gives me a good reason to play through all the story missions again in order once the Taken King drops on September 15th. [b]5. Weapon Changes:[/b] Honestly I have mixed feelings about all of the changes. Will only go over the Thorn and Gjallarhorn changes since those are the ones I care about the most. [b]Thorn:[/b] I have Thorn and do believe it is super OP in Crucible but given what we had to go through to obtain it is that really a bad thing? The changes will make the initial Damage Over Time lower but lets us stack it up to 5 times to make it even stronger than it originally was so overall it is a PVP nerf yet also a PVE buff against larger enemies. Overall good changes. [b]The Fricken Gallyhorn:[/b] Did it need to be nerfed? As much as I hate to say it considering I recently got mine: YES! It will still be a boss killer but with the nerfs it will also open up for more diversity in weapon choices. This will help with LFG stuff as well because hopefully it will stop people from asking only for people to join them if they have the Fricken Gjallarhorn. [b]Asking for people who are the max level for stuff like Skolas is one thing but I absolutely hate it when people ask only for other people who have OP weapons no matter how OP they are![/b] [b]So these are my opinions on the Taken King changes so far. Feel free to post your opinions and other comments.[/b]

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