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11/18/2008 8:00:08 PM

Halo 3 Epilogue Story (Part Twenty Now In) see page 35

[b] Prologue [/b] Mist and distant stars swirled and danced in a dazzling display of colour. In the distance he could make out the faces of those he had lost, many of them friends but all were heroes determined to ensure the survival of mankind. But unlike them he had prevailed where they had not and against all the odds he had defeated countless enemies on countless worlds. He had survived and was now the last of his kind in a universe full of uncertainty. As he continued to drift in his new found peace the distant mist changed colour once more to a fiery red, which radiated with blinding beauty in the dark and empty void. His name was whispered amongst the stars over and over again, but then the whispering became louder until a deafening roar filled his already ringing ears. “John, wake up!” screamed Cortana. John quickly opened his eyes only to see the shattered and broken section of the frigate before him. He opened the stasis chamber and pulled his weightless body from its inviting warmth. All around him the hull of the ship seemed to warp and shudder as a series of bright red flares cascaded around the bulkheads. “Status,” Barked john “Re-entry Chief, we’re about to make an emergency crash landing.” Explained Cortana “Where?” asked John “I don’t know, but wherever we are it’s nowhere near Earth.” Replied Cortana John moved to the far end of the deck to see what Cortana was talking about. Below the broken UNSC ship was a large planet shrouded in darkness, the only visible light was on the horizon from the now rising sun. “Firing emergency thrusters!” stated Cortana Despite only having half the ship to use, the robust structure and redundant back-up systems were still capable of manoeuvring the hulk in the planets atmosphere. The ungainly shape of the UNSC frigate would provide maximum surface for slowing their descent. The only thing they had to worry about was the landing itself. [b] Part One [/b] “What are our options?” asked John “I could crash-land the Forward Unto Dawn, but I doubt that even you would survive chief. Our only other option is for you to get to one of the ships’ hangar bays and try and fly a Pelican to the surface. Once there, I’ll land the Dawn as best as I can.” Explained Cortana “I’m not leaving you behind, not again.” Stated John “Chief you don’t have a choice; if you stay you’ll die. Falling from the sky is one thing, but falling from the sky in 600,000 metric tones of frigate is another. Flying a Pelican to the surface is your only option.” Said Cortana John stared at Cortana as he weighed the possible options. No doubt every conceivable plan that he was going through in his head had already been examined, summarized and discounted by Cortana along with another ten thousand options within the blink of an eye. Her calculating abilities were only matched by his stubbornness, something which Sgt Johnson had remarked on more than one occasion. But deep down he knew that she was right and reluctantly agreed. “Where’s the nearest hangar bay?” he asked. “Two decks down, the damaged lift shaft is your best way of getting there. Once there I’ll try and steady the ship enough for you to fly out, but once your out it’ll be one hell of a ride.” Replied Cortana “I can handle it.” Stated John with a confident tone John grabbed the assault rifle and attached it to his armoured back before boosting himself off the stasis chamber and towards the darker section of the ship. Cortana had activated several way-points on his NAV computer all of which illuminated a small section of his display like a trail of proverbial breadcrumbs. Ahead of him the hull shuddered under the increasing stress of re-entry. Although they were still some way out before the ship would start to burn, John knew that the most time he had was around seventeen minutes. Then as if by some form of telepathy, Cortana activated a small timer display in the upper left section of his helmet which read: 17:28 before it began to count down. “This is how much time you have chief before the Dawn becomes too unstable for you to leave, so I suggest that you hurry.” Shouted Cortana John glided towards the lift shaft ahead of him and then placed an armour encased hand on the twisted door. John planted his feet on the floor before exerting some pressure on the broken doorway. After several seconds of pulling, the metal gave way and the door glided slowly away from him revealing a dark lift shaft that almost seemed to descend into infinity. After increasing the power to his helmet mounted lamp and boosting the gain on his night vision sensors, John quickly dived into the bowels of the Dawn. All around him shapes and shadows fleeted and warped in the changing light, giving the illusion that he was traveling with company. John only wished that were true. He would have given anything to be with his old team again. Cortana snapped John back to reality with a progress report on their re-entry; he was surprised to discover that almost five minutes had passed since he left the upper deck. John once again focused on his lonely descent just as the hangar lift doors came into view. Unlike the ones that he had left behind these doors were untouched, which presented more than just one problem. As there was no damage to the doors it left John with very little to hold onto. “Cortana can you spare any power for the doors at the hangar level?” asked John “Not at the moment chief, I’m using all I have just to keep us pointing the right way. You’ll just have to use your head.” Replied Cortana “Good idea.” Whispered John John pushed gently away from the hangar entrance and towards the opposing wall of the lift shaft where the magnetic guide rails for the lift carriage were located. After slowing and positioning himself properly John pushed as hard as he could towards the lift doors and smacked into them with the force of a small tank. The impact sent stars swirling around his head and momentarily lowered his shield strength to 76% before recharging. Cortana immediately noticed the change in his status and asked what was happening, John replied with his usual sense of wit. “Just following your advice,” The encounter with the lift door had left it bent and buckled with enough surface gain for John to twist the metal into a more appropriate doorway. After passing through the gap John found himself in a large room that barely resembled any sort of hangar. All him around were various and untidy piles of logistical containers that had either been left unsecured or had been shaken from their mountings. Ahead of him were six Pelicans; four were clearly damaged to the extent that flight was not an option and two of those had been ripped from their ceiling mounted transit clamps. The other two seemed intact and were still fixed to the large mechanical clamps on the hangar ceiling, but as John glided closer he noticed that one of them was covered in a series of large, deep gouges that meant re-entry would be more than a little warm. The last remaining Pelican, apart from a couple of dents, was still perfectly flight worthy, and the automated release system for that particular clamp was still working. It seemed that John’s unusual run of good luck was still with him. John swam in the zero gravity towards the working Pelican and hauled himself inside through its rear deployment ramp. Despite the outward appearance of the drop ship its interior was anything but calm as John made his way to the cockpit across an internal sea of scattered weapons and ammunition cases. The cockpit was a welcome sight and despite his bulk john managed to secure himself in the small pilot’s chair and activated the controls. Lights and display screens flickered into life giving the cockpit a strange glow that was more reminiscent of a Covenant cruiser. It had been a while since he had flown himself, but he had a huge area to land on; the planet below. So getting down would not be a problem. John glanced at the timer display in his SPARTAN helmet where it read 4:09; the trip had taken longer than expected. In a series of quick stabs at the control panel the engines erupted into life and John released the Pelican from its transit clamp and turned the ship around before stabilizing the drop ship in a small hover. “Cortana, status!” bellowed John “The Dawn’s a little sluggish but I think I’ve managed to stabilize her trajectory. I see that you finally got yourself a means of transport,” Answered Cortana “Opening outer doors.” As Cortana opened the hangar doors John was greeted with a blaze of light from the rising sun on the planets’ horizon. His faceplate polarized to compensate for the intense glare, allowing John to see the interior of the frigate around him once more. “Chief you’ve got less than three minutes, get out!” commanded Cortana John answered with a light push on the engines thrusters, which sent the Pelican towards the illuminated opening. The Dawn shuddered several times in the increasing turbulence before Cortana regained control long enough for John to activate the afterburners on the drop ship, sending it hurtling outwards and into the violent atmosphere. The Pelican jerked suddenly as it came into contact with the rushing air, sending Johns head down with the g-force. After a couple of seconds John regained his control on the nauseating dive and turned to follow the descending frigate just as the Dawn’s forward hull began to glow red from the re-entry manoeuvre. John fired the afterburners a second time and sped towards the falling frigate. “Cortana what’s your status?” shouted John “I still have control of the descent and expect impact in twenty two minutes, after I have made a series of-.” Cortana’s conversation was cut short as the antenna array was ripped from the Dawn in the glaring inferno. John followed closely behind in the Pelican trying to raise an answer from his artificial comrade. [Edited on 01.27.2009 12:56 PM PST]
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  • this is so epic, i need to eat popcorn with it... *munch munch*

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] beta 276 kills Wow...i used to follow this but it disapeared for a while. Can someone sup up part 5 - end in a paragraph?[/quote] [url=]Click[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] beta 276 kills Wow...i used to follow this but it disapeared for a while. Can someone sup up part 5 - end in a paragraph?[/quote] some stuff happens, then mc shoots something, then some other stuff happens, brutes die, and then there's some talking. You dont need to read because thats what happens so just post every once in a while and ill update u again...... : )

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  • Part five?? Dude just go read it, its SO worth the time.

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  • Wow...i used to follow this but it disapeared for a while. Can someone sup up part 5 - end in a paragraph?

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  • Tried to sumbit it as a news item twice. Nothing came of it. Did it for part 19.

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  • they would love this story im sure of it, post it in the blog thing!

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  • Wow...I just read all 20 parts so far....and i'm tired after reading all of that....but damn....if this turns out to be HALO 4........I'm really impressed... GO WORK FOR BUNGIE MAN !! [Edited on 03.13.2009 7:37 PM PDT]

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  • Try posting this whole thing in the blog section on the front page. Who knows maybe someone will like it. Edit: I mean someone from Bungie, because we all love it. [Edited on 01.29.2009 4:49 PM PST]

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  • I'm dying to get some sort of response from someone that works for Bungie. What do Bungie think of this story? Do they like it? Is it a load of rubbish? Is it way off track? does it adhere to Halo canon? It would just be nice to know what the Bungie family thinks of this fanfic, and what they think of other fanfics. Please...someone...anyone from Bungie. Answer my call.

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  • I 4m th3 Cheef! l0l0l0l1l1l1l0l0lolool

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  • well done

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  • Nice Part

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  • There are still things that they are yet to uncover about the Forerunners and the other species called the enemy, (who by the way do actually have a name, which will be revealed at a later date). But there will be the odd clue lying around to the future of the story. Part 21 won't be written until next week, as I'm away this weekend. Thanks for the praise.

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  • You should get paid for this.

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  • ROFLCOPTERLMAO!!! Nice writing Max! Thanks for answering my (and everyone else's) questions. More epic gore to come?

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  • I cracked up like ape sh!7 when the Brute ran into a wall.

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  • Epic Epic Epic Win

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  • John refocused on their new objective. The Brutes would be desperate after the weeks that had passed since their defeat. Not to mention the initial bombardment of the cave entrance. They were lucky that there was any entrance at all. The bombing of the cave had been stopped after an orbiting Elite vessel had detected an unusual energy reading from beneath the cliff face. The residing Elite fleet master at the time had offered his assistance to Hood in clearing the cave, but Hood’s initial acceptance of the offer was quickly overruled for reasons that were unknown to him. John was unsure where the order to deny assistance had come from, but he had a good idea that one of the senior officers from the debriefing yesterday had something to do with it. What he did know, was the reason for the order, greed and power. Whatever was lying beneath the cave was not only of interest to the UNSC, but to the Brutes as well. That was probably why they were even in Europe at all instead of strengthening the loyalist presence in Africa. “How do you want to play this?” asked Fred over the COM “Standard guerrilla clearance.” answered John “We’ll use grenades to clear the mouth of the cave and then throw in a flare for good measure.” “Linda and Mark?” queried Fred “Outward flanking positions to provide accurate fire support. Then we’ll call them in once we’re twenty or thirty metres inside.” Fred nodded. He liked the plan. But more than that it was like how it used to be. It was like being back on Reach. “Who’s first in?” he asked “I am,” Answered John confidently “then you, Kelly, Ash and Olivia. Once I’m happy its clear Olivia can put her skills to good use, and take point for the route inside. GEO says the route narrows after the entrance, and the last thing we need is a bunch of walking tanks clunking around, giving the Brutes any idea of how close we are.” “They’ll know we’re here once we start throwing grenades.” Noted Fred “I know, but the route further inside the cave will be greatly in their favour. At that point we’ll need stealth, not shooting.” Mark suddenly stopped and squatted down into a fire position. All of the other Spartans immediately stopped and crouched down. “What is it?” asked Fred Mark steadied himself into a statue and stared at the mouth to the cave. “I had some movement. Not much, but enough to tell it wasn’t a deer or a sheep.” “What makes you say that?” said John “Because sheep aren’t eight feet tall,” Chuckled Mark John raised his thumb and fore finger to his faceplate – the Spartan smile gesture. “Good eyes Mark. Keep them open.” They were all still a good eight hundred metres from the cave, and at that range John knew the Brutes had little in the way of weaponry that could hit them with any accuracy. But he was not one for complacency. “Linda, Mark. Take up a stationary fire position fifty metres to the west. If you see any more movement from the cave then relieve whatever it is of their head.” Both of them quietly creeped off to the left; still maintaining their view on the cave as they took it in turns to cover each other. John immediately motioned the rest of the team to move forward. Olivia set off like a cheetah. The rest of them followed behind - weapons at the ready. Olivia managed to move forward to within a hundred metres of the cave before two simultaneous high velocity shots rang out. “Movement sighted in the cave.” Announced Linda Olivia dropped to the ground and immediately magnified her vision to see what they had been shooting at. Inside the cave and barely visible, was the shadow covered shape of a brute soldier. Although unable to make out what rank it was she could tell easily tell that it was minus its helmet and weapon. The shape quickly slumped to its knees before keeling over onto its front. Their was a brief scuttling sound like rapid footsteps moving over the hard wet rocks of the cave. John and the others ran forward into a forward fire position. Fred tossed two grenades into the cave, followed by two more from Kelly. A double pair of muffled explosions filled the entrance, and a small cloud of stones and dust erupted from the darkened hole. John moved further forward and then threw in a flare. The small golden orb bounced around inside the cave before settling behind a trio of large rocks and exploding into a small sun. Its direct glare was blocked to the outside, but the intense light still illuminated the rest of the cave. Another shot rang out from Linda. “That’s two.” John and the others sprinted forward to the sides of the cave entrance before the flare had finished its display. Another two grenades were thrown by Olivia. They exploded filling the cave with more shrapnel. Then John entered the cave. John’s vision quickly adjusted to the dim light, but to avoid presenting an obvious target to the brute soldiers he left his field light off. He heard movement several metres off to the right, behind some more rocks. He quickly turned and raised his HHAG simultaneously. Out from behind the rocks strode the large bulk of a Brute Chieftain. The large ape growled loudly before charging towards John. John calmly pulled the trigger twice and the weapon coughed two, sub light titanium darts at the Brute. Two large holes erupted in the chieftain’s chest sending blood and gore in all directions. The brute, almost unaware of the injury continued its charge. John sidestepped the bloody hulk, and the brute ran headlong into the opposing cave wall and then collapsed into a heap on the ground. “That’s three.” Informed John The rest of the Spartans moved into the cave before they descended into the darkness. [b] To be continued... [/b]

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  • [b] Part 20 [/b] [i] Otterburn Firing Range, United Kingdom [/i] John and the others made their way on towards the cliff face to the north. Each of them were brandishing the HHAG as though it was some kind of metallic child, holding it close to their armour. Olivia had reclaimed her role on point with Mark close behind. He like Linda, were the only two carrying the reliable and deadly sniper rifle. Mark was walking with his rifle permanently aimed at the distant cave entrance. Occasionally he would briefly stop to use the rifles powerful scope to check out the entrance as Olivia carried on ahead, blending into the knee-high grass and patches of heather that covered most of the area. John walked alongside Fred in an almost casual manner, but this was far from the truth. Each Spartan was well prepared and determined to see out any encounter, no matter the enemy, or the weapons they carried. About fifty metres to the left of John and Fred, Kelly moved along in a half-crouched walk, nimbly avoiding the large tufts of grass and earth with un-rivalled grace. Each tuft of peat filled mud was the size of a large water melon. If this path had been walked by a marine with his usual pair of issued boots then the trip would most likely be brief, and filled with sprains or a fractured ankle. The terrain, although green and pleasant, was littered with these so called ‘Babies heads’. The British based military arm of the UNSC often referred to these irregular mounds of earth as fields of heads. All of which could break the ankle of any unwary soldier. Since John’s arrival on Earth he had received a brief upgrade of armour plating and software. Something which now enabled him to see all of his squad members military records, and he was impressed with the new additions to the squad. To the right strode the confident and eager Ash. And despite his youth, especially when compared with the Spartan II’s, he had matured into a proficient and capable leader. Olivia was a well-proven scout and as quiet as the smallest of cats, whilst Mark was the younger version of Linda, and just as capable with a sniper rifle. John could see that Kurt had performed admirably in his role as an instructor. John was pleased that he had been reunited with his remaining Spartans, but despite this he was concerned with his constant absence from Cortana. Her voice had provided sound advice since she had been installed into his armour all those years ago on Reach. Since defeating the loyalist arm of the Covenant and the lie filled uttering’s of the prophets, John had thought that his remaining time alive would be filled with endless conversations with Cortana as they glided in empty space. She would no doubt discuss every previous encounter with the Covenant, analysing each combat scenario to a degree that a neurosurgeon would be proud of. He had anticipated that her eventual descent into rampancy would be quickly followed by his own madness, something which he was content with. His role in the war with the Covenant had been fulfilled, and all of his enemies had been cut from their delicate grip on life. John had finally relinquished himself to an eternity of silence, far from the sickening sound of screams and gunfire, and the bright blue light of exploding plasma. But as he soon discovered, Cortana was not his only concern. When the other Spartans had escaped the assaulting army of Covenant soldiers on Onyx, they had found themselves in an environment filled with wonder. All of it created by the Forerunners. But Doctor Halsey had other priorities. In addition to the desire to escape the artificial prison that had protected them since their arrival, they needed to uncover the Forerunners advanced grip on technology to free another squad of Spartan III’s. Team Sabre had been imprisoned in a series of stasis pods, but their method of capture was presently beyond the abilities of Doctor Halsey and the full weight of the UNSC advanced research division. He knew full well that mankind had an understanding of Slipspace, but it was only enough to send space faring vessels through to their remote and distant destinations. It was simply a question of knowledge and experience in a field that mankind was quite new to. The Covenant were however, more experienced in this area. But even they had been at a loss to solve the Sentinel induced puzzle of Slipspace enveloped stasis pods. John’s other additions were also a concern. Lucy another of the Spartan III’s, was currently receiving treatment for posttraumatic vocal disarticulation - a condition that prevented her from speaking. John was unsure whether this was from any physical trauma, but whatever the case, he wished her a speedy recovery. But regrettably his reasons for wishing this were not born from sympathy, but a need for more soldiers, soldiers that could give mankind another glimmer of hope, against a formidable foe. John was sometimes disappointed that he lacked the almost sympathetic attitude to his fellow Spartans. Unlike Fred he always concentrated on the objective. Achieving it was what he strode for. And unfortunately, that often came at a heavy price. Tom was another of the Spartan III survivors, but his responsibility currently revolved around Team Sabre. There was little he could do apart from provide a presence in case the technicians were successful. Something which John thought was unlikely, at least for now. The technicians also had another mystery to solve. Both John and the other Spartans had managed to get back to Earth by finding a Forerunner hangar. Now the UNSC was in possession of two advanced vessels. Unfortunately these two craft were only shuttles, but they would hopefully provide some answers in the search for new technology. John’s return journey to Earth had been brief, but the other Spartans had had further to travel, in addition to carrying the doctor around after she slipped and fractured an ankle.

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  • Interesting, really interesting... Well done Max, the Eden part just makes me guess it may have something to do with the Librarian. Have you read my Honour of a Heretic?

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  • I'm a good third of the way through it at the moment. Hope to write more of it tonight. I did say that I was hoping to post before Friday, but I appreciate the eagerness to read AngusBoy. [i] Deep within lies more than a blanket of ash. [/i] [i] Follow the path down into the bowels of darkness and you shall find, not hell, but a garden of Eden. [/i] [b] A storm is coming... [/b]

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  • Argh No Part 20

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  • there eight stasis pods, 5 is team katana, 1 has the 'kill' flag stuck on, that 6 then so there 2 unkowns page 335, chapter 36 in halo: ghost of onyx paperbacik p.s. each team made up of 5 spartan IIs, 1 spartan is from gladius team sabre is down to 3 spartans okay i was wrong theres no mention of technicians in the pods but who else could they be, sceintists researching the forerunner complex, marine guards, technicains [Edited on 01.26.2009 1:19 PM PST]

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  • The stasis pods only had the spartans from team Katana in them.

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  • sweetness.

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