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7/13/2015 7:18:57 PM

The Taken King Scam

I will buy the Collectors Edition.


I will not buy the Collectors Edition.


I will not buy the Taken King Expansion


Ok before I begin my rant, I love this game, it is by far my favorite game for next gen, and by far one of my favorite games of all time. I was the gamer who saw destiny as an underdog when I read about it, and picked it up the day after it dropped only because I had nothing else to play. Since then I have gone from general curiosity to total obsession with the game. Now, as an obsessed fan, understandably I nerded all over myself when I saw the Taken King trailer, then again when I saw all of the exclusive content in the Collectors edition. Only, upon further inspection I found that you are paying $80 for essentially four things. The original game, the Dark Below, House of Wolves, and the Taken King Expansion. As a total nerd for this game I already own the first two expansions, just as many other Guardians do. So tell me, why should I pay $80 for one expansion and a few in game bonuses? I would love to have the collectable strange coin and leather book, but I am having a hard time justifying spending money on digital useless digital content. This is the first time I have ever been genuinely disappointed in Bungie.

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