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originally posted in:The Overlords of Heresy
Edited by HERETICOVERLORD: 8/25/2015 2:31:20 PM

Chapter 1, The story of three Overlords Episode 5

I can see a figure teeth bloody and Serrated that's the only thing that's clear that's all I can see and then it speaks its voice great ancient booming. It states you have come seeking power seeking glory seeking your Destiny as long as you carry that which is mine I will give you power so that you might attain Glory in doing so you will help me as well as find your Destiny It relaxes spreading its wings curling up in itself. Do you accept these terms I look around mist everywhere the air thick with mystery as I look up it appears there's Hundreds of giants flying in the sky not ships I can't make them out. Teeth again bloody and Serrated speaking. Mortal I am a bearer of deals promises and wisdom. Oh bearer mine I am all you seek power, glory and the will to find your Destiny. Fresh blood drips from It's teeth. I speak I accept your deal but what is your name? It replies oh bearer mine I'm dead as are you but we shall be remembered. My name is Venui Ryu he fades away. Nothing but bones left bones falling from the sky blood raining down. I wake up sweaty feeling as if I'm on fire as I look down I Notice blood on my bed as I look down the tooth is laying there just outside my pocket covered in fresh blood. Just then Manhatton walks in looks at me and states get ready we leave in an hour just got a new mission. He see's me looking as if I just saw a ghost he asks are you alright I say yes as I stuff the tooth back in my pocket the fresh blood on my fingers warm to the touch. He walks out of the door I stand up and put my armor on. I sit on the edge of my bed thinking what had I just seen what could they have been and why did they offer me power and how does that help them. I stand up trying to put these thoughts out of my head. I grab my hand cannon off of my night stand its colors still so magnificent to me its gold and black with sandal wood stained grips. I walk out the door thinking what could we be in for now. As I make my way into the hangar I Notice a man walking from the hanger in the most ornate armor I've ever seen. Wolves of gold on the armor carrying a burning banner with him made of Iron. As I walk past him I ask who he is he simply replies through his gold Visor Lord Saladin the host of the Iron Banner Tournament matches in the crucible to test the mettle of those who have mastered real combat. I walk on think about this. So much the Iron Banner is for the best then I think to myself. As I walk down the hangar steps I feel as if I'm being watched as I turn I see something hunkered in the corner of the hangar yellow eyes peering back at me I shrug it off As I make my way to our main ship the door already open as I walk in There's Cuban sharping his knives spread out on the table. The door closes behind me Cuban looks up you know were going to see the queen I hear she's in control of some fallen house called the wolves. Either way not many guardians get invited out there to meet with the queen personally. My ships tagging along behind us piloted by my ghost just in case we run into any problems. Manhatton peaks back from the Cockpit as the ship begins to rise to take off he says you know The Queen must have something of great importance for us especially if she asking us to the reef. Cuban responds either that or she doesn't want to kill of her corsair's on some suicide mission. If we did it doesn't affect her at all or her reef at all. I ask if they have ever met the Queen both say they haven't. Although things seem negative about her I'm excited to meet her and not be in the tower for once. I can't help but hope she's a new ally. Just then we take off in a burst of motion a bolt forward. A few seconds and we are in orbit. I hear a buzzer and a red light comes on my ghost simply goes oh no. As I look to Cuban he replies fallen Manhatton yells back taking advanced maneuvers 3 skiffs on our tail. Cuban picks up his knife putting them in his sheaths. He walks over to the back door hitting the override the door slowly begins to open an emergency door closing off the Cockpit as a Vacuum begins to form sucking all of the air out of the room I grab on to the table barely able to hang on to the main post. Cuban holds on to the bar by the door slowly pulling a knife from its sheath as the door nears maximum clearance Cuban lets go of the bar pulling another knife from his sheath. As he leaps both knifes prepped in his hands as he fly's towards the nearest skiff landing just above its frontal arrays his knifes sticking into its metal hull he goes blade dancer pulling his arc blade out cutting a hole in the hull he climbs in fighting the force of the vacuum a dreg literally is ripped out with a piece of the hull the skiff rams into the skiff beside it taking out one of its engines causing it to burst into flames as the fuel solage catches fire feeding the flames on the opposite skiff I can see arc energy pouring out with tons of ash from the vacuum. He's killing so many fallen in there I think as the ship burst into flames with him still in it pieces blow off in every direction I see Cuban get sucked out by the Vacuum clutching onto a fallen Captain as they tumble into space I see something in the Distance Small green and black but catching up to us I see it slow down as it nears Cuban the Captain going limp that's all I can make out as arc bolts fly towards us I pull out the last word Firing all eight shots at the skiff with no effect its armors too thick. The hatch starts to close I keep firing I have to fight I can't let them hit us. When suddenly a Void bomb flys past my face Manhatton standing beside me the front of the skiff disintegrates from the hit at this speed. Sending it tumbling through space Cubans ship is now closing the Distance behind us I hear him over the comms I'm all good how about you guys. Just then The alarm went off again this time looking out the closing hath j can make out a massive figure coming out of a jump a fallen ketch. Manhatton races to the Cock pit and punches the thrusters go full speed its too fast its closing in right on top of us the mark of the kings on the ketch's hull Cuban ship hits the brakes and pulls downward to go under the ketch. Manhatton. Yells to hang on he's going to hit the after burners as he does the ship thrust forward giving us some distance on the ketch I can hear Cuban on the comms it not enough they're prepping weapon systems you guys need to be out of there now. I see his ship try to get its attention firing rockets and small concentrated arc energy bursts at its engines. Barely effecting it. When I see him line up with the main engine on the top speeding up as he closed the gap I hear him call over the comms don't wait up for me guys. As his rams into the main engines destroying the engine his ship lodged in it on fire partially crushed the comms are silent. The Ketch can't keep up. As we pull away out of the range of its weapon systems. Manhatton puts the ship on auto pilot he comes back and says don't worry I'm sure he's fine. It's another hour before we reach the reef no word from Cuban. As we land in the Vestian Outpost we are welcomed by Prince Uldren the Queens brother his face stern his hand on his hand cannon. Watching us as we off board. Along with him are four Corsairs. They Escort us directly to the Queen. She sits on her Throne Fallen Vandals at her side ready with spears to impale anyone who might threaten the Queen she waives away her brother And the Corsairs with her hand. We are alone beside the fallen that guard her. We stand before her. She introduces herself I am Mara Sov Queen of the reef and the awoken. I have asked you here to help me with a task. I'm sure you have fought the fallen before however there are reports of an unknown house trying to steal from me. It's believed they are trying to take back one of the Hierachy of the fallen. The only problem is we don't know what house is scheming to do so. However they currently are on earth stationed in the sky watch maybe you can make a visit it to them my Brothers crows have been watching them for awhile however they have started jamming the area seeing as the earth falls under the travelers protection. We decided to Notify you of this enemy. As they plot to take your city and steal from me. So they are enemies to both of us. If you kill them you'll have my gratitude. Mara stops speaking for a moment. She looks directly at me as if sensing something she steps off of her Throne coming closer and remember Guardians. I don't forgive or forget easily. As me and Manhatton walk out of the throne room we on board I lay in the ship in the room where I originally got my Red hand cannon I lay on a fold down cot that comes out of the wall. Manhatton says I might as well lay down a moment there are somethings that need to be taken care of before we leave. I nod off I keep seeing Cubans ship as it hits the engine if the ketch. To be continued.......

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