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8/3/2015 7:11:39 PM

create planet Krypton's Phantom Zone: anti-cheating with flair

How awesome would it be, in the middle of an IB or Trials match, when confronted by someone cheating (lag switching or some other such exploit) to have a huge hand reach out of the sky and pluck them away, with Shaxx's voice echoing "BANNED"? Or to see them zapped to a crisp by red lightning, or spin away into the sky trapped in a mirror à la Superman 2 Phantom Zone? GUILTY. GUILTY. GUILTY. I'm not suggesting that an account be banned without review, but there has to be some way to detect blatant abuse in real time and put that player into some kind of a "time out" aka PHANTOM ZONE until the end of the match. I'm glad cheating has been addressed publicly, via the weekly update mentioning that bans are being handed out. It would be awesome not to have to run into it so much though! Easily every other match last night there was someone we could headshot 3x or keep punching without any loss of shields or life. Or they'd live through it and kill two of us, then our blows would land for a post mortem kill. Or they'd warp in and kill someone and suddenly disappear without even lighting up the radar. Being able to report a player gives an illusion of being able to do something yet somehow also is like stuffing ballots into an endless bag of holding, never again to be seen. My suggestion here is to implement in game something to provide feedback to our feedback, to see that something tangible came out of it.

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